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Baerbock plans to massively expand aid to Ukraine

Will Germany double its military aid for Ukraine next year? There are no details yet from Foreign Minister Baerbock, but a clear announcement.

Foreign Minister Baerbock on aid to Ukraine: "Our support will be massively expanded,
Foreign Minister Baerbock on aid to Ukraine: "Our support will be massively expanded, especially for the coming year"

Baerbock plans to massively expand aid to Ukraine

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has confirmed plans for a significant expansion of support for Ukraine. "As strong as the current crisis diplomacy is with regard to the Middle East, it is also important to face the geopolitical challenges here on the ground," said the Green politician at a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels. "Our support will be massively expanded, especially for the coming year."

Baerbock did not give any details on the plans for the coming year. According to a report in "Bild am Sonntag" (BamS), the coalition government has agreed to budget eight billion euros instead of four billion euros for military aid in 2024. Spokespersons from the Ministries of Defense and Finance did not comment on the content of the report when asked at the weekend. They referred to the ongoing parliamentary procedure. The Bundestag Budget Committee will discuss the expenditure for 2024 on Thursday in the so-called adjustment session. This will be followed by the budget debate in the plenary session.

Baerbock also cited the so-called winter protection umbrella as an example of the expansion of German support. Among other things, it provides for the delivery of another Patriot air defense system and power generators. This is intended to prevent Russian attacks from causing Ukrainians to freeze in winter.

Baerbock commented on Russian President Vladimir Putin's possible hopes of a reduction in EU support due to the escalating conflict in the Middle East: "Putin is rejoicing too soon in view of the dramatic situation worldwide. Because we will not only continue our support for Ukraine - we will continue to expand and increase it."


