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Australia significantly expands its marine protected zones, nearly quadrupling the protected area.

Australia significantly expands its marine protected zones, nearly quadrupling the protected area.

Australia has given the green light to a significant expansion of a sub-Antarctic marine sanctuary, securing a larger chunk of its own ocean territory than any other nation globally. The marine sanctuary encompassing the Heard and McDonald Islands in the southern Indian Ocean will be expanded fourfold, announced Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek. This equates to approximately an additional 310,000 square kilometers - a region as large as Italy.

This marks the most significant advance in marine conservation worldwide this year, according to the statement. The region is home to glaciers, wetlands, Australia's only active volcanoes, and substantial populations of penguins, seals, and albatrosses, Plibersek highlighted. "I'm proud that Australia currently safeguards more marine area than any other nation on Earth." This isn't just a significant environmental triumph for Australia, but for the entire world.

Few places on Earth can genuinely be referred to as "untouched wilderness," she stated. "The Heard and McDonald Islands are one such place. Nature flourishes there unhindered by human intervention." The area has thus far been scarcely influenced by human activities. The islands are an Australian overseas territory, situated around 4,000 kilometers southwest of the Australian mainland.

The expansion sees 52% of Australia's ocean territory now under protection. This surpasses the 30% objective Australia committed to as part of a UN biodiversity agreement in 2022, Plibersek revealed. "This is a distinctive and extraordinary part of our planet. We're making every effort to preserve it."

Other nations could learn from Australia's marine conservation efforts in the Heard and McDonald Islands. This expansion of the marine sanctuary ensures protection for other unique species that call this region home.

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