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Biden accuses Trump of inflammatory rhetoric

After the attempt on Donald Trump, Biden called to moderate the tone in the campaign. Now he makes it clear that he means Trump's rhetoric and will not be silent on provoking his opponent.

US-President Biden accuses his political rival Trump of inflammatory rhetoric.
US-President Biden accuses his political rival Trump of inflammatory rhetoric.

US campaign - Biden accuses Trump of inflammatory rhetoric

Despite his recent calls for unity in the country and restraint in the campaign, US President Joe Biden accused his political rival Donald Trump of inflammatory rhetoric. "He's talking about a bloodbath if he loses," Biden told NBC television in an interview. Trump spoke of pardoning all those convicted for the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Supporters of Trump had stormed the Capitol building at that time.

Biden: I am not the man who denies the election results

Biden argued that Trump's rhetoric was heating up the campaign, not his. "I'm not the man who said I'll be a dictator on the first day. I'm not the man who refused to accept the result of the election. I'm not the man who said he wouldn't automatically accept the result of this election," the Democrat said, looking at statements from the former president and current Republican presidential candidate. He doesn't use such rhetoric, his opponent does, emphasized the 81-year-old.

After the attack on Trump at a campaign rally over the weekend, Biden warned against further violence and called on Americans to come together. "We settle our differences at the ballot box. That's how we do it - at the ballot box, not with bullets," Biden said in a rare address to the nation from the Oval Office in the White House. The political debate in the country has become very heated. "It's time to cool it down," he urged. "We all have the responsibility to do that."

Biden speaks of "inflammatory" language

When asked what he himself would do to cool down the political debate in the country, Biden said in the interview that he would continue to speak about the issues. In reference to Trump, he said that was part of it, whether someone accepts the result of an election or calls migrants "vermin." That's inflammatory language.

Steadfast supporters of Trump have accused their party colleague of his rhetoric being a contributing factor to the attack on him. Biden regularly refers to his opponent as a threat to US democracy.

  1. The ongoing US Election 2024 is seeing a rise in heated rhetoric, with former US-President Donald Trump and current Democrat candidate Joe Biden taken aback by the inflammatory language.
  2. During a recent interview on NBC, Biden accused Trump of stirring up tension with his rhetoric about a potential "bloodbath" if he loses the election.
  3. Amidst the escalating tensions, Biden emphasized his commitment to the democratic process, stating that he is not the one denying election results or threatening violence.
  4. Following a physical assault on Trump at a campaign rally, Biden called for unity and peace, urging Americans to settle their disagreements through the ballot box instead of resorting to violence.
  5. During the interview, Biden also highlighted the detrimental effects of inflammatory rhetoric, citing examples like Trump's divisive statements on migrants as damaging to the national discourse.
  6. With the United States of America's political environment becoming increasingly volatile, Biden and his supporters have been hit by accusations that his fierce rhetoric towards Trump may have contributed to the heightened tensions, further fueling the cycle of harsh language and divisive politics.

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