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Beijing demands concessions from USA ahead of Xi-Biden meeting

US President Biden and Chinese President Xi are planning a meeting on the sidelines of the Apec summit in the coming days. In the run-up to the meeting, Beijing is demanding concessions from Washington on a number of sensitive issues.

US President Biden and Chinese President Xi met for a bilateral meeting last
US President Biden and Chinese President Xi met for a bilateral meeting last

Beijing demands concessions from USA ahead of Xi-Biden meeting

China is demanding political concessions from Washington on a number of points of contention ahead of the meeting between President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden. The United States should respect China's legitimate concerns and the right of the People's Republic to develop instead of focusing on harming China's interests, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning in Beijing. China hopes that America does not want a new Cold War or seek conflict with the People's Republic, but wants to put relations back on a "stable path of development".

Xi and Biden want to meet this week during the Asia-Pacific Economic Community (Apec) summit in San Francisco. According to Mao Ning, they will discuss problems in relations between the two countries as well as issues relating to peace and development in the world. The war in the Gaza Strip is also likely to be on the agenda.

Taiwan as a point of contention

With regard to China's relationship with Taiwan, Xi is likely to demand from Biden that the USA does not interfere. Beijing considers Taiwan to be part of China's territory, although the island has had an independent democratic government for decades. Washington had assured the government in Taipei of its support. The USA should adhere to the principle that China and Taiwan are one, said Mao Ning.

With regard to the dispute between the People's Republic and the Philippines over territory in the South China Sea, Beijing made it clear that it did not want to cede any of it. The exchange of blows between the US-backed Philippines and China repeatedly erupts in risky maneuvers by the coast guards of both sides on small reefs that the countries claim for themselves. China is prepared to negotiate over differences of opinion, said Mao Ning. However, the USA should stop interfering in the dispute over territorial claims between China and other countries.


