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At the Trump assassination attempt, an AR-15 was supposedly the weapon used

Weapon of the Bloodbathers in the USA

The purported weapon of the Trump assassination: The AR-15 rifle.
The purported weapon of the Trump assassination: The AR-15 rifle.

At the Trump assassination attempt, an AR-15 was supposedly the weapon used

After the Attack on Ex-President Trump, the Police Secure the Alleged Murder Weapon - an AR-15 Rifle.

According to consistent reports from US media, the police secured a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle after the attack on former President Donald Trump. This is the alleged weapon, as reported by newspapers such as the "New York Times" and the "Washington Post."

The rifle is almost identical in appearance to the M16 assault rifle, which the manufacturer Colt sold to the military. The AR-15 is the civilian version. Unlike the military version, this weapon cannot technically firing continuously. Skilled shooters can, however, fire many shots in a very short time.

Such a weapon is not very heavy. It is offered in various versions by several manufacturers, so the firepower of the rifles varies. On the website of one manufacturer, it currently costs - depending on the version - around 1,000 US dollars (920 Euro).

Sad Fame: The Weapon of the Massacres

This type of rifle has been used by shooters in the USA in recent years to kill multiple people in so-called "mass shootings": On February 14, 2018, 17 people were killed in Parkland; on October 1, 2017, 58 people were killed in Las Vegas; on November 5, 2017, 26 people were killed in Sutherland Springs; on December 14, 2012, 20 children were killed in Newtown with an AR-15 rifle.

The weapon was originally developed at the end of the 1950s. The AR-15 served as the model for the M16, the standard rifle of the US troops in the Vietnam War. When the patent expired in 1977, defense companies began producing cheap copies under various names. They have been the most popular weapon in the USA since the early 2000s.

The rifle is a contentious issue in the ongoing debate in the USA about gun control. AR-15 rifles were banned for a few years but have been available again since 2004. Proponents argue that millions of Americans value the AR-15 as a hunting rifle, for self-defense, or for hobby use at shooting ranges.

The controversy surrounding AR-15 rifles in U.S. politics reached new heights following their use in multiple mass shootings, such as the one in Parkland, Florida in 2018, where 17 lives were lost.

In the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election 2024, the issue of weapons law in the USA, including the regulation of AR-15 rifles, is expected to be a significant point of contention among major political parties, including the Republicans.

Some politicians, including former President Donald Trump, have advocated for minimal restrictions on AR-15s, citing their use for recreational purposes and self-defense. However, critics argue that the easy availability of such weapons contributes to the high rate of gun violence in the United States.

In response to the attempts to regulate AR-15s, some gun manufacturers, including those based in Pennsylvania, have increased their production to meet the high demand from gun enthusiasts and collectors.

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