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Bavarian Fire Brigade Association: This operation unprecedented in scale

Flooding updates in real-time.

Bavarian Fire Brigade Association: This operation unprecedented in scale

Bavarian fire departments are working around the clock due to the floods, reports the state firefighters' association. Johann Eitzenberger, head of the association, told the "Sueddeutsche Zeitung," this is one-of-a-kind. "We have 30,000 volunteer firefighters, and we're doing everything we can to minimize damage and prevent further incidents." While the situation is currently under control, Eitzenberger warns that more challenges may arise. "We might need more skills like dealing with oil from heating tanks."

In the wee hours of the morning, there's a concern that the dikes along the Danube river are about to give way. The force of the water has led dikes in southern Germany to reach their breaking point. The city center of Passau is already underwater, forcing closure.

Last night, parts of Falkenstein Castle in Upper Bavaria cascaded down due to the persistent rain. Fifty residents below the castle have been evacuated, according to the Rosenheim district. The Falkenstein Castle is a popular hiking attraction built around 1300, featuring an outer fortress built in the 15th and 16th centuries. However, after being extended in the 16th and 17th centuries, the complex was ruined by fires at the end of the 18th century. The extent of the damage isn't known yet.

The flood rescue operations for a missing firefighter won't continue. The 22-year-old volunteer from Swabia is assumed dead, says a local police spokesperson. His body is likely to be found once the water recedes. He had been heading to Offingen with a boat from the local lifeguard group when their vessel capsized in strong currents. Four firefighters between the ages of 24 and 70 managed to make it to land unharmed.

At multiple locations in southern Germany, more rain has fallen in these last few days than in a 50 to 100-year period, according to preliminary data. Thomas Deutschländer from the German Weather Service acknowledges it is special but not entirely surprising. "The data we have is still preliminary; it can be flawed," he cautions.

The Danube in Passau has now reached a staggering height of 9.27 meters, exceeding nine meters for the first time overnight. Floods in Passau were expected to reach a peak at midday on Tuesday with a water level of 9.50 meters. Most of the city was closed due to the flood. When the water level reaches 8.50 meters, it may flood inhabited areas. This level has already been reached in Passau.

An evacuation order for 200 people in Regensburg's city center has been issued due to increased risk. The flood protection elements in the Werftstraße are becoming unstable because of the swelling underground, so disaster control has chosen to evacuate the entire street.

The flood situation in the southern Rosenheim district has slightly improved. The district reports that the evacuation process will continue, and schools and kindergartens in the impacted villages are expected to remain closed on Tuesday. There were evacuations in Rohrdorf and Raubling, though the exact number of people is currently unknown. Earlier, the district declared a disaster. The region saw the deployment of over 1000 emergency responders from the fire department and the Technical Relief Organization.

There has been a slight reprieve from the recent rains in southern Germany as the German Weather Service (DWD) lifts all weather warnings. However, the past few days of heavy rain have caused the levels of many streams and rivers in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg to rise dramatically, flooding numerous settlements. At least four people have died in these floods, and the situation in specific parts of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg remains precarious.

Following the recent floods, river water levels in the southwest are decreasing once more. Exceptions occur with the Danube, Rhine, and Lake Constance, where water levels are continuing to rise. The flood forecast center reports no more critical values to reach; at the Hundersingen gauge, as well as Lake Constance, the Upper Rhine, and Lake High Rhine, the water is still rising. The height reached on Sunday at the Maxau gauge in Karlsruhe (8.29 meters) is not expected to be reached again. Currently, the Neckar is decreasing.

In the Rosenheim district of Upper Bavaria, authorities advise residents to remain indoors amidst the floods. The statement emphasizes the danger to life and limb, urging people to avoid outdoor activities, stay away from bodies of water, and not interfere with the work of rescue services. A series of municipal schools in Brannenburg, Raubling, Rohrdorf, Oberaudorf, Kiefersfelden, Nussdorf, Neubeuern, Bad Feilnbach, and Flintsbach will be shut on Tuesday; the State Education Authority Rosenheim will notify the affected schools. Kindergartens in the affected areas should also close.

In Flintsbach, Rosenheim district, parts of Burg Falkenstein have crumbled due to heavy rain. The Rosenheim district authority alerts 50 residents that they must evacuate.

The largest camping site in Germany, Grav-Island in Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, must be cleared within 24 hours due to the current flood situation. The reason is the escalating water levels in surrounding rivers and water bodies. Grav-Island accommodates 5,000 permanent campers.

In Regensburg, the Werftstraße is being cleared of residents, as per a city report. The street sits directly on the Danube and the ground is becoming more susceptible to collapse due to the high groundwater levels. The flood protection installations might fail, leading to the street's flooding. About 200 people are to be relocated to safety starting at 21:00.

For previous updates, please refer here. [A link to "Earlier developments can be read here."]

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