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Biden looks to implement tougher measures for America's southern border.

Migration is a prominent topic in the US presidential election, with the Republicans criticizing Biden for insufficient action. The Democrat is purportedly considering a significant move.

The Republicans accuse Biden of having lost control of the protection of the southern border.
The Republicans accuse Biden of having lost control of the protection of the southern border.

Movement from one area to another - Biden looks to implement tougher measures for America's southern border.

As per media news, the US President Joe Biden is planning to implement stricter immigration policies at the southern border with Mexico. Biden aims to shut down the border if the daily illegal crossings surpass 2,500, as reported by unrevealed sources in American media. If the number falls below 1,500, the border can be reopened.

Biden is going to reveal his plans and sign the corresponding decree, the media added. With more than 2,500 illegal border crossings occurring daily, the decree might order the immediate closure of the border. CNN stated that the final version of the decree might not be the same as what was reported, including the daily limits. Moreover, migrants may receive more time to apply for asylum. Additionally, minors traveling alone would not be subjected to the regulation.

The issue of immigration has become more significant in the US presidential election campaign. Republicans accuse Democrat Biden of allowing the porous southern border, which has led to a high influx of migrants. Trump and other Republicans call this scenario an "invasion" to the US. Migration routes often involve Mexico, which is home to people seeking refuge from their war-torn or crisis-stricken countries due to economic hardship, violence, and political unrest.

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