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Attack in Bad Oeynhausen: Kühnert criticizes Faeser

A fatal attack on a young man in North Rhine-Westphalia causes consternation. The Federal Minister of the Interior is criticized for her reaction - her SPD General Secretary also joins in.

After the fatal attack on a 20-year-old in Bad Oeynhausen, SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert...
After the fatal attack on a 20-year-old in Bad Oeynhausen, SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert criticizes Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (also SPD). (archive picture)

Bad Oeynhausen - Attack in Bad Oeynhausen: Kühnert criticizes Faeser

After the fatal attack on a 20-year-old in Bad Oeynhausen, SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühntert criticized the communication of his party friend, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser. In response to a statement from the Minister regarding the attack and the suspected perpetrator, Kühntert said on the talk show "Markus Lanz": "That (...) took 100 percent the perspective of the perpetrator and 100 percent not enough the perspective of the victim and the survivors."

Moderator Markus Lanz had shown SPD politician Kühntert an excerpt of a video taken at an SPD event and aired on World-TV. Faeser said in the video that the suspected 18-year-old Syrian was also an example of "unsuccessful social integration."

"Here a person was murdered, who will not come back to life"

The Interior Minister was not factually wrong, Kühntert explained. "But I believe that anyone who listens carefully to what people say in election campaigns and elsewhere will get such examples mentioned time and again: that the feeling is that the wrong people are in the spotlight of the discussion." Politicians tended to focus quickly on the circumstances. "But that has nothing to do with the fact that here a person was murdered, who will not come back to life."

Kühntert, however, pointed out that he could only assess the shown video excerpt. "I can place her political work in a larger context and know that sometimes not all sentences sit as we would like," he said.

Criticism came from the CDU as well

I am sure that Faeser does not have a "blind spot" in her attitude. "I know how much the fight against religious fundamentalism and its manifestations (...) is in your heart," he said to Lanz. As an example, he mentioned the searches at the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH). Radical forces were trying to misuse inner-political discussions for hate and incitement. "But we have to be professionals (...), having empathy for the victim and the survivors, not sugarcoating anything, and at the same time keeping those in check."

The attack in Bad Oeynhausen in Ostwestfalen-Lippe caused nationwide shock - the debate over refugee migration and the deportation of criminals was reignited anew. The suspected Syrian is said to have attacked the 20-year-old unexpectedly in the night of June 23, hitting him on the head and stepping on him, causing him to later die. According to investigators, the suspect had previously attracted attention through acts of violence, property damage, and drug offenses, but had not been convicted before.

Faeser's statement was already sharply criticized from the CDU. General Secretary Carsten Linnemann called her statement "de facto a perpetrator-victim reversal."

Markus Lanz (2.7.)

  1. In response to the attack in Bad Oeynhausen, located in North Rhine-Westphalia, SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühntert criticized Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser's communication regarding the event.
  2. During a talk show on "Markus Lanz," Kühntert expressed his disagreement with Faeser's statement, stating that it took a perspective favoring the suspected perpetrator over the victim and survivors.
  3. Faeser had previously mentioned the attack's suspected 18-year-old Syrian perpetrator as an example of "unsuccessful social integration" in a video aired on World-TV.
  4. Despite acknowledging that Faeser was not factually incorrect, Kühntert expressed concern about the focus on circumstances rather than the victims in political discussions.
  5. Kühntert also pointed out that he could only assess the video excerpt and understood that Faeser's political work had more context.
  6. Criticism of Faeser's statement also came from the CDU, with General Secretary Carsten Linnemann calling it a "de facto perpetrator-victim reversal."

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