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Benny Gantz exits the Israeli war council and demands fresh polls.

Benny Gantz, the Minister, has declared his plans to quit the Israeli war cabinet led by President Benjamin Netanyahu. The 65-year-old had threatened to leave a few times in the past couple of weeks.

Benny Gantz has followed up his threats with action and announced his resignation from the Israeli...
Benny Gantz has followed up his threats with action and announced his resignation from the Israeli war cabinet

Political turmoil - Benny Gantz exits the Israeli war council and demands fresh polls.

As a result of clashes regarding the destiny of the Gaza Strip, Israeli Minister Benny Gantz abandons the crisis cabinet established following the Islamist Hamas assault on October 7. The 65-year-decade-old ex-defense minister declared this to reporters on Sunday night. Gantz had previously warned that he would abandon this cabinet if a strategy for a post-war order in the Gaza Strip was not created by Benjamin Netanyahu's government.

Gantz's ultimatum expired on Saturday. Nonetheless, he shelved a scheduled press conference at the eleventh hour due to the fantastic rescue of four hostages from the Gaza Strip. Gantz's withdrawal also encompasses other individuals from his party, National Union.

Netanyahu's leadership will not be destabilized due to this action. His right-religious cabinet still contains a majority of 64 seats out of 120 in the parliament without Gantz's party. Gantz, a former general, was part of Netanyahu's cabinet following the hitherto unparalleled attack by Hamas and other terrorist groups on October 7 to foster a sense of unity. In reality, Gantz's centrist party is in opposition to Netanyahu's.

Netanyahu created a war cabinet featuring Defense Minister Joav Galant, Gantz, and two other non-voting representatives. It enabled Netanyahu to limit the influence of his ultra-right coalition partners on the most critical wartime selections. Gantz's decision might lead to the dismantling of the war cabinet.

Netanyahu attempted to dissuade Gantz from departing from the emergency government on Saturday night. "Don't leave the emergency government. Avoid factionalism," Netanyahu messaged Gantz on the platform X. "This is the period of unity rather than division. We must remain united in the event of the substantial duties in our immediate future."

Israeli: Gantz relinquishes his post in war cabinet - Netanyahu's dominant status continues

Gantz's decision will not rock Israeli leadership. Netanyahu's right-religious cabinet still has a secure majority of 64 out of 120 seats in parliament without the participation of Gantz's party. Gantz, a former general, joined Netanyahu's administration post-Hamas' rampage and other terroristic attacks on October 7 to symbolize harmony. In essence, Gantz's political party is in opposition to Netanyahu.

Netanyahu concocted a war cabinet with Defense Minister Joav Galant, Gantz, and two non-voting auxiliaries. The clout of Netanyahu's ultra-right coalition comrades on chief war decisions was hence confined. Gantz's action might result in the dissolution of the war cabinet.

Netanyahu appealed to Gantz not to abandon the emergency government on Saturday night. "Don't exit the emergency government. Condemn partition," Netanyahu tweeted at Gantz on platform X. "This is the age of unity, not disharmony. We must remain united with the immense tasks that await us."

Gantz clashed with Israel's steerage in Gaza

The Times of Israel mused that without Gantz's backing, Netanyahu may become even more hardline in fulfilling the desires of his extreme right-wing coalition members, who advocate a more hefty stance against the Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The paper opined that Israel's administration could lose global support even sooner. Gantz has presented a non-extreme face to Netanyahu's most right-wing governing history.

US officials encouraged Gantz to remain in the government as long as talks for a ceasefire and hostages release with Hamas continued. Since the far-right coalition partners of Netanyahu refuse to negotiate a deal, Gantz's presence in the emergency government is crucial for achieving an agreement.

Recently, Gantz impugned pivotal leadership deliberations, arguing that vital decisions to guarantee an Israeli triumph in the Gaza Strip had not been established. "A minimum group has seized command of the Israeli ship-state and is driving it onto uncharted waters," Gantz sniped, referring to Netanyahu's right-wing coalition partners.

Gantz pushed for a multinational initiative, including the US, Europe, Arabs, and Palestinians, in the Gaza Strip. Such a government would not be the Hamas or Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, he stipulated. Nonetheless, the US has pitched its hopes on the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank, managed by Abbas. The PA is to be revamped and then handle control in the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu vetoes this. The Hamas had expelled the PA from the Gaza Strip in 2007 violently.

The news suggests that Gantz's reversion to the opposition might also be due to declining popularity. His party had previously secured a significantly deep lead over Netanyahu's Likud party in public opinion polls. Nevertheless, a few surveys unveiled for the first time since the commencement of the war, a majority desire Netanyahu over Gantz as prime minister. Furthermore, the edge of his party over Netanyahu's has also slackened lately.

Netanyahu has so far evaded presenting a plan for administering and reconstructing the Gaza Strip following the war, possibly to spare his extreme right-wing coalition partners. They favor contentious Israeli settlement-building endeavors in the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu's political survival is underpinned by these representatives.

Read also:

  1. Following his departure from the Israeli war cabinet, Benny Gantz called for a new election to address the future of the Gaza Strip.
  2. The USA expressed concern about Gantz leaving the government, as it could hinder efforts for a ceasefire and hostage release in Gaza.
  3. Benjamin Netanyahu's war cabinet, which included Defense Minister Joav Galant and Gantz, could be dismantled due to Gantz's decision to leave the emergency government.
  4. Hamas condemned Gantz's exit from the crisis cabinet, stating that it would not help promote peace or stability in the Gaza Strip.
  5. The USA has been urging Israel to engage with the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank to pave the way for a future arrangement in the Gaza Strip, a position that contrasts with Netanyahu's.
  6. Gantz's Blue and White party had previously led in public opinion polls, but recent surveys indicate that Netanyahu is now preferred by a majority of Israelis as prime minister.

