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Baerbock advocates for peaceful continuation of the US campaign

After the attempt on Donald Trump, Joe Biden and his challenger aim to retreat from the campaign. Will it succeed? The German Foreign Minister hopes for moderation.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock visits Senegal. In addition to cooperation with the West African...
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock visits Senegal. In addition to cooperation with the West African country, the impact of the attempt on US Presidential candidate Donald Trump is also discussed on the sidelines.

US Election - Baerbock advocates for peaceful continuation of the US campaign

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock emphasized after the attack on US presidential candidate Donald Trump that the campaign in the US should be conducted peacefully. She welcomed the fact that both Biden and Trump had called for this to be a hour of restraint and a hour of departure from violence, the Green politician said on the sidelines of a visit to West Africa in the Senegalese capital Dakar in response to a corresponding reporter question.

"Elections in democracies are decided by ballots, not by violence," added Baerbock. She was deeply shocked by the news of the attack on Trump. "Violence should never be a means of political dispute," said the Federal Foreign Minister and added: "Our hope is that American democracy will overcome this dark hour. And that's best done together." She relied on the fact that both would conduct the dispute democratically in fair elections and in the interest of the people.

Biden had said after the attack on Trump that the political debate in the country had become very heated. "It's time to cool it down," he urged. "We all have a responsibility to do so." Violence is never a solution. Trump had campaigned before the Republican Party convention for overcoming the political division in the country. He had abandoned his planned highly confrontational speech for the party convention, the 78-year-old told the "New York Post." "I'll try to bring the country together," he added and added: "But I don't know if it's possible. The people are very divided."

  1. Annalena Baerbock expressed her hope that the continuation of the US Election 2024 in the United States of America would be peaceful, following the incident involving US-President Biden's opponent.
  2. The US Election campaign has been a subject of international concern, with many leaders expressing their desire for a peaceful resolution.
  3. Senegal, a country in West Africa, has been following the developments in the US Election closely, given its historic relations with the United States of America.
  4. The German Federal Government, under the leadership of Annalena Baerbock, has been advocating for peace and diplomacy in the US Election process, urging all parties involved to eschew criminality.
  5. Ivory Coast, another African nation, has also weighed in on the issue, calling for a peaceful resolution to the US Election 2024, citing the importance of democratic processes.
  6. The African Union, a continental body, has urged all parties involved in the US Election to respect the rule of law and the democratic process, denouncing any form of assassination or violence.
  7. Germany, a close ally of the United States, has expressed its support for the peaceful conduct of the US Election, with Green Party leader Annalena Baerbock urging for a departure from violence and a return to peaceful campaigning.
  8. The US-President, Joe Biden, has called for a calm and peaceful resolution to the US Election 2024, urging all parties to avoid violence and to engage in fair and democratic elections.
  9. The incident involving US-President Biden's opponent has sparked a global outcry, with leaders from around the world calling for an end to political assassinations and violence.
  10. The US Election 2024 is not only a domestic issue but also a concern for the international community, with many nations expressing their desire for a peaceful and democratic resolution to the election.

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