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Be better mobile thanks to Artificial Intelligence

KI is already in use or being tested in the mobility sector. The goal: more accurate traffic forecasts, better traffic management, increased safety. Some examples from Hessen.

Artificial Intelligence and Mobility in Hessen: In Darmstadt, traffic management is controlled in...
Artificial Intelligence and Mobility in Hessen: In Darmstadt, traffic management is controlled in real-time and in response to traffic volume using Artificial Intelligence.

Digitalization - Be better mobile thanks to Artificial Intelligence

Ob Obstacle-Free, Language- or Lane-Keeping Assistant: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already being used in many ways in Cars. A research consortium from the University of Kassel intends to use AI to make cycling safer. "We lack the solid AI foundations to offer similar AI-based assistance systems for bicycles as we have in cars," said Klaus David, computer scientist at the university.

Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for children and young adults according to David. "The number of traffic fatalities has decreased in cars due to AI-assisted systems. However, it is increasing for cyclists, and these AI-assisted systems are lacking." In the project "DyNaMo: Safe and Sustainable Mobility in the City of Tomorrow," a research consortium from the fields of Informatics, Law, Traffic Science, and Traffic Psychology is investigating how AI can be used in cycling to prevent accidents. The Hessian University of Public Administration and Security is also involved as a partner and contributes, among other things, to the development of police accident scenarios.

"We want to establish the foundations for recognizing cycling behavior in detail," explained David, who is the spokesperson for the consortium. This is basic research for the future development of such assistance systems. The scientists plan to use AI-based detection of cycling behavior through cameras and portable sensors, as well as the influence of infrastructure and traffic training in a legally secure manner. The evaluation takes place in a bicycle simulator and in a real lab.

Experts: Many cities planned around cars

With AI-based analyses, the researchers intend to trigger infrastructure measures such as traffic calming on certain streets. "Most cities want to increase the number of cyclists, but they are planned around cars. Even in cities with good cycling infrastructure, there are fatal accidents," explained David. In addition, cycling training programs will be set up. Furthermore, the behavior of cyclists should be better reflected in the AI systems of cars to prevent collisions.

The vision is to be able to automatically measure and discover cycling behavior in the future. "The data could then be used for a warning system, for example via a smartphone or a smartwatch," David added. With portable devices, there are sufficient sensors to capture the cyclist's behavior. "However, the necessary AI algorithms for recognizing behavioral errors are still not researched and developed."

The state of Hesse is funding the project with approximately 4.8 million Euros from the LOEWE program. LOEWE stands for Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz and is the central research funding program of the state of Hesse.

Projects at universities, companies, and municipalities

According to the state, universities, companies, research institutions, cities, and municipalities in Hesse are working on a multitude of projects on the question of how mobility can be improved with AI. An example: the Citybot from EDAG. This is a robotic vehicle designed to relieve personnel and goods transport and reduce traffic jams. "In the real lab on the grounds of the German Bank Parks, Citybots are being tested in a series of tasks under real conditions - from waste disposal to the supply of kiosks," explained a spokesperson for the Digital Ministry.

Another example: The use of a traffic light phase assistant in Darmstadt. Traffic there is controlled in real-time and depending on traffic volume. "A connection was created for all 182 traffic light installations with light wave network and an interface," explained the speaker. Two hundred cameras transmitted anonymized images of traffic volume to the traffic computer. "An AI evaluates these data to optimize the traffic light sequencing." Many other projects dealt with the collection and processing of traffic data, for example for traffic flows, parking situations or for the use of public transportation.

AI for a more attractive public transportation in Gießen

When do people take which bus and where exactly is the bus currently? These questions could be answered precisely, which was the goal of the "NV-ProVi" project of the Stadtwerke Gießen, funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. Public transportation users should be able to obtain a reliable forecast of bus and train occupancy and punctuality on their planned route at any time.

According to a spokesperson for the Stadtwerke, research was conducted on how real-time data and predictions based on real-time data could be used for public transportation customers and contribute to a more attractive public transportation. "One of the goals of the project was to create a prediction algorithm that considers both historical data and real-time data, especially for short-term predictions, and delivers more precise results than established methods."

Successful: The AI was reportedly used in 2022 with the support of the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund, according to the spokesperson. Real-time information on location and occupancy is now displayed in the mobile RMV information. "By linking previously unused, largely unused data and the inclusion of real-time data, we offer our female and male customers a real added value today, which is likely to develop into a standard within a few years."

  1. The University of Kassel, along with other partners, is exploring the use of Digitalization in the field of cycling to enhance safety, recognizing the lack of AI-based assistance systems in bicycles compared to cars.
  2. Klaus David, a computer scientist at the University of Kassel, highlighted the need for such research as traffic fatalities among cyclists have been increasing while decreasing in cars due to AI-assisted systems.
  3. In the project "DyNaMo," a research consortium is investigating how Artificial Intelligence can be employed in cycling to prevent accidents, focusing on recognizing cycling behavior, infrastructure measures, and cycling training programs.
  4. The state of Hesse is funding this project with approximately 4.8 million Euros from the LOEWE program, a central research funding program that supports universities, companies, and municipalities in Hesse.
  5. According to the state, initiatives to improve mobility with AI are not limited to the DyNaMo project; other projects, such as the use of a traffic light phase assistant in Darmstadt, are also underway.
  6. In the city of Wiesbaden, Loewe, a renowned German electronics manufacturer, is involved in AI research, contributing to the development of smart vehicles and intelligent assistance systems.
  7. The University of Kassel and the Hessian University of Public Administration and Security aim to establish solid foundations for recognizing cycling behavior, influencing infrastructure, and integrating cycling training into AI-based systems.
  8. The ultimate goal is to develop a warning system that utilizes AI to analyze cycling behavior, providing real-time alerts via smart devices to prevent accidents and promote safer cycling practices.

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