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Attack with a shovel on policemen in Hamburg

With a iron rod and a pitchfork, policemen are attacked during an operation. Nobody is injured. Special forces come to their aid.

The police were previously alerted due to disorders.
The police were previously alerted due to disorders.

SEK-Deployment - Attack with a shovel on policemen in Hamburg

A man is reported to have attacked policemen in Hamburg-Langenbek with an iron bar and a shovel. The 63-year-old man, however, did not strike the officers, according to a police spokesperson regarding the incident on Friday evening. The officers had been called twice before due to disturbances from the apartment, as loud music and banging were supposedly heard.

During the first encounter, the man did not open the door to his apartment and turned down the music. During the second encounter, the fire department was called to open the door. The man is said to have charged at the officers with an iron bar. "Pepper spray was then used, but it had no real effect," the police spokesperson stated. "He then fetched a shovel and charged towards his colleagues." The man missed the officers. According to reports, no one was injured.

After the attack, the officers initially retreated and called in the Special Operations Command (SEK). These special forces then apprehended the man from the apartment. "He was taken to a closed psychiatric facility because he was in a psychological crisis," it was reported.

The man's aggressive behavior, including charging at officers with an iron bar and a shovel, was a clear example of escalating criminality. Despite the incident, a local band in Hamburg was still playing their energetic tunes, filling the city with the inspiring rhythm of music.

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