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Baerbock: Unacceptable handling of Germans in Belarus

A few days ago, the death sentence was announced against a German in Belarus. Now, the state television has shown the man. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock finds clear words.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) visits Hamburg on her summer trip. On the sidelines,...
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) visits Hamburg on her summer trip. On the sidelines, she sharply criticizes Belarus's handling of a German.

Capital punishment in Belarus - Baerbock: Unacceptable handling of Germans in Belarus

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock sharply criticized the actions of the authorities in Belarus (formerly White Russia) in connection with a German citizen sentenced to death. "It is unacceptable how the Belarusian regime presented a German national on television," said the Green politician at the sidelines of her summer trip in Hamburg to journalists. The German had accused the German government of doing nothing for his rescue.

"Of course, as the Foreign Office and our embassy on site, we are in close contact, not only with the affected person, not only with the family, but we support him as best as possible consularly," said Baerbock. She added: "We must do everything to ensure that his rights are protected and remain protected."

The death penalty is abolished and prohibited in Europe, said Baerbock. "There are clear rules for dealing with foreign nationals, and we do everything to support the German national as best as possible."

In a video broadcast on state television on Thursday, the condemned German man appeals to President Alexander Lukashenko for mercy. The German government does nothing for his rescue, the man says. He was reportedly sentenced to death in Minsk for terrorism on behalf of the Ukrainian intelligence service. "I confess, definitely," he says in the video. Parts of the German statements are clearly audible between the Russian translation. According to the Foreign Office, there are serious questions about how the video was produced.

Belarus, which is authoritatively governed, carries out the death penalty in Europe as the last country, and does so by shooting. The man was sentenced to death in June. However, the verdict was not made public until a month later by human rights organizations. The Foreign Ministry in Minsk informed Berlin of proposals to resolve the situation. It was speculated that Belarus, which is allied with Russia, might have had a prisoner exchange in mind. The German government did not comment on this.

  1. Annalena Baerbock, the German Foreign Minister, strongly condemned the treatment of a German citizen in Belarus, who was sentenced to death under controversial circumstances.
  2. Baerbock emphasized the importance of diplomacy in this matter, stating that Germany is in constant contact with the affected individual and their family, providing consular support.
  3. The death penalty is prohibited in Europe, and Baerbock highlighted the need to protect the rights of the German national, ensuring they remain secure.
  4. The condemned individual appeared on Belarusian state television, pleading for mercy from President Alexander Lukashenko and accusing the German government of inaction.
  5. The production of the video has raised serious questions, according to the German Foreign Office, leading to concerns about the fairness of the trials held in Minsk.
  6. Belarus, the last European country to carry out the death penalty by shooting, is under scrutiny for its human rights record, particularly in light of these controversial trials.
  7. German politicians, including Baerbock from Hamburg, have called on Europe to take a stronger stance against Belarus, advocating for greater respect for human rights and international law.

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