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Biden's Doctor: Corona-Symptoms almost completely withdrawn

For about a week, US-President Biden has been isolating at his private home due to a Coronavirus infection, away from Washington. Now, his personal physician has provided new information about his condition.

Biden retreated to his private residence (archive picture)
Biden retreated to his private residence (archive picture)

US-Government - Biden's Doctor: Corona-Symptoms almost completely withdrawn

US-President Joe Biden is reportedly on the mend according to his doctor's statements after his Coronavirus infection. "His symptoms have almost completely returned," Biden's doctor, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, wrote in a statement released by the White House. His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature are all "absolutely normal." His oxygen saturation remains excellent in room air, O'Connor added. "His lungs are clear."

Biden received his tenth dose of Covid-medication Paxlovid on Monday morning. The 81-year-old is continuing to perform all presidential duties, according to the doctor. It remains unclear whether Biden is still testing positive for Coronavirus. Biden has been isolating at his private home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware since last Wednesday. It is uncertain when the US President will return to the White House.

It is also unclear when and if important events on Biden's schedule will take place this week. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has traveled to the US capital to give a speech before both houses of Congress on Wednesday. He had also planned to meet with Biden on Tuesday. The 81-year-old had also announced this week to provide further details on his plans to withdraw from the US Presidential race. No schedule has been set for that yet.

  1. The United States government is closely monitoring the health of the US-President Joe Biden during his recovery from the Coronavirus infection.
  2. The US Election 2024 is a topic of interest, but with Biden's health recovery being the focus, potential candidates may be holding their campaigns.
  3. The Coronavirus disease has been a major challenge for the United States of America, with the government and healthcare providers continually developing strategies to combat it.
  4. Despite his Coronavirus infection, President Biden's dedication to his duties remains unwavering, as shown by his continued performance of presidential tasks.
  5. The upcoming US Election 2024 could potentially see a new US-President, but with Joe Biden's health recovery progressing positively, the election's timeline and dynamics may change.

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