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Baerbock demands provision of materials at schools

Some families can barely afford the school material for their children. The Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has a clear stance.

Annalena Baerbock visits a Parent-Child Center in Potsdam. She urges financially weaker families...
Annalena Baerbock visits a Parent-Child Center in Potsdam. She urges financially weaker families not to be left behind in the provision of school materials.

Chance Equality - Baerbock demands provision of materials at schools

After the old school year, before the new school year: German Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) wishes for schoolchildren in Germany to have equal starting conditions in terms of school supplies. Schools that provide all materials such as pencils and pens at the beginning of the school year are needed, Baerbock said. Scandinavian primary schools were named as an example, where students are partially supplied with materials.

For children from financially weaker families, who went to school without backpacks or sufficient pencils due to cost reasons, this can also be a setback in the social structure at school, according to Baerbock. "This makes it clear to some children that they don't belong." We must ensure that children have the same opportunities at school. This includes school materials.

  1. Baerbock proposed that more schools in Germany should adopt the provisioning system seen in Scandinavian schools, ensuring all children have necessary school supplies at the beginning of the school year.
  2. During her visit to a school in Brandenburg, Baerbock emphasized the importance of equality in education, stressing that every child deserves a fair chance, regardless of their financial background.
  3. Green Party leader Baerbock expressed her desire to see the implementation of provisioning in schools across Germany, believing it would contribute positively to the Potsdam school system.
  4. The Party, led by Baerbock, aims to advocate for Chance Equality in education, working towards providing all children with equal opportunities, including adequate school supplies.
  5. Recognizing that lacking school materials can impact a child's confidence and social status, Baerbock stressed the need for a comprehensive provisioning system during the Party's campaign in Germany.
  6. Baerbock, as a strong proponent of equality in education, is pending discussions with the German government to establish provisions for schools, ensuring every child enters the school year with the necessary tools for learning.

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