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At this chancellor's interrogation, a question presses itself

Beautiful thanks for your question: The Chancellor holds a press conference again at noon in front of the capital press. It's about everything - in every way.

I am completely confident that the AfD will not perform much differently in the next Bundestag...
I am completely confident that the AfD will not perform much differently in the next Bundestag election than in the last

Scholz in the Summer-PK - At this chancellor's interrogation, a question presses itself

When Angela Merkel was asked why she enjoyed taking her summer vacation in the mountains, the then Chancellor gave an intriguing explanation: "I have recovered well." This was quite cryptic for: I have had many thoughts going through my head, since I am not in Berlin every day.

Similarly, Olaf Scholz had his own thoughts as he began his summer vacation. For instance: Will the traffic light coalition survive?

Unlike his predecessor in August 2006, Scholz attends the traditional summer press conference before his vacation instead of after. This Wednesday, starting at 12:30 pm, the Social Democrat will answer questions about "current issues of domestic and foreign policy" for the third time, explaining his perspective on things. So, it's all about everything – and there's a lot at stake this time.

The crisis density is immense, ranging from the Ukraine War to the economic slump and asylum and migration policy. The pressure on the unpopular coalition and its leader, according to a recent survey, is even causing one-third of SPD members to question Scholz as the right Chancellor candidate. A brainstorming session for new ideas? Probably necessary, but not quite there yet.

After this "summer press conference," as it's called in political jargon, we can read three things. First, which issues Scholz intends to focus on in order to tackle the crisis. Second, whether he can rally his coalition with a clear statement or even a powerful slogan. The coalition might need it, as Scholz's recent appearances have shown.

Olaf Scholz and the "Five-Straight-Face"

Merkel used the summer press conference to deliver memorable messages. In 2015, she said, "We can do it," during the massive refugee influx to Germany. In 2020, she emphasized the gravity of the Corona Pandemic ("It's serious. Please take it seriously."). Or she admitted mistakes: "It's not enough that has happened," she said in 2021 regarding German climate policy, in her last such appearance.

Scholz, too, has planted memorable phrases in the summer press conference. During his first appearance as Chancellor in August 2022, he promised, "You'll Never Walk Alone," as a Ukraine War-induced energy and economic crisis loomed in Germany. The traffic light coalition was grappling with significant relief packages, debating issues like the operation of the remaining three nuclear power plants and the future of the 9-Euro ticket. Scholz acted as a mediator between the FDP and the Greens, who were particularly engaged and tenacious in their disagreements. Despite this, Scholz was convinced in August 2022 that the traffic light coalition would hold out on all its contentious points for four years and even beyond – meaning, the coalition's re-election.

Whether Scholz still holds this perspective two years later and amidst more fundamental disagreements – most recently, over the federal budget – is the central question. In his second appearance, during the summer press conference 2023, Scholz seemed somewhat restless with his government.

The Chancellor gave himself a self-confident demeanor, claiming for the traffic light policy: "This is Grand-Grand" (instead of Small-Small). However, after the discredited "Heating Law," his statement for the months-long disputes seemed laborious. "One must make clear that consensus, compromise, and letting things take their course is a good way that brings Germany forward," stated Scholz. This was a notable statement, all the more so since the AfD had just reached a new high in the polls (22 percent). Nevertheless, Scholz was "completely confident" that the right-wing populists would not do much better than in the last federal election.

Looking back, it can be said: The coalition is still arguing, more than ever. The AfD still has solid poll numbers, despite the Russia-China enthusiasm. And Scholz's moderating role has rather harmed him than helped, as it raised significant doubts about his leadership abilities – not least within his own party. How to deal with this mess? Scholz must provide credible answers, better sooner than later.

In September, new state parliaments will be elected in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg. The traffic light parties, especially the Chancellor's party, are threatened with sensitive losses – up to a parliamentary majority loss. Given the already failed European election, the already unstable coalition setup could further deteriorate, perhaps even collapse.

All this should have been touched upon during the approximately 90-minute summer press conference. Scholz, who is not particularly prone to verbally expanding, might feel the need to clarify his thoughts even more after the question-and-answer marathon. After all, there is usually room for small curiosities.

Last year, the "Jingle Bells" ringtone of a journalist made the Chancellor chuckle. And careful listeners and viewers will not have missed the small side note that Scholz had swum in a pool 40 years ago. A question about the pool tumults was asked in this context.

And how will the Chancellor spend his summer vacation? He has recently revealed that he looks forward to peace and quiet, doing sports, and being able to read books, spending a lot of time with his wife. Where he will do this, Scholz did not say. After all, it doesn't really matter. The main thing is that there is time for reflection, at least for a short while.

  1. The traditional summer press conference in Berlin is a crucial opportunity for Chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz to address current domestic and foreign policy issues, including the Ukraine War, economic slump, and asylum policy.
  2. Capital Press reported that Scholz's appearance at the press conference was necessary due to the immense crisis density and the pressure on the unpopular traffic light coalition, with one-third of SPD members questioning Scholz as the right Chancellor candidate.
  3. Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor, utilized her summer press conference to deliver memorable messages, such as "We can do it" during the refugee influx and admitting mistakes in German climate policy.
  4. During his first summer press conference as Chancellor in 2022, Scholz promised, "You'll Never Walk Alone," amidst the Ukraine War-induced energy and economic crisis, and emphasized the importance of consensus, compromise, and letting things take their course.
  5. In his second summer press conference two years later, Scholz appeared somewhat restless with his government and had to address his leadership abilities as the AfD reached new highs in the polls.
  6. Scholz will likely need to clarify his thoughts and provide credible answers to the ongoing issues and disputes within the coalition before the September state elections, with the traffic light parties potentially facing sensitive losses.

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