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Baerbock respects Biden - Europe must do more

Joe Biden puts his country's interests over his own

Respect: Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock acknowledges Joe Biden's decision.
Respect: Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock acknowledges Joe Biden's decision.

campaign in the USA - Baerbock respects Biden - Europe must do more

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock expressed recognition for US President Joe Biden's decision not to run for re-election. "I have great respect for the decision of the American president. Joe Biden puts the interests of his country above his own," said the Green politician at the EU Foreign Ministers' meeting in Brussels.

Looking towards the future and a possible victory of Republican Donald Trump in the November presidential election, Baerbock commented: "Of course, we all look forward to the next few weeks and months in the USA, because cooperation between Europe and the United States of America is crucial for our peace and security." However, it is clear that one should invest more in one's own security, independently of the election outcome. "Europe must become stronger, particularly in the areas of foreign, security, and defense policy."

Regarding Biden's political career, Baerbock commented that Democratic Joe Biden has done incredibly much for transatlantic relations throughout his life - most recently, through the close alliance in response to Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine. "Nato is stronger than ever before because we have acted together and continue to act," she said just a day after Biden's announcement of withdrawing from the presidential race. Previously, there had been discussions for weeks about whether the 81-year-old was still mentally and physically fit for the campaign and a second term.

Information from the EU on the meeting.

  1. In response to the US-President Joe Biden's decision to not seek re-election, Annalena Baerbock, Germany's Green Party spokesperson, commended his prioritization of his country's interests over personal ambitions.
  2. With a potential Republican victory by Donald Trump in the upcoming Presidential election, Annalena Baerbock emphasized the importance of maintaining cooperative relations between Europe and the United States of America.
  3. Baerbock acknowledged the significant contributions Democratic Joe Biden has made towards strengthening transatlantic relations throughout his political career, notably during his response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine.
  4. Despite the ongoing Presidential election, Baerbock stressed the necessity for Europe to bolster its own security and independence in foreign, security, and defense policy.
  5. The discussions about Joe Biden's continued fitness to campaign and lead for a second term had been a topic of debate for weeks, leading up to his announcement of withdrawal from the presidential race.
  6. Following Biden's withdrawal announcement, European Union officials met in Brussels to discuss the upcoming future of transatlantic relations and the potential impacts on European security.
  7. Regardless of the outcome of the US Presidential election, Baerbock underlined the importance of European unity and self-reliance in fostering a secure future for its citizens.

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