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Biden-Spokesperson: Putin instead of Zelensky

Joe Biden is closely monitored at the NATO summit. At his appearance at the last summit, he mistakenly calls Zelenskyy Putin. Chancellor Scholz reacts leniently.

Putin instead of Zelenskyy: Biden faces challenges.
Putin instead of Zelenskyy: Biden faces challenges.

NATO Summit - Biden-Spokesperson: Putin instead of Zelensky

US-President Joe Biden made a slip of the tongue at a key moment during his speech at the NATO Summit yesterday, inadvertently swapping the names of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Biden was speaking about the Russian aggression war and intended to then pass the word to Zelenskyy. He said: "Now I turn the word over to the President of Ukraine, who possesses as much courage and determination as I do. Ladies and Gentlemen: President Putin."

Even as he turned away from the podium, the 81-year-old noticed the error and corrected himself immediately, apologetically explaining that he had been so focused on defeating Putin. Zelenskyy, who was standing next to him on the stage, retorted jokingly with the words: "I'm better."

Biden is under constant scrutiny at the NATO Meeting following doubts about his mental and physical fitness raised during a TV duel against Trump at the end of June. The first two days went smoothly for Biden as the host.

Biden typically avoids making major gaffes when reading from the teleprompter. However, it will be a challenge for the Democrat, who intends to move back into the White House after the US election in November, when he speaks freely.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), who was also on the stage and observed the scene somewhat perplexed, commented soberly: "Missteps happen." If one observes closely enough, one finds enough errors. The content of Biden's speech remains unchanged by this.

The real test for US-President Biden, however, is yet to come: At the end of the NATO Summit on Friday night, he is scheduled to give a press conference.

  1. At the NATO Summit, the United States of America, being a key member, reaffirmed its commitment to maintaining strong international relationships, particularly in the context of defense against Russian aggression led by President Vladimir Putin.
  2. The blunder made by President Joe Biden during his speech at the NATO Summit, where he mistakenly referred to Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Vladimir Putin, shed light on the ongoing tension between the two leaders.
  3. The NATO Summit served as a platform for discussions on defense strategies, with Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressing Ukraine's desire for NATO membership to ensure its security.
  4. Given the ongoing election season in the United States, the acknowledgment of President Zelenskyy by President Biden at the NATO Summit was a significant affirmation of their partnership in European defense and foreign relations.
  5. The NATO Summit was a crucial gathering for world leaders, including Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who emphasized the importance of maintaining strong alliances and decried minor mistakes like the one made by President Biden during his speech.
  6. Amidst increasing criticisms of his physical and mental fitness, President Biden's gaffe during his speech at the NATO Summit has raised questions about his ability to handle high-pressure international situations, particularly with regards to defense approaches towards Russia.
  7. Following the NATO Summit, President Joe Biden is set to face the press on Friday night, providing his perspective on the summit discussions and addressing any concerns or controversies surrounding his performance at the event.

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