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Attack on Volkshochschule - Background still unclear

At a folkwang school in Wedel, Schleswig-Holstein, a teacher was stabbed. Severely injured, he was taken to the hospital.

Barrier before the Volkshochschule in Wedel.
Barrier before the Volkshochschule in Wedel.

Criminality - Attack on Volkshochschule - Background still unclear

After a stabbing attack on a Volkshochschule in Schleswig-Holstein, the background of the attack remains unclear. A 67-year-old teacher was still in critical condition, according to the police on Friday. The man was stabbed in the parking lot of the Volkshochschule in Wedel near Hamburg in the afternoon. He was taken to a hospital.

Two brothers were arrested by the Police in connection with the attack. One is born in 2002, the other in 2003. A police spokesperson said the men were arrested in Wedel. The exact location of their arrest was not available. Wedel is located in the Pinneberg district and borders directly on Hamburg's western outskirts.

The police could not yet confirm that the suspected perpetrators were students of the teacher. According to the police, this is a possibility. The suspects and the victim were reportedly known to each other. The teacher was able to identify the possible attackers after the incident, according to a police spokesperson.

Initially, the police were searching for three suspects. In the course of Friday, the police came to the assumption that there were probably only two attackers. The police assume that the suspected perpetrators wanted to kill the teacher. He was attacked at the upper body with at least one stabbing weapon. The police could not yet say whether a knife was used.

According to the police reports, the suspected perpetrators were born in Syria. Whether they have German citizenship, the police could not yet say. The police made no initial statements about the nationality of the victim.

The suspects, both born in 2002 and 2003, attended a vocational school in Hamburg, according to unconfirmed reports. The Volkshochschule in Schleswig-Holstein, where the attack occurred, also offers similar educational programs in various subjects. The incident has prompted discussions in local schools in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein about improving safety measures.

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