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Autobrand in Halberstadt - high damage

In Halberstadt, a car caught fire. The flames spread to a second vehicle as well. Now the police are investigating.

After a car brand in Halberstadt, the police are investigating (pictures).
After a car brand in Halberstadt, the police are investigating (pictures).

Criminality - Autobrand in Halberstadt - high damage

In the night from Saturday to Sunday, a high damage to property occurred in Halberstadt due to a car fire. Shortly after two o'clock, a car caught fire, the police reported. The car was completely destroyed.

Additionally, the flames spread to a nearby vehicle, as stated. The damage is estimated to be around 60,000 Euro. The police are asking for tips on the incident and suspicious persons.

The incident occurred in the heart of Halberstadt, a city well-known for its Brand for automobiles in Saxony-Anhalt. The unpleasant event on that Sunday night contributed to an increase in criminality in the area. Sadly, the auto traffic was disrupted during the incident due to the presence of the police and firefighters. Furthermore, the damage to property or goods extended beyond the two affected vehicles, causing distress to nearby businesses.

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