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Bad weather makes freight transport difficult

Freibad-Pommes, pancakes and jumping from the diving board: Summer vacations could be so nice. But the weather dampens the desire for the pool for many. The pool businesses notice this too.

Free lane in the swimming pool: Not much going on in the diving boards (archive photo)
Free lane in the swimming pool: Not much going on in the diving boards (archive photo)

leisure - Bad weather makes freight transport difficult

Rainy days instead of beach delight: The Thuringians Freibadens are having a hard time with the inconsistent weather. Visitor numbers were significantly lower than expected during the first half of the summer holidays - when they started in mid-July.

In Erfurt's Nordbad, about 29,500 visitors were counted until July 10th. In the previous year, there had been 47,400 visitors by the same date. The situation was similar in Stotternheim's Strandbad, with only 13,700 people braving the cold water, which is 10,000 fewer than in the previous year. However, a spokesperson remained optimistic: "We'll see how it goes at the end of the season."

"It was too cold for families"

In Jena, the city reported over 10,000 fewer visitors in Ost- and Südbad than in the year 2023, when 41,200 guests were recorded. Regular visitors had remained loyal. "But it was simply too cold for families with children," said a spokesperson. The Hallenbad GalaxSea, however, reported an increase of 6,000 visitors.

Early holiday endings cause concerns

In Altenburg, the Südbad reported about a quarter fewer visitors than in the previous year. The main reasons were the inconsistent weather and occasional thunderstorm warnings. The Südbad in Gotha also reported visitor numbers below expectations. Business manager Carsten Pferner of the Südbad in Gotha did not expect a positive balance for the year 2024 due to the early holiday end and the weather conditions.

The baths are hoping for a sunny and warm rest of summer. How this will affect things, swimming instructor Martin Schlenkrich from the Freibad am Schwanenteich in Mühlhausen explained: On a single warm Tuesday in July, 1,500 people came to the bath. In total, there had been 5,000 visitors during the entire season so far.

In spite of the poor weather, some Thuringians still found solace at indoor swimming pools. The Erfurt Swimming Pool, known as Freibad am Schwanenteich, saw an increase in visitors seeking leisure activities like swimming.

Due to the chilly weather, outdoor swimming in Thuringia's Swimming Pools has been less popular. Despite this, families in Erfurt's neighboring city of Weimar managed to enjoy a day at the outdoor pool, appreciating the leisure time amidst the cooler weather.

Swimming enthusiasts in the city of Erfurt, specifically, are looking forward to better weather. They are hoping to make the most of their remaining leisure time at Erfurt's Nordbad, known for its impressive outdoor facilities.

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