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Beijing advances its own peace proposal in lieu of the Switzerland summit.

China's covert boycott strategy.

The Chinese special envoy for Eurasian affairs, Li Hui, is said to have been traveling a lot last...
The Chinese special envoy for Eurasian affairs, Li Hui, is said to have been traveling a lot last month, especially in emerging and developing countries.

Beijing advances its own peace proposal in lieu of the Switzerland summit.

This weekend, 90 countries and organizations will convene in Switzerland to formulate a strategy for a peaceful resolution in Ukraine. China, however, has decided not to join the conference. Instead, China is said to be making efforts to sway developing countries into supporting its proposed peace plan for Ukraine.

The Chinese government is said to be working tirelessly to convince developing nations to back its proposed peace initiative for Ukraine. As the peace conference in Switzerland draws nearer, China's diplomatic push has intensified, according to several sources. China's goal is to gain support for the peace plan put forth by Brazil last month.

Insiders have described this effort by Beijing as a "subtle boycott" of the Swiss conference. To this end, Chinese special envoy for Eurasian affairs, Li Hui, visited Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates last month, and reportedly held discussions with representatives from developing nations in their embassies in Beijing.

Both China and Brazil's plan does not offer concrete measures to end the conflict. Instead, the two countries call for an outright ban on the use of weapons of mass destruction, the widening of the conflict front, and provocative actions. The plan also stresses the need for more humanitarian aid. Yet, the document lacks any criticism of Russia, which has invaded Ukraine. Instead, the countries are pushing for a global peace conference, with invited representatives from both Ukraine and Russia. Notably, both China and Brazil are not interested in organizing such a meeting.

China had announced in late May that it would not participate in the Lucerne meeting. The Chinese Foreign Ministry cited the absence of Ukraine's representation at the conference as the reason for China's withdrawal. The Ministry reiterated China's neutral stance in the conflict, affirming that it had not provided weapons or ammunition to Russia. It also noted that Russia had not been invited because the Swiss government had no interest in the conference.

Diplomats claim that China's lobbying efforts have been understated and indirect. It has refrained from openly criticizing the conference or urging developing nations to boycott it. However, one source disclosed that Beijing had implied that the meeting would prolong the war. Furthermore, two other diplomats have shared that China had expressed to Western countries that many developing countries share its reservations about the conference. As of now, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has not released an official statement on the matter.

A total of 90 countries and organizations have registered for the conference at Burgenstock on Lake Lucerne, close to Lucerne. This includes representatives from the G7, G20, BRICS group of emerging economies, as well as members of the EU, UN, and Vatican. According to the Swiss government, the main objective of the meeting is to collectively develop a plan for a peace process. Approximately half of the participants are expected to hail from South America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Read also:

  1. Despite Beijing's absence at the upcoming peace conference in Switzerland, its peace proposal for Ukraine has sparked discussions among developing nations, raising concerns about the potential impact on the planned strategy for a peaceful resolution in Ukraine.
  2. The G7 countries, participating in the Switzerland summit, have expressed their concern over China's diplomatic efforts to sway developing nations to support its peace plan, which aligns with Brazil's proposal, but does not offer concrete measures to end the 'Attack on Ukraine'.
  3. Volodymyr Selensky, the President of Ukraine, has been vocal about his disappointment with China's decision not to participate in the Switzerland summit, expressing his hope that the G7 countries will provide sufficient support to ensure a lasting peace and stability in Ukraine.
  4. As the Switzerland summit approaches, China's push for support from developing nations has led to speculation about Beijing's true intentions towards the 'Attack on Ukraine', with some analysts suggesting that China may be seeking to navigate the international community's response to the conflict while maintaining its neutral stance.



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