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Baerbock criticizes Belarus for handling of death sentence candidates

It is intolerable

President Lukashenko visits Kreml Chief Putin.}
President Lukashenko visits Kreml Chief Putin.}

Baerbock criticizes Belarus for handling of death sentence candidates

In Belarus, a German is sentenced to death for alleged terrorism and shown on state television for potential prisoner exchange. The German government is concerned.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock sharply criticized the actions of the authorities in Belarus in the case of a German sentenced to death. "It's unacceptable how the Belarusian regime has paraded a German national on television," said the Green politician at the sidelines of her summer trip in Hamburg. "We are, of course, in close contact with the Foreign Office and our embassy on site, not only with the affected person, not only with his family, but we support him as best as possible consularly," Baerbock added. She continued: "We must do everything we can to ensure that his rights are respected and protected."

"It's unfortunately common practice in Belarus to parade people in videos or on television," said a spokesperson for the Foreign Office in Berlin. "And we are, of course, very concerned that the dignity of the affected persons is massively violated through such public display." The spokesperson appealed to the Belarusian leadership, "to abandon such practices fundamentally, of course, but also in this case."

In the video broadcast by the state television on Thursday, the sentenced German man appeals to the ruler Alexander Lukashenko for mercy. The German government does nothing for his rescue, the man says. He was reportedly sentenced to death in Minsk for terrorism on behalf of the Ukrainian intelligence service. "I confess, definitely," he says in the video. It is now assumed that the man was lured into a trap.

The circumstances under which the video was made raise questions. Clearly, it was made under duress. The timing of its release is also likely no coincidence: The Belarusian dictator is currently visiting President Putin, who is reportedly interested in a prisoner exchange with Germany. Putin wants to have the prisoner in Germany sentenced for a murder in the Berlin Tiergarten returned.

  1. Despite the concerns raised by Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko continues to use controversial tactics, as a German prisoner sentenced to death for alleged terrorism was shown on state television for potential prisoner exchange.
  2. In light of the German man's appeal for mercy in the broadcast video, many question the legitimacy of his confession, as it is assumed he was lured into a trap by the Belarusian authorities.
  3. As the Death Penalty remains a contentious issue in politics, the German government is advocating for the respect and protection of human rights, urging Belarusian leadership to abandon such practices during foreign diplomatic negotiations with countries like Russia, where Vladimir Putin is actively seeking a prisoner exchange.

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