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Bafög boost imminently

Changes to the Bafög system, which is under discussion in the German parliament, have faced backlash due to no planned raises in Bafög rates. However, it appears that additional funds will now be provided.

Students follow a lecture.
Students follow a lecture.

Financial aid for students - Bafög boost imminently

Students who receive Bafög can now expect to receive more financial assistance. On Wednesday, the government made a decision to offer what's known as "formula aid" to the parties in the German parliament, which is set to bring changes to the upcoming Bafög reform planned by the traffic light coalition. In addition, an increase in Bafög rates is also being planned.

The spokesperson for the education policy of the SPD faction, Oliver Kaczmarek, informed the German Press Agency of this news on Wednesday: "The agreement reached within the coalition by the SPD faction commands attention from everyone who relies on Bafög; they will not be abandoned in the face of rising costs. The danger of a zero round has been averted."

Bafög was last increased by 5.75% for the 2022/23 winter semester. It currently stands at a basic need allowance of 452 euros, plus a housing allowance for those no longer living with their parents, which amounts to 360 euros.

The traffic light coalition had planned to introduce the current Bafög reform in the Bundestag at the start of March. It focuses on a "study start allowance" of 1,000 euros for students from low-income families, allowing them to buy a laptop, textbooks, or finance their move to their place of study. The plan also includes raising the deductions on one's own income and parental income used in the Bafög calculation to increase the number of Bafög recipients.

Social organizations, unions, and the German Student Union have frequently urged officials to increase Bafög rates due to the rising costs of living. Moreover, it was also mentioned that the citizens' income had been raised as well.

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