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At 20:04, the A8 highway near Rohrdorf was closed.

Flooding updates in real time.

Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.
Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.

At 20:04, the A8 highway near Rohrdorf was closed.

Because of the heavy rain, the A8 motorway in the Rosenheim district is shut down heading towards Munich from Frasdorf. Similarly, the motorway is closed towards Salzburg, starting at the Achenmuhl exit.

At 7:44pm, the water levels in the Bodenseekreis are steadily decreasing. As per the district administration, the water levels on the Seefelder Aach, Rotach, and Schussen are currently going down - less rain has fallen than initially predicted. The peak for the water level on the Argen will happen later tonight.

At 7:15pm, two unfortunate deaths occurred in Schorndorf, Rems-Murr, due to the flooding. The police in Aalen said that they were attempting to pump water out of their basement. Both the 58-year-old homeowner and his 84-year-old mother perished. However, the police do not know how the accident took place yet. The cause of death is still undiscovered. The entire basement of the house was completely flooded. Rescue teams from the fire department later retrieved the two bodies in the now-empty basement that had been drained.

The Rems-Murr area was hit particularly hard by the floods. The situation had been unexpectedly aggravated during the night.

County Administrator Otto Lederer had to declare an emergency in the Rosenheim County due to the persistent rain. "This measure enables us to meet the demands of additional personnel and a quicker, more efficient collaboration amongst the emergency teams to deal with the oncoming situation," he stated. The water levels of the streams and rivers in the county have risen over the afternoon. Emergency services from fire departments and THW are being deployed with a massive contingent.

The weather service has issued an "all clear" in Baden-Württemberg, as no more heavy rain is anticipated for the time being.

The Green climate expert, Lisa Badum, is calling for the suspension of the debt brake due to the damage caused by the floods in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, which are yet to be assessed but might run into millions.

In Hesse, the flood situation on the Rhine and Neckar remains critical. At multiple gauges of the two rivers, warning levels have been surpassed during the weekend, according to the Hessian State Office for Nature Conservation, Environment, and Geology. The levels of the Rhine river in Hesse are expected to continue rising until Wednesday. At several gauges, the Rhine is expected to surpass the Hessian warning level 3. The highest levels will be seen on Tuesday. The water levels of the Main river are predicted to rise more on Monday. Although warning levels are not anticipated to be breached there in the foreseeable future, as per the HLNUG.

On Sunday morning, a man was rescued by the Police and Fire Department in Dörzbach, Baden-Württemberg. The 54-year-old man had driven to the flooded sports field to watch the floodwaters from a safe distance. After a short distance, the car stopped. The water had reached the side windows by then. The driver eventually phoned for help. He was unhurt, but will have to pay for the expense of the rescue operation, according to the police.

The mayor of Schorndorf, Bernd Hornikel, shared a chilling narrative of the flood situation in his area. The water levels had risen so swiftly in the region that firefighters had to save themselves. He said in Rudersberg, Rems-Murr, seven fire departments set out for the community of Rudersberg, but only one appeared. The local fire department's three vehicles were completely submerged. The firefighters had to take refuge on the vehicle's roof to be rescued.

A dam breach on the Amper in northern Bavaria prompted people in the surrounding regions to vacate their homes. This holds true for two smaller regions near Moosburg an der Isar in the Freising district, according to the district administration. Approximately a dozen individuals are affected. An asylum shelter had already been emptied out on the prior day. The water levels of the Amper exceeded past records. For instance, the water level at Inkofen reached 3.98 meters on Monday morning - the record from 1994 was 3.66 meters.

1:22pm Additional dam breaches in Swabia predicted.

In the region of Swabia, more dam breaches are anticipated due to the intense flooding. The citizens of Heißesheim and Auchsesheim in the Donau-Ries district are once again instructed to vacate the area, as the state of the dams is precarious. The district administration in Donauwörth stated that widespread flooding of all settlements might occur. Emergency shelters have been organized.

There is an updated advisory from the health department at the Donau-Ries district office regarding the persisting flood situation. Previously, only the communities of Mertingen and Oberndorf were affected by the boiling recommendation for water. However, now, the following localities and regions are counseled to boil their water before utilization: Eggelstetten, Genderkingen, Bäumenheim, Heißesheim, Überfeldsiedlung, Asbach-Bäumenheim, Hamlar, and the Kaisheimer districts of Sulzdorf and Gunzenheim.

The German Meteorological Service (DWD) provides a foreboding of severe thunderstorms accompanied by intense rainfall in the middle and eastern Alpine foothills. An overabundance of 40 to 60 liters per square meter of rainfall is anticipated within 6 hours along with winds blowing at 60 kilometers per hour and minuscule hail. Affected regions in the Upper Bavaria area include: Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, Berchtesgadener Land, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Miesbach, Rosenheim, Traunstein, and Weilheim-Schongau, as well as the city of Rosenheim.

Two individuals have lost their lives in Baden-Württemberg as a consequence of the flood. According to a representative from the Aalen police station, the bodies of a man and a woman were found in a dwelling in Schorndorf, part of the Rems-Murr district. This raises the fatality count in South Germany to at least four, as two more people lost their lives in Bavaria.

The Technical Relief Organization in Donauwörth fills 2000 sandbags every hour as they manage the crisis in South Germany. In Günzburg, DLRG volunteers are extracting people from flooded residences. Long hours are being worked by first responders in Bavaria. There's no room for rest.

