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Biden wants to reunite Gaza Strip and West Bank

Time after the war

People are fleeing Gaza City because of the Israeli
People are fleeing Gaza City because of the Israeli

Biden wants to reunite Gaza Strip and West Bank

Israel's goal is to destroy Hamas. But what could the future look like in the Gaza Strip if the strike against the terrorist organization succeeds? The American president is in favor of uniting the two Palestinian territories. Israeli President Netanyahu is skeptical

US President Joe Biden has spoken out in favor of a reunification of the Palestinian territories under the umbrella of a new Palestinian Authority with a view to the post-war period. "The Gaza Strip and the West Bank should be reunited under a unified government structure, ultimately under a revitalized Palestinian Authority," he wrote in a published article for the Washington Post. This should happen "while we all work toward a two-state solution".

This envisages the establishment of a Palestinian state that coexists peacefully with Israel and has been under discussion for decades. Biden published his statement six weeks after the start of the war between Israel and the Islamist Palestinian organization Hamas. He had promised Israel the "rock solid and irrevocable" of his country.

"A two-state solution is the only way to guarantee long-term security for the Israeli and Palestinian people," Biden continued. "While it may currently seem that such a future is further away than ever, this crisis has made it more imperative than ever."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed skepticism about the demands. "I think that the Palestinian Authority in its current form is not in a position to take responsibility for Gaza," said Netanyahu in Tel Aviv.

Hamas has controlled Gaza since 2007

On 7 October, hundreds of fighters from Hamas, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the USA and the EU, attacked Israel and committed atrocities there, mainly against civilians. According to Israeli figures, around 1,200 people were killed in Israel and around 240 people were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip.

In response, Israel launched massive counter-attacks on targets in the Gaza Strip, and ground troops have now also entered the area. These are now said to be in the center of Gaza City and Hamas has lost control of the northern Gaza Strip.

Hamas took power in the Gaza Strip in 2007 after fighting with supporters of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah. Fatah rules in the West Bank.

  1. The success of Israel's goal to destroy Hamas in the Gaza Strip could potentially lead to a restructured political landscape, with the American president advocating for the reunification of the Gaza Strip and West Bank under a revitalized Palestinian Authority.
  2. The conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has seen the Islamist group controlling the Gaza Strip since 2007, has highlights the need for a two-state solution, as suggested by US President Joe Biden, to guarantee long-term security for both Israeli and Palestinian people.
  3. Despite Biden's push for unity, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed skepticism about the feasibility of the Palestinian Authority regaining control over the Gaza Strip, given its current state of power and responsibility.


