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Azerbaijani president calls new parliamentary election

Oil and gas-rich Azerbaijan is to have a new parliament ahead of schedule. An important international summit plays a role in the choice of date.

The incumbent Azerbaijani President: Ilham Aliyev.
The incumbent Azerbaijani President: Ilham Aliyev.

Caucasus Republic - Azerbaijani president calls new parliamentary election

In the authoritarian-led Republic of Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus, President Ilham Aliyev has announced a pre-term parliamentary election for September 1st.

A corresponding decree by Aliyev, who declared himself the winner of an earlier pre-term presidential election in February with approximately 92% of the votes, was published in the capital Baku. Originally, the election was scheduled for the occupation of the 125 deputy mandates in November. However, the oil- and gas-rich country at the Caspian Sea then took over the UN-Climate Change Conference (COP29) from Poland.

Azerbaijan is under international criticism due to serious human rights violations. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has repeatedly criticized past elections in the country with a population of around ten million. The elections are not considered fair or free. Azerbaijan is an important energy supplier to the EU.

  1. The upcoming parliamentary election in Azerbaijan, announced by President Ilham Aliyev, is scheduled for September 1st, replacing the original election schedules.
  2. Despite facing international criticism for human rights violations, Azerbaijan, a South Caucasus Republic and significant energy supplier to the EU, will hold its parliamentary elections under the authoritarian leadership of President Aliyev.
  3. The pre-term parliamentary election in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, is a concern for the OSCE, which has criticized the fairness and freedom of elections in the Caucasus Republic in the past.
  4. The announcement of an early presidential election in February, which saw Aliyev declare victory with over 92% of the votes, was followed by a decree for a subsequent pre-term parliamentary election in September.

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