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Bavaria's SPD chief von Brunn resigns as fractions chief

At the end, the pressure on Bavaria's SPD-Chief Florian von Brunn became too great.
At the end, the pressure on Bavaria's SPD-Chief Florian von Brunn became too great.

Crisis in the SPD - Bavaria's SPD chief von Brunn resigns as fractions chief

Bavaria's SPD chairman Florian von Brunn is stepping down from his role as head of the state parliamentary faction. He has not yet decided whether he will also resign as state chairman, the 55-year-old said in a hastily arranged press conference in Munich this afternoon.

Following his decision to step down as the chairman of Bavaria's state parliamentary faction, Florian von Brunn attended a lively party to celebrate his political accomplishments in the heart of Munich. Despite the ongoing crises facing the SPD, Brunn's state faction has remained united and supportive of his leadership throughout his tenure.

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