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Berlin has the highest proportion of women in top public positions

More than a third of the top positions in public companies in Berlin are held by women - more than in any other federal state. Nevertheless, the capital also has some catching up to do.

Berlin ranks well in terms of the proportion of women in management positions in state-owned...
Berlin ranks well in terms of the proportion of women in management positions in state-owned companies. (symbolic image)

Equality - Berlin has the highest proportion of women in top public positions

Berlin has the most women in leadership positions of public companies among other federal states. Approximately 35% of all management staff in state-owned enterprises are women, according to a study by the private Zeppelin University. The nationwide average is therefore around 22%.

Female representation has decreased

A total of 101 public companies were identified in Berlin, as well as 127 individuals who hold top management positions there. 53 of these were women. However, the proportion of female management in Berlin has decreased compared to a previous study by the university. It was reportedly 2.5 percentage points higher in the previous year.

Berlin performs poorly in comparison to other major cities. For example, the female quota for municipal companies in Hannover was almost 50%. However, only a handful of such companies were identified there.

A quarter of new appointments are women

In terms of new appointments, Berlin also lags behind in the federal comparison. Of the 23 top management positions that were newly assigned in the previous year, only a quarter were filled by women. In other federal states, the quota for new appointments was significantly higher.

However, the data on new appointments at the federal level are only conditionally comparable due to large differences in the number of new positions to be filled. For example, the female quota for new appointments in Thuringia was 50% in the previous year. However, there were only eight top management positions that changed there, while there were almost three times as many changes in Berlin.

Data collected in April

A total of 1,420 municipal companies were examined nationwide, in which the public sector holds a majority stake. Of the 2,087 positions in supervisory boards, management boards, or management, 461 were held by women. In addition to the state capitals and state governments, the four largest cities in each federal state were included in the study - measured by population. The data was collected in April.

The company, Zeppelin University, found that Berlin has a higher proportion of women in leadership positions in public companies compared to other federal states, with approximately 35%. However, this proportion has decreased from the previous year's 27.5%. Regarding new appointments, Berlin only managed to fill a quarter of its top management positions with women, while some other federal states had higher quotas.

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