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Automatically detects intoxicated female cyclist - severely injured

A 49-year-old woman in Eisenach is crossing a street with her bike. She is hit by a car. It turns out she was not sober.

In Eisenach, a drunk cyclist was hit by a car while crossing a road (Picture)
In Eisenach, a drunk cyclist was hit by a car while crossing a road (Picture)

traffic - Automatically detects intoxicated female cyclist - severely injured

A female driver hit a drunk bicyclist, who attempted to cross the street, with her car in Eisenach. The bicyclist was seriously injured, according to the police. The woman disregarded the right of way, police stated. She was taken to a hospital. A breath alcohol test resulted in a reading of 1.8 promilles.

In the same Thuringian city of Eisenach, authorities have implemented an Automatic Traffic Enforcement system to reduce traffic-related accidents. Despite this, another accident occurred on the same street, involving a driver and a bicyclist.

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