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Biden discourses on his accomplishments and expresses optimism towards Harris.

Elected officials and political figures greeted Joe Biden with boisterous acclaim.
Elected officials and political figures greeted Joe Biden with boisterous acclaim.

Biden discourses on his accomplishments and expresses optimism towards Harris.

During the initial night of the Democratic Party convention, Biden receives an overwhelming reception, possibly unlike any other time. Serving as the US President, who chose to run for another term, he steps onto the stage to wrap up the day's events. The fervor and affection displayed by the crowd of delegates leaves him emotional. It's a symbolic tribute to his political journey and his presidency. Had he not conceded to Kamala Harris and lost to Donald Trump in November: Who knows how his departure would've played out?

A couple of hours prior, the Democratic Party had distributed an email titled, "We owe Joe Biden a thank you." Embedded within was an image showcasing CNN's declaration of Biden's victory in 2020 following prolonged days. "Do you recall the exhilaration and relief you felt?" the authors wonder, addressing the recipients: "How many times were you grateful that Joe Biden was our president, and not Donald Trump?"

Originally, the convention was meant to ensure another four years for Biden in the White House. However, he can't renege on that now. Harris has taken over the reins, and she will officially accept the nomination on Thursday. All Biden can do is lay the groundwork and let go. He will become the first US President since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968 to declare his resignation from seeking a second term. This decision has also brought a surge of optimism. The Democrats' chances of securing success have taken a significant leap. "I cherish my role," Biden will concede, "but I love my country more." He will also emphasize the distinction between himself and Trump: "One can only love their country when they triumph."

"Hope is returning"

Biden stirs the crowd's sentiment to his presidential ambitions against Trump, "when neo-Nazis, racists, and the Ku Klux Klan were parading, brimming with hate and venom." He highlights his accomplishments as President: the infrastructure package, the transition towards renewable energy, the construction of new chip factories, the tightening of gun laws, and an unprecedented number of people covered by health insurance. "With each job and factory, hope is resurfacing," he maintains. His speech serves as a recap of his presidency, drawing from earlier speeches.

Yet, whenever the intensity begins to mount, he tempers it with praise for Harris: She will carry on his initiatives. Biden's disdain for Trump is apparent. When he critiques the Republican, his anger swells. "We will not vilify immigrants," he swears, among other things. He holds strong views on women's reproductive rights, referring to the revoking of the general right to abortion. "MAGA Republicans witnessed the might of women in 2022. And Donald Trump will experience it in 2024." The crowd applauds for Biden.

Biden treats Harris differently than Obama did with him. Having more experience when he lost to Obama in the 2008 primaries and securing the position of his Vice President and friend for eight years, Biden was a seasoned politician and a seasoned negotiator in Washington. But when he wanted to become President in 2016, Obama attempted to obstruct his ambitions, urging him to step aside in favor of Hillary Clinton. When Biden finally did run and win, electing him in 2020 and swearing him into office at the age of 78, he had become the oldest US President ever.

There already existed two depictions of Biden: the dominant one of the well-versed Senator, the effective negotiator and mediator in Washington. A man who would restore reason to the capital following four years of Trump's unstable presidential tenure during the COVID-19 pandemic. The other image portrayed an aging politician, nearing the end of his political career. A man who had struggled with stuttering and often faltered throughout his career.

The longer Biden's presidency persisted, the more the second image gained prominence; by the time he succumbed under pressure during the televised debate against Trump in late June, it had become his sole identity. Now, he stands before thousands in the Chicago hall, compelled to accept that the party no longer favored him as a candidate and instead celebrated his departure. Despite his successful presidency and his plans, if he had his way, Harris would continue on. "She's tenacious, experienced, and exceptionally open," he praises her.

If Harris triumphs in the November election, Biden appears to be intent on giving her as much support as possible. Around four weeks ago, merely hours before he declared his withdrawal from the race in a letter, he contacted Jeffrey Zients, his White House chief of staff, as per "The New York Times". "We've got six more months," Biden allegedly stated, according to Zients' recall. "And I want these six months to be as impactful as all the other six months we've had." It's not solely about passing laws, but also about establishing thematic guidelines. For instance, potential alterations to the Supreme Court or voting rights. At this event, Biden also mends fences with his career and the Democrats who pushed him out of the race. "There's this notion that I'm angry at those who suggested I step aside. That's not accurate," he states. Primarily, he desires Trump's defeat and Harris and Kaine's victory. When he praises his choice to select Harris as his running mate as the pinnacle of his career, she touches her heart upon the podium. Towards the end of his speech, Biden includes a final remark. He cites a song lyric that concludes with the line: "America, I've given you my all." The applause is thunderous. Shortly thereafter, Harris and Biden share a hug on stage. From now on, it's all about the future for the Democrats.

In a stark contrast, if Donald Trump had managed to secure another term as US President, his approach towards immigration and women's reproductive rights would have drastically differed from Biden's.

During his speech, Biden subtly compared his presidency to that of Trump, highlighting the resurfacing of hope and progress under his leadership, contrasting it with Trump's divisive and controversial policies.

Vibrant and Excited on the Large Platform: President Biden

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