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Axel Milberg is looking forward to the time after "Tatort"

Many television viewers first associate Axel Milberg with the "Tatort" series from Kiel. He has been playing investigator Borowski for two decades - but it will soon be over. But there are already new plans.

Mila (Almila Bagriacik) and Borowski (Axel Milberg, 2nd from right) scrutinize Michi
Mila (Almila Bagriacik) and Borowski (Axel Milberg, 2nd from right) scrutinize Michi Berger (Nikolaus Okonkwo)

Axel Milberg is looking forward to the time after "Tatort"

Axel Milberg (67) has played the grumpy investigator Borowski in Kiel for 20 years and the end is already in sight. Milberg looks forward to saying goodbye with quiet melancholy, but above all with positive excitement. "My God, that's 21 years, that's half an actor's life. It's amazing that I've stuck with it for so long," Milberg told the German Press Agency in Hamburg.

"That's also thanks to a very stress-resistant editorial team that brought me together with directors who said: "I don't really want to do a Tatort, but if I do, then in Kiel with Borowski," said Axel Milberg. "It was an honor to work with Christian Schwochow, Ilka Chertak and Lars Kraume."

He has fond memories of the time he spent filming in Gothenburg and on the Halligen islands. "The crime writer Henning Mankell wrote four scripts because we were friends. That was a great time."

But now he is interested in new projects and longer narrative formats. "Of course, we sometimes work for streaming services. Multi-part series and seasons make it possible to tell characters over a longer period of time. To change them completely," said Milberg. "A character has more time to show themselves and be described. That's not always done in 90 minutes."

The Sunday crime thriller "Borowski and the Innocent Child of Wacken" will be shown on Sunday at 8.15 p.m. on TV channel Ersten.

Axel Milberg expresses gratitude towards the supportive television team that helped him continue his role in "Tatort" for two decades, working with esteemed directors like Christian Schwochow. After the series, Milberg is eager to explore new media projects, particularly multi-part series, that allow for more in-depth character development beyond the constrains of a 90-minute episode.


