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Baerbock: Do not allow Russia to destroy the OSCE

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe is supposed to reduce tensions. But Moscow has plunged the OSCE into a deep crisis. Russia's foreign minister is reacting as usual.

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock at the meeting of the 30th Ministerial Council of
Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock at the meeting of the 30th Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Ministerial Conference - Baerbock: Do not allow Russia to destroy the OSCE

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called on the members of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to oppose the blockade by Russia. Cooperation must be strengthened, "even if Russia has put massive obstacles in the way of the OSCE's work over the last year and a half", said the Green politician on Thursday on the sidelines of the annual ministerial conference of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in the North Macedonian capital Skopje. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov blamed the crisis in the OSCE solely on the West.

In the OSCE, decisions can only be made with the consensus of all 57 member states. Russia 's veto policy has prevented the Baltic NATO state Estonia from taking over the OSCE chairmanship for 2024. A diplomatic agreement on the neutral state of Malta was only reached on Monday. The compromise solution is to be formally approved in Skopje.

Baerbock criticized: "The Russian government's perfidious game is and was also to destroy organizations that rely on peaceful coexistence and cooperation with the brutal war of aggression against Ukraine." The OSCE stands for the security of more than 1.3 billion people like almost no other organization. Baerbock said: "Saving the OSCE means protecting our people. That is our responsibility."

Baerbock demanded that Russian President Vladimir Putin put an immediate end to the war against Ukraine. "Stop the unspeakable suffering that you are bringing upon millions of people," she said. Lavrov was not in the room at the time of Baerbock's speech. Baerbock criticized that, as at other meetings, the Russian was obviously only in the room "when he himself was speaking, but not to listen to others".

Lavrov: OSCE an "appendage" of NATO and the EU

Lavrov made it clear that, in Russia's view, the deep crisis in the OSCE was solely the fault of Western states. "The OSCE is becoming an appendage of NATO and the European Union. The organization is on the brink of the abyss," he said. The "Western political elite" had decided in favor of eastern NATO enlargement and thus against the OSCE. Several delegates from other states left the hall during Lavrov's speech. After his speech, Lavrov also left the conference room.

Ministers from Ukraine and the Baltic states stay away because of Lavrov

The foreign ministers of Ukraine and the three Baltic states stayed away from the meeting in protest at Lavrov's presence. Almost all of the 57 OSCE states are of the opinion that Russia's veto stance and the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine are to blame for the fact that the OSCE has lost much of its ability to act as a platform for peace, democracy and dialog.

Baerbock warns Russia against "full blockade"

Baerbock said that in order to maintain the OSCE's ability to work, it was urgently necessary to extend the terms of office of Secretary General Helga Schmid and the OSCE representatives for democracy, media freedom and minorities. Turning to Russia, she added: "If a compromise is needed, then we are ready. But compromises of compromises are no longer compromises, they are a complete blockade." Schmid and her three colleagues would have to vacate their posts at the beginning of December without an extension.

According to a Foreign Ministry spokesperson in Vienna, Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg spoke to Lavrov about the personnel package on the sidelines of the conference at the request of the OSCE. As the host state of the organization, Austria has a special responsibility, it was said.

OSCE Secretary General speaks of a threatening lack of funds

According to Secretary General Schmid, the OSCE is struggling with a serious lack of funds. The organization only averted insolvency this year thanks to donations from member states. The financial resources are "no longer sustainable". "You can't run an organization like this," complained Schmid, without addressing Russia directly. Moscow is also blocking the OSCE's budget.

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