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Bavaria allocates over one hundred million euros for flood destruction

Reimbursing for losses

Bavaria provides "one hundred million plus X" for flood damage
Bavaria provides "one hundred million plus X" for flood damage

Bavaria allocates over one hundred million euros for flood destruction

The Bavarian government is set to provide a massive sum of money to aid those impacted by the recent floods. During a cabinet meeting, Premier Markus Söder announced a support package worth "hundred million plus X". While "X" stands for additional funds that may be allocated if the initial hundred million euros is depleted.

Söder also mentioned that a portion of the support would be distributed to Bavarian government districts on Tuesday, followed by transmission to district offices. For individual households, up to 5,000 euros can be claimed for lost household goods, and up to 10,000 euros for oil damage. Companies, on the other hand, can receive between 5,000 and 200,000 euros. Those in grave circumstances can expect up to 100% coverage of their losses. However, it's important to note that insured losses must be taken into account, and there should be no instances of overcompensation.

The Premier expressed his belief that the federal government would uphold its promise of contributing to the damage reimbursement. Additionally, Söder endorsed the idea of a mandatory insurance policy for natural disasters.

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