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Biden admits mistakes - TV interview as a test of strength

Can Biden hold his own on TV without a teleprompter? The 81-year-old wants to show how fit he is in a TV interview. He plays down his TV debacle a week ago.

Biden admits that he failed in the TV duel against Trump.
Biden admits that he failed in the TV duel against Trump.

Presidential election - Biden admits mistakes - TV interview as a test of strength

Joe Biden is fighting against challenger Donald Trump on all fronts after his TV debacle to save his campaign. "I had a bad night. And the fact is, I made a mistake," the 81-year-old Democrat said in a radio interview.

He learned from his father that one must always get back up, the Democrat added. Ninety minutes on a TV stage are nothing compared to what he has accomplished in the past three and a half years.

Currently, Biden is trying to appease his critics within the party. The biggest test could be a planned TV interview.

TV Interview as a Crucible

Biden will give an interview to US broadcaster ABC on Friday, which is scheduled to be aired at prime time (2.00 am German time in the early hours of Saturday).

The interviewer George Stephanopoulos is a long-time face of the network. In the 1990s, he worked for the then Democratic President Bill Clinton. Biden rarely gives TV interviews. The fact that he feels compelled to do so now shows how serious the situation is. Biden's appearance could significantly influence whether critics in his party fall silent or gain momentum.

Biden aims to secure a second term in the US election in November and prevent Trump's return to the White House. After his disastrous debate performance before a million-strong audience, the 81-year-old must allow the question to be put to him whether he is still the right candidate or if a younger alternative should take his place.

Unrest in the Democratic Party

There is unrest in the Democratic Party, initially only behind the scenes. Eventually, critics also spoke out publicly. Biden held crisis talks and spoke with party leaders. He also met with more than 20 Democratic governors at the White House and via the internet and telephone to secure support.

Biden's Health in Focus

Biden told US media that he had undergone a medical examination after the TV debacle and was feeling well. However, his press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had sounded different just hours earlier. "He hasn't seen the doctor. It's just a cold, people. It's just a cold," she said.

Biden spoke roughly during the debate and seemed hoarse. Afterward, he said he had had a cold. He tried to explain his disastrous performance, during which he frequently lost the thread and contradicted himself, as stress due to long foreign trips before the debate.

Biden spent the Independence Day, which is traditionally celebrated in the US on July 4, with his family at the White House. In the evening (2.00 am German time in the early hours of Friday), Biden will deliver his traditional address on the occasion of the holiday.

Once again, all eyes are likely to be on the 81-year-old. In such speeches, Biden usually does not answer questions and reads his speech from the teleprompter, reducing the chance of verbal gaffes.

Trump lies low

Biden continues to focus on attacks against his political opponent, the 78-year-old Trump, in his campaign. "We can't and shouldn't let this guy win," Biden warned in an interview with a local radio station in the US state of Wisconsin.

Trump has been notably quiet in the past few days. This could be part of a strategy, as the entire country is currently debating whether Biden is suitable for the presidency. According to reports, Republicans are hoping that Biden stays in the race, as they believe it increases their chances of winning the election in November.

In the past few weeks, Trump and Biden have been neck and neck in the polls. Trump always had a lead of one to two percentage points - despite his scandals and conviction in a New York criminal trial.

Since the television debate, Trump has significantly expanded his lead in public opinion, according to recent polls. Among Democrats, this increases anxiety - and apparently also the willingness to consider another candidate. The focus is increasingly on Biden's running mate Kamala Harris.

Biden secured his candidacy at the Democratic convention

The Democrats officially nominated their presidential candidate during a party convention in Chicago in August. Biden has already gathered the necessary delegate votes, securing his candidacy. He had no serious competition and was considered a shoo-in from the start.

Therefore, only Biden himself can decide to drop out. Observers believe that the Democrat, should he really leave the race, would not show any signs of weakness until the last moment, as this would be disastrous for the polls.

  1. The planned TV interview with George Stephanopoulos from the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) will be a significant test for Biden's campaign.
  2. George Stephanopoulos, known for his work with former US President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, will conduct the prime-time interview.
  3. Biden's appearance on ABC could determine whether critics within the Democratic Party will soften their stance or gain more momentum.
  4. Biden aims to defy Donald Trump's bid for a second term in the US Presidential election in November, ensuring his re-entry into the White House.
  5. The television debacle before a million-strong audience raised doubts about Biden's ability to lead, making him more prone to scrutiny and criticism.
  6. The unrest in the Democratic Party has pressured Biden to demonstrate his strength and capability to secure another term in the White House.
  7. The Democractic Party's critics are focusing on Biden's health and performance, urging a younger alternative to lead the party in the #USElection2024.
  8. The TV interview will be a key event in this critical period as Biden seeks to prove his mettle and reassure the Democratic Party and the American people.
  9. With the US election just around the corner, the focus is on the two leaders—Biden and Trump—crossing swords in the political arena, striving to garner more supporters and sway undecided voters.

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