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Baerbock shows concern over upcoming elections in Moldova

Baerbock shows concern over upcoming elections in Moldova

Germany's Green Party leader and Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, has brought attention to potential manipulation attempts by the Kremlin leading up to Moldova's presidential election. She explained that Russian President Vladimir Putin's aim isn't just to disrupt Europe's peace order, but also to interfere in European elections via targeted influence, cyberattacks, and disseminating disinformation through their legion of bots on social media.

In opposition to Russian control, Moldova has successfully broken free from the grip of gas price manipulation, Baerbock stated. Furthermore, the country has initiated judicial and anti-corruption reforms, with Germany committed to continuing its support for Moldova's journey towards the European Union.

The upcoming Moldovan election this Sunday, neighboring Ukraine, has become a focal point due to Russia's conflict with Ukraine. The outcome is considered critical, as the front-runner and incumbent, Maia Sandu, intends to steer the Southeastern European nation towards EU membership, while competing candidates advocate for closer ties with Moscow. Moldovans will also cast their votes in a referendum regarding EU accession-related constitutional amendments.

Moldovan law enforcement recently reported endeavors by Russian actors to manipulate the voters. Investigators claim that up to 300,000 individuals, roughly a quarter of the electorate, have been offered millions of dollars in bribes.

Moldova's President Sandu has consistently accused Moscow of political intervention in the once-Soviet republic, which has a population of 2.6 million, primarily Russian speakers. The predominantly Russian-speaking region of Transnistria declared independence from Moldova following the fall of the Soviet Union.

Baerbock, questioning the situation, asked, "What is this latest attempt at manipulation by Russian actors in Moldova's election?" In response to Baerbock's concern, Moldovan law enforcement revealed Russian actors offering bribes to potential voters.

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