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Belgian authorities break up suspected drug gang

Shootings on the street, some of them fatal, have recently become more frequent in Belgium's capital. The reason for this has often been turf wars between drug gangs. Now the authorities have struck a blow.

A total of 17 suspects were arrested in Belgium alone.
A total of 17 suspects were arrested in Belgium alone.

Crime - Belgian authorities break up suspected drug gang

Belgian authorities have reportedly dismantled an alleged international drug cartel. The organization is said to be branching out to Marseille and specialized in the trade of Cocaine and Cannabis, according to the Brussels Prosecutor's Office.

Months-long investigations have revealed that the gang might be linked to several shootouts, kidnappings, violent crimes, and attempted murders that have occurred in Brussels in recent times.

A total of 25 house searches were carried out on Tuesday, and 19 suspects were arrested - 17 in Belgium and two in Marseille. Seizures reportedly included money, weapons, vehicles, and anesthetics.

Four suspects have been charged, among other things, with membership or leadership of a criminal organization, attempted murder, drug trafficking, weapons possession, and money laundering. A warrant for their arrest has been issued, according to the Prosecutor's Office. The investigating judges are reportedly deciding whether to take additional suspects into custody. The investigations are ongoing.

  1. The public prosecutor's office in Brussels claimed that the dismantled drug cartel had plans to expand its operations to Marseille, primarily dealing in Cocaine and Cannabis.
  2. The drug gang, under investigation in Belgium, has been linked to a series of crime incidents in Brussels, including shootouts, kidnappings, and attempted murders.
  3. The public prosecutor's office in Belgium has charged four suspects with various crimes related to the dismantled drug gang, including drug trafficking of Cannabis and Cocaine in Belgium and France.
  4. As the investigations continue, the public prosecutor's office in Brussels is considering arresting additional suspects connected to the international drug gang operating in both Belgium and Marseille.

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