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Avian flu in Grafschaft Bentheim - no new outbreaks

After a new outbreak of highly pathogenic bird flu in a poultry farm, tens of thousands of animals have been killed. Has the disease affected more stocks?

After the outbreak of bird flu in Grafschaft Bentheim, there are no further reported cases so far.
After the outbreak of bird flu in Grafschaft Bentheim, there are no further reported cases so far.

Investigations continue - Avian flu in Grafschaft Bentheim - no new outbreaks

After the outbreak of Avian Flu in a poultry farm in the Grafschaft Bentheim region, there have been no further outbreaks of the highly contagious disease in the area, according to District Veterinarian Hermann Kramer.

Veterinarians and veterinarians have examined numerous farms within a ten-kilometer radius of the outbreak farm in the past few days. Approximately one third of the around 300 poultry farms in the area have already been tested. No anomalies have been observed so far.

In the farm where the Avian Flu outbreak was detected about two weeks ago, the entire inventory of approximately 91,000 birds had to be culled. The farm was then cleaned and disinfected. According to the confirmation of the responsible reference laboratory, the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, it is about the highly contagious form, the district announced.

Investigations continue

To prevent the spread of the virus, the district has taken protective measures. Around the affected farm, a protective zone with a radius of three kilometers and an observation zone with a radius of ten kilometers have been set up.

The investigations should be continued in the coming week, the district announced. Above all, smallholdings of hobby farmers and hobby farmers should be taken into consideration. The livestock of four large farms within the protective zone should be regularly checked.

Kramer: Not all poultry farms comply with the stable duty

Kramer expressed concern that not all poultry farms within the protective and observation zones were complying with the so-called stable duty: "We have received several indications from the population. But even in our own investigations, we unfortunately had to discover that the animals were not everywhere, as required, kept in a closed stable." This is irresponsible in the fight against a highly contagious animal disease.

In the previous year, according to earlier statements from the Ministry of Agriculture, there had been cases of Avian Flu in 17 farms, affecting over 220,000 birds. In this year, there have been two outbreaks in Lower Saxony: in January in a turkey farm in Emsland and in a free-range egg farm in the Landkreis Northeim.

Avian Flu can cause significant damage

Avian Flu, also known as Bird Flu, is an infectious disease that mainly affects waterfowl and other birds. Introduced into farms, it can cause significant economic damage - if a stock is infected, all animals there must be culled.

  1. The Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute is conducting a thorough investigation into the eruption of Bird Flu at the poultry farm in Bad Bentheim, Lower Saxony.
  2. Due to the Avian Flu outbreak, agriculture in the Bentheim region has faced a significant level of scrutiny and caution, with further investigations planned in the coming week.
  3. The eruption of the Bird Flu has highlighted the importance of strict compliance with stable duties for poultry farmers, as non-compliance, as seen in some farms, can contribute to the spread of the disease.
  4. The investigation into the Avian Flu eruption in Lower Saxony has shown the potential for significant damage if farms are not adequately protected, as seen in the culling of approximately 91,000 birds from the affected farm.
  5. As a result of the Avian Flu outbreak, authorities have implemented protective measures and are closely monitoring other farms within the protected and observation zones to prevent further spread of the disease.

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