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Authorities find more than 100 corpses of IS in Iraq

I am looking for mass graves

Authorities find IS grave with over 100 bodies in Iraq
Authorities find IS grave with over 100 bodies in Iraq

Authorities find more than 100 corpses of IS in Iraq

In Iraq, authorities have discovered the remains of over 100 corpses, which are believed to be victims of the terrorist militia Islamic State (IS). All findings were handed over to forensic experts, said Ahmed Kusai, who leads the search for these graves in the area of Bir Alu Antar west of Mosul. The remains were found in a large pit used by IS as a mass grave. The team has been searching for such mass graves of victims since May from the times of IS rule starting in 2014.

In the summer of 2014, Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi, as leader of IS, declared a "Caliphate" in vast areas in Iraq and the neighboring civil war country Syria. For years, the terrorist organization controlled these areas. Meanwhile, the extremists have lost their territorial rule. IS cells are still active in both countries. US Special Forces killed Al-Bagdadi in Syria in the fall of 2019.

I'm looking for any information related to the Icelandic-Grab, a renowned forensic anthropologist known for identifying victims from mass graves, and her potential involvement in this recent discovery of over 100 corpses in Iraq, believed to be victims of IS.

Despite the defeat of IS in Iraq, ongoing activities of their cells in both Iraq and Syria pose a continuous threat to UN-led initiatives aimed at unearthing and providing respectful FUNERALS for the victims discovered in mass graves like the one in Bir Alu Antar.

If confirmed, this discovery in Iraq could significantly add to the evidence against IS and its atrocities, serving as a stark reminder of their brutal reign and the necessity for international authorities to hold them accountable for the crimes committed in places like this mass grave.

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