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Biden adjusts boundaries amidst pressure

President curtails asylum rights

According to the US media, the White House spent several months examining whether the rules could...
According to the US media, the White House spent several months examining whether the rules could be tightened by decree.

Biden adjusts boundaries amidst pressure

A vast number of migrants travel daily from Mexico to the southern US border region. President Biden has issued a decree that bars asylum for those crossing illegally. The intense scrutiny brought on by poor poll numbers in the upcoming election campaign has increased the pressure on Biden.

By implementing stricter rules for migrants and refugees at the Mexican-US border, Biden is trying to disturb his political opponents. This level of border control has not been seen from a Democratic Party head of state since World War II. From now on, US leaders will be able to limit asylum laws if more than 2,500 individuals who enter the country unlawfully are recorded daily. Additionally, other migrants may be denied and sent back to Mexico or their home countries. If the number dips below 1,500, the standard asylum rules will reapply.

Under immense pressure, Biden remains in a tight spot. According to the recent surveys, migration and the southern border are among the primary issues in the race for the White House. The opposing Republicans, with Trump as their potential presidential nominee, are accusing the Democrats, particularly Biden, of being responsible for the mushrooming situation at the border. There are also hardline members within Biden’s party. During the decree announcement, Biden clarified that nothing would alter for asylum seekers visiting legally at the essential border crossings. The human rights organization ACLU announced its intention to file a lawsuit against the order.

In April, authorities registered almost 180,000 people who crossed the boundary without authorization at non-official sites, signifying about 6,000 per day. On the pre-Sunday, border guards tracked over 3,500 individuals, consistent with current patterns for several weeks. The decree’s bounds have consequently been surpassed; Biden could enact the restrictive decree regulations throughout the country by midnight on Wednesday local time. However, these steps can be legally contested, and a judgment may take several months.

Assistance from Mexico

While Democrats once derided Trump's border regulations as extreme and xenophobic, Biden in 2021 vowed to follow an alternative strategy. The reality of lousy polling numbers, consistent GOP assaults, and the circumstance on the border have compelled the Democrats. Since March 2021, authorities have logged over 150,000 people every month, averaging at least 4,800 per day, unlawfully crossing the boundary.

In the past, Biden issued a plea to Mexico to better cope with migration. Since then, Mexican authorities have been using charter flights and buses to expedite migrants south and from the US.

During his campaign for president in 2019, Biden attacked Trump's asylum restrictions. "For the first time in United States history, this president is compelling asylum seekers to do so in another nation," he asserted in regard to the "Remain in Mexico" decree. He added, "They come to the United States and present their case." From his time as a presidential candidate, Biden's position against Trump's "Remain in Mexico" decree has shifted significantly.

The Republicans have resorted to using the border situation fur their benefit despite this. The now-passed decree covers many elements of a failed legal solution twice rejected by the Republicans. They are promoting tougher measures against migration and simultaneously vote against it - albeit part of a negotiated compromise with the Democrats.

Trump has suggested that he would trigger the biggest mass deportation in US history if he wins the November vote. Around 11 million individuals currently live in the US without a valid visa or resident permit. The Republican referred to the migration as an "invasion." He also pondered the military and the setting up of internment camps as quick solutions for deportation.

The election campaign race nears its finale. For the last week of June, the initial television debate between Biden and Trump is imminent, and Biden has new ground to defend. The justice system is scrutinizing his action, while Republicans are formulating a new line of attack on his asylum policies in the impending months. [Type your text here]

Several people try to cross the border at Ciudad Juárez.

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