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Biden accuses Trump of Nazi rhetoric

The US President sharply criticizes his predecessor after he called his political opponents "vermin". Biden compares Trump's language to that of the National Socialists.

"The word vermin has a certain meaning": Joe
"The word vermin has a certain meaning": Joe

Biden accuses Trump of Nazi rhetoric

US President Joe Biden has accused his predecessor Donald Trump of using Nazi rhetoric. He was responding to comments made by the Republican at an election rally in the US state of New Hampshire. There, Trump, who is running for president again in 2024, said the following about his political opponents: "We will exterminate the communists, Marxists, fascists and radical left-wing thugs who live like vermin in our country."

This language was "heard in Nazi Germany in the 1930s", Biden said at a fundraiser in San Francisco on Tuesday. The word "vermin" has "a certain meaning".

In this context, Biden also referred to a Trump interview on the conservative news website The National Pulse from the end of September. In it, the former president said that migration "poisons the blood" of the USA and claimed, among other things, that the migrants were people from "mental institutions" and "terrorists". People fleeing poverty, violence and political crises are currently coming to the USA mainly from Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Biden: There are many reasons to be against Trump

"Here, too, the same expressions are being used that were used in Nazi Germany," said Biden. There are many reasons to be against Donald Trump, "but damn it, he shouldn't be president". Trump's speech in New Hampshire had also previously prompted the White House to issue a statement. The terms were "frighteningly recognizable to American veterans who wore their country's uniform in the 1940s," a government spokesperson said, according to US media.

The presidential election is scheduled for November 5, 2024. Among the Republicans, Trump is currently far ahead in the polls among his party's candidates. Among the Democrats, President Biden is running for a second term - without any serious competition. It may therefore come down to another race between the two. Polls suggest that this could be close.


