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Biden suspends campaigning - tested positive for Corona

As if the election year in the USA wasn't already exhausting enough, 81-year-old President Joe Biden now has to cut short a visit to Nevada - due to Corona.

Biden will now retreat to his private house in Rehoboth, in the state of Delaware.
Biden will now retreat to his private house in Rehoboth, in the state of Delaware.

US-election campaign - Biden suspends campaigning - tested positive for Corona

US-President Joe Biden has tested positive for the Coronavirus and has therefore had to cancel an important campaign trip. Contrary to plans, the 81-year-old left Nevada early. Biden intends to retreat to his private home in Rehoboth, Delaware, and isolate there. He can perform all duties from there in full capacity, the White House stated. He has been vaccinated and has mild symptoms.

Biden, who intends to be confirmed in office after the November election, was in Las Vegas on Wednesday to court votes, especially among the Hispanic population. He first made a stop at a Mexican restaurant to meet with voters. He then intended to appear at a conference of an important civil rights organization that represents the interests of the Hispanic population, but that did not come to pass. Another appointment also had to be cancelled.

The president of the organization UnidosUS, Janet Murguía, announced that Biden had called her and informed her that he could not come. Shortly thereafter, the White House confirmed that Biden had tested positive for the virus after the first event. A confirmation of the test result by a PCR test is still pending, according to a statement from his doctor. Biden has respiratory symptoms, a runny nose, and a cough. He has received his first dose of the Covid-medication Paxlovid.

Biden was last tested positive for the virus two years ago. He was also treated with Paxlovid and was only a few days after the end of his Corona isolation again tested positive for the Coronavirus. This was then described as a "rebound" that occurred in rare cases in patients treated with Paxlovid. Biden had a mild course of the disease at the time.

Biden belongs to the risk group due to his advanced age. Discussions about Biden's health status have been a frequent topic, especially in view of the presidential election in November. Biden intends to be confirmed in office after the November election. The Democrat is currently fighting on all fronts to save his presidential campaign. During a TV debate against the Republican presidential challenger Donald Trump about three weeks ago, Biden had a runny nose and a hoarse voice. According to the White House, a Coronatest came back negative at the time.

Nevada is a so-called swing state, which cannot be reliably attributed to either Democrats or Republicans. Swing States are politically fiercely contested, which is why the campaigns of the presidential candidates or candidates for the presidency often focus on these states.

Prominent call to quit: Debate goes on

Biden is facing new demands to withdraw from the race for a second term as president. After several other party colleagues, now prominent Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff from the House of Representatives has called on Biden to step down from the presidential race.

He has serious concerns about Biden's ability to defeat the Republican presidential candidate in November, Schiff, who is running for a Senate seat, stated in a written statement. Biden has achieved great successes, but it is time to clear the way for someone else. "There's just too much at stake," he warned.

Ship is a friend of the former democratic House Representatives' chairwoman, Nancy Pelosi. Both represent constituencies in the most populous federal state, California. Pelosi still holds significant influence within the party. The powerful Democrat had recently stated in an interview: "It's up to the President to decide whether he runs." She added: "We all encourage him to make this decision. Time is running out." Her explicit refusal to endorse Biden generated headlines.

Following an attack on Trump at a campaign rally over the weekend, the debate over Biden briefly receded. Now it's back. Biden has so far rejected all withdrawal demands and made it clear he has no plans to drop out.

  1. Despite testing positive for the Coronavirus, US-President Joe Biden can perform all duties from his private home in Rehoboth, Delaware, according to the White House.
  2. Biden's positive test result for the virus came after an event in Las Vegas, where he was courting votes, especially among the Hispanic population.
  3. The president of UnidosUS, Janet Murguía, announced that Biden had called to inform her about his inability to attend a conference due to the Coronavirus.
  4. According to Biden's doctor, a PCR test to confirm the positive result is still pending, and the 81-year-old is experiencing respiratory symptoms, a runny nose, and a cough.
  5. Biden was treated with Paxlovid when he was previously infected with the Coronavirus twice, with a mild course of the disease both times.
  6. Nevada, a swing state, is a politically contested region, and Biden's campaign trips to such states are crucial for his US presidential campaign.
  7. Prominent Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff from California has joined the calls for Biden to step down from the race for a second term as president.
  8. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a close friend of Schiff, has also revealed her discomfort with the situation, stating that it's up to Biden to decide whether he runs for another term.
  9. Despite facing calls to withdraw from the race, Biden has refused to do so, making it clear that he has no plans to drop out of the US campaign.

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