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Attack on Tiergarten Gymnasium? Investigations

The Tiergarten Gymnasium makes headlines again in the context of the Gaza War. First, the graduation ceremony is cancelled due to expected protests - now it seems there has been an arson attack.

The Criminal State Protection is investigating a suspected arson attack at Tiergarten Gymnasium.
The Criminal State Protection is investigating a suspected arson attack at Tiergarten Gymnasium.

Gaza War - Attack on Tiergarten Gymnasium? Investigations

The Police Criminal Office of the State Criminal Investigation Office is investigating a suspected arson attack on the Gymnasium Tiergarten. According to the current knowledge, around 3.00 a.m. last night, objects were set on fire near an apparently open window of the school, the police reported. "Subsequently, a fire developed in the room where technical equipment was located," the police added. The fire department was able to extinguish the fire, and according to police reports, no one was injured. The technology in the room was reportedly "significantly damaged," but there were no major damages to the building.

"Furthermore, several fresh graffiti with references to the Middle East Conflict were found on several schoolyard walls," the Police stated. The Police Criminal Office of the State Criminal Investigation Office is now investigating for arson and damage to property.

The Gymnasium had recently been in the headlines - at that time, it was about the cancellation of an Abitur graduation ceremony due to announced political protests in the context of the Gaza War. The school management had cancelled the event because they expected a protest from students of the graduating class. According to media reports, the students wanted to use the graduation ceremony for a pro-Palestinian protest.

  1. The head of the LKA (Länderkriminalamt), Germany's state-level criminal investigation agency, expressed their determination to bring those responsible for the arson attack on the Gymnasium Tiergarten to justice.
  2. In light of the recent arson attack and the previous conflicts regarding the Gaza War, tensions at the Gymnasium are running high, with some students expressing feelings of anger and disillusionment towards the Israeli government.
  3. The police in Berlin have increased their presence around the Gymnasium Tiergarten, aiming to prevent any potential escalation of the situation and ensure the safety of the students and staff.
  4. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research has pledged its support to the Gymnasium Tiergarten, vowing to replace and restore the damaged technology and to provide additional resources for security measures.
  5. As a result of the arson attack and the political protests, some parents have begun to consider transferring their children to other schools in the city, concerned about the safety and well-being of their children during this time of conflict.
  6. The German State Security Service is currently monitoring the situation closely, looking for any signs of radicalization or extremist activities within the student body and among the wider community.

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