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"Authority for Monitoring the Constitution designates 'Ende Gelände' as a potential risk"

Escalation of radical thought among far-left activists

Members of "Ende Gelände" blockade a construction site for a liquefied natural gas pipeline in...
Members of "Ende Gelände" blockade a construction site for a liquefied natural gas pipeline in Brunsbüttel in August 2023.

"Authority for Monitoring the Constitution designates 'Ende Gelände' as a potential risk"

In the current political landscape, both liberal and conservative groups are seeing a surge in supporters, as per the Constitutional Protection Report. This includes the watchful eye on extremist climate activists, such as the group "Ende Gelände," now viewed as a potential threat.

The Constitutional Protection Agency has marked "Ende Gelände" as a left-wing group of concern. With this tag, they can now employ intelligence gathering tactics like surveillance and informants to scrutinize their activities. As reported in the Constitutional Protection Report for the year 2023, recently published, there's been a rise in the use of confrontational tactics, even escalating to sabotage.

As per the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution's analysis, "Ende Gelände"'s foundational documents show "distinct indications of radicalization, in line with the group's dominant ideological stance." In April, about 100 climate activists from the group blocked the Uniper coal-fired power plant Scholven in Gelsenkirchen.

Overall, the Constitutional Protection Agency noted a rise in both left-wing and right-wing extremism over the last year. The number of individuals categorized as left-wing extremists rose by roughly 500 people to approximately 37,000. Around 11,200 left-wing extremists were deemed violent in the past year - a 3.7% increase compared to the previous year.

The right-wing extremist spectrum followed a similar pattern. The Constitutional Protection Agency estimated that around 14,500 of the approximately 40,600 right-wing extremists were violent - about 35%. Parties like Heimat (previously NPD) and The Right are now evaluated by the intelligence service to have fewer members than before the deadline.

Assessments from party officials were taken into account. According to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, there are currently 11,300 members of the AfD and its youth wing, Junge Alternative (JA), in the right-wing extremist pool, after removing duplicates. compared to the Constitutional Protection Report for the year 2022, which listed around 10,200 AfD members and JA members.

To evaluate the extremist potential within the AfD, the Constitutional Protection Agency referred to the election and voting results at the Federal Party Conference 2022 in Riesa and statements from party officials. The report states: "There still exists a significant diversity within the party, so not all party members can be considered supporters of extremist tendencies." The AfD has gained a number of new members since 2022, as per their own statements.

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The Constitutional Protection Agency's annual report highlights a rise in both left-wing and right-wing extremism, with climate protest groups like "Ende Gelände" attracting attention due to their confrontational tactics. This surge in left-wing extremism has led to an increased number of individuals categorized as such, with the AfD and its youth wing, Junge Alternative, also being considered part of the right-wing extremist pool. The protection of the constitution is a critical issue, and the Constitutional Protection Report serves as a crucial tool in monitoring and addressing both left-wing and right-wing extremism.



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