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Joe Biden is reported to have foamed at the mouth in anger at his beach house, feeling left in the...
Joe Biden is reported to have foamed at the mouth in anger at his beach house, feeling left in the lurch by his allies.

Biden chose to go it alone

At the end, the pressure was too great. In quasi last-minute fashion, Joe Biden cleared the way. Now another person can run for the presidency. Biden's withdrawal raises many questions.

Only the almighty God could move him to withdraw from the presidential race, Joe Biden had recently said in an interview. In another interview, the incumbent US President called a "medical condition" the only possible reason to abandon his candidacy. However, neither was the real reason for his late U-turn, but what Biden had previously cited as a valid reason for withdrawal: A victory seemed increasingly unlikely to him, given the poor poll numbers, more and more disenchanted party supporters, and lack of campaign contributions. The pressure on him, even from close associates, must have been unbearable.

On Saturday evening, it was reported by US media, citing insiders, that Biden had decided to yield and clear the way for another democratic candidate. He spent the night sleeping over his decision, as informed by the "Washington Post" of a person involved in the events. To recover from his Covid-19 illness, he had retreated to his beach house, consulting top advisors and his family on the phone. Besides his wife Jill, some personal advisors of the couple were also present.

The two longtime advisors, whom the President trusted in this historic moment, Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti, did not pressure him, according to a person familiar with the matter, cited CNN.

Health did not play a role

Biden's health status also did not play a role, as a high-ranking White House official told CNN. This was also denied by Biden's apparently alcoholic brother Frank Biden, who had made such a claim on CBS News - but according to a family friend, Frank Biden had not spoken to the President for weeks. This trusted person also denied that Joe Biden's health had influenced his decision.

However, his family may have played a significant role. On Saturday evening, Biden held a family meeting, as CNN reported. His daughter Ashley and her husband reportedly arrived early at the beach house on Sunday. Then Biden and Ricchetti began making calls to key players outside the inner circle.

The US President announced his withdrawal from his re-election bid at 13:46 local time on the online platform X. He did it, as always, in his own way - and to avoid further intrigues and indiscretions. According to trusted sources of the "New York Times," Biden wanted one last time to hold the scepter in his hand. The Writing was not done alone by him, but in collaboration with Donilon and Ricchetti.

Biden is reportedly still suffering from a cough and hoarseness

Officially, Biden will speak about his decision later in the week. The announcement via a social network can be considered modern for a 81-year-old - or disrespectful of the office of the world's most powerful politician. The online-published letter bears no official letterhead, only Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is listed as the sender. Even some party friends had doubts about the authenticity of the "letter".

During some people from the right suspecting the next conspiracy, the "cautious" way of Biden's withdrawal, as CNN-Reporter described it, could also have a mundane reason. Biden was still suffering from coughing fits and a hoarse voice, as a well-informed person quoted by the "Washington Post" revealed. It was understandable if Biden at least tried to prevent being portrayed as a sick, old man during his withdrawal announcement.

Or it could be a kind of last revenge campaign. Even his inner circle was informed by Biden only minutes before his Post at X, approximately one of his closest communication advisors, Anita Dunn. Only half an hour before, his campaign staff was still calling delegates to urge their support for Biden. Many simpler employees learned about it only with the publication of Biden's decision. However, he spoke several times with his deputy and potential successor as a candidate, Kamala Harris, on Sunday before the announcement, as CNN reports.

"Biden has already taken revenge on the last two weeks," says political scientist Thomas Jäger in an interview with ntv. "There's no doubt he wanted to keep going," says the professor for International Politics at the University of Cologne. "He didn't want to withdraw as a candidate."

The way of withdrawal testified to the deep rift with the Democratic Party, as CNN explains. Such a decision is normally made jointly and a media strategy is worked out. "Biden has left everyone in the lurch," says the political scientist. "He showed: You tried to push me off the pedestal, and now you have to deal with this chaotic situation."

Biden has never been described as so isolated before, CNN adds. On the weekend, the President reportedly called Democrats who were supporting him on television. Two of them reported gratitude, but above all there was anger in his voice, one of them said. The "Washington Post" quotes a congressman: Biden was deeply angry about all the people he considered friends. The advisors who were "thrown into the open fire" by the President were also deeply angry on Sunday.

Following his decision, there have been discussions within the Democratic Party about who might replace Joe Biden in the United States Presidential Election 2024. Despite Biden's late withdrawal, his close advisors Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti continue to stand by him.

The uncertainty surrounding Biden's withdrawal has raised concerns among some Democrats about the party's unity and strategy for the upcoming election.

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