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Biden suggests Netanyahu could extend the conflict for political motives.

Conflict in Gaza

Biden: Netanyahu may want to prolong war for 'political reasons'
Biden: Netanyahu may want to prolong war for 'political reasons'

Biden suggests Netanyahu could extend the conflict for political motives.

Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, might prolong the Gaza conflict for political motives, believes US President Joe Biden. During an interview with Time magazine, Biden mentioned on Tuesday, "There's every reason to draw such a conclusion." The reasons could lie in the deep-seated divides within Israel regarding the handling of the dispute.

The conversation with Biden transpired on May 28th, prior to any public announcement of Biden's proposed ceasefire plan for Gaza. This ceasefire plan consisted of a ceasefire, freeing of Israeli hostages, and Palestinian prisoners, along with the reconstruction of Gaza.

A vast majority of Israelis support the war against the extremist-Islamic Hamas. Yet, they hold the Netanyahu government accountable for the security lapses during the Hamas's unanticipated attack on Israel on October 7th that led to approximately 1200 deaths, hostage abductions, and numerous incidents of sexual assault and mutilation. Israel's military reacted to this assault with significant action in the Gaza Strip, causing the death of more than 36,500 people and over 83,000 injuries, as per Palestinian sources.

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Biden's belief that Netanyahu could extend the Gaza war for political gain aligns with the deep-seated divisions within Israel about the dispute's management. Subsequently, the ongoing conflict could potentially hinder Biden's proposed ceasefire plan, which includes a ceasefire, the release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and the reconstruction of Gaza.