In the flood-stricken town of Rudersberg in Baden-Württemberg, water masses have displaced automobiles. Vehicles were placed on railway tracks, one on a well, and roads were covered with debris. An assortment of items was swept away from houses, and massive quantities of junk gathered on a bridge. The village in the Rems-Murr district is suffering from the adverse effects of the floods arising from the torrential downpours.

Ten years following the flood tragedy, the this section of the Donau dam in Bavaria is in peril of failing. Citizens of the Niederalteich have witnessed a flood event nearly identical to this one, eleven years ago. Post-disaster reconstruction work on the dams was underway, but there is still work left to be completed at one location.

Traffic on A9 has resumed in Bavaria, following the partial closure of the autobahn due to a dam break. Nevertheless, a kind of traffic control system has been implemented in the direction of Munich, informs a police spokesperson. The passage of 300 vehicles is being permitted per hour, followed by a closure of the route. The reason behind this measure remains unclear. Nonetheless, traffic on A9 towards Nuremberg has begun again since early morning. "Please keep in mind that this could change at any time!" cautions the police.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, an SPD politician, advocate solidarity amidst his visit to the Bavarian flood area. "Nature's forces are tremendous," he states in Reichertshofen, south of Ingolstadt. Concerned individuals now need to unite. The Federal Government will continue to assist in the relief efforts. Various emergency services are already present, including the Bundeswehr. Scholz acknowledges the work of all rescuers while reminiscing about a firefighter who sacrificed his life in the line of duty. Recently, these types of flood occurrences have become more common due to climate change. He has visited four such catastrophic regions this year.

15:52: Boil water in the mentioned regions15:27: Rolling thunderstorms, heavy rains in the middle and eastern Alpine foothills15:08: Two casualties in Baden-Württemberg14:52: A regular occurrence for the Technical Relief Organization in Donauwörth - 2000 sandbags per hour14:29: Switzerland: Vehicles swept away by waters in Rudersberg, Baden-Württemberg14:06: The 11-year anniversary of the Niederalteich flood disaster, the dam remains vulnerable13:40: A9 between Ingolstadt-South and Langenbruck is open, but moving towards Munich has restrictions13:17: Solidarity is needed now, according to Federal Chancellor Scholz during his visit to the disaster zone12:50: In South Germany, a "catastrophe tourist" gets stranded in the flood, fire department rescues an 81-year-old

Firefighters save 81-year-old driver from flooded road

An 81-year-old man was rescued by the fire department after getting stuck on a flooded road in the Upper Palatinate. The man had driven onto the flooded road in Hahnbach near Nuremberg to watch the overflowing river Vils. But his car became stuck, and the water level rose further. The driver managed to climb onto the roof of his car through the sunroof, where he called for help. A passerby notified the police, who then called the fire department. The fire department arrived with a specialized vehicle and successfully removed both the car and the driver from the floodwater.

Danube cruise ship evacuation underway

The evacuation of a Danube cruise ship has started at Deggendorf, reports the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation. The ship, carrying 150 passengers from the USA and England, cannot complete its journey on the Danube due to the flood. Thomas Kindel, the head of disaster control at the Deggendorf district office, reveals that they are setting up a work boat at the harbor that will be able to ferry 25-30 people to safety at a time.

Danube flooding similar to 2002 - "second wave" could follow

As the water level of the Danube continues to rise, the Bavarian Flood Information Service predicts that the flooding may be similar to the 2002 disaster. A spokeswoman from the Flood Information Service points to the inflow of the Isar into Deggendorf as an example. The Danube is the second longest river in Europe, stretching for 2,850 kilometers. In Passau, the water level at the Messpoint Ilzstadt was recorded as 10.80 meters in 2002, while on Monday, the level was only 7.77 meters but was still rising.

Missing woman's body found in Schrobenhausen flooded basement

Rescue forces located the body of a 43-year-old woman in the flooded basement of a house in Schrobenhausen, Bavaria. The unfortunate individual had been missing since Sunday. Police investigators are on the scene to examine the details.

Further areas at risk as water levels on Rems and Murr continue to rise

Despite a lack of heavy rainfall in the Ludwigsburg district, officials are still expecting an acute danger and a potential "second wave" of rising water levels for the Rems and Murr Rivers. District Administrator Dietmar Allgaier believes that the peak of the Rems has not yet been reached in Remseck. The rescue command center is closely monitoring the situation and working with emergency services. A nursing home in Steinheim an der Murr was evacuated earlier today, with the residents being transferred to other facilities.

Rhine closed for inland shipping

The Upper Rhine, Germany's most essential waterway, has been shut down for inland shipping due to intensive rainfall. A Gaugewärter (Waterways and Shipping Authority) spokesperson reports that dangerous thresholds have been exceeded at the various gauge stations. The closures impact areas around Maxau near Karlsruhe, Mannheim, and Worms. Additionally, there may be temporary shutdowns on the Middle Rhine (the area between Mainz and Bonn) on Tuesday or Wednesday.

North Rhine-Westphalia aids with rescuers and boats

North Rhine-Westphalia is sending five water rescue squads with 48 rescuers, 10 vehicles, eight trailers, and six boats to the Bavarian flood region near Landau an der Isar. The free state of Bavaria agreed to accept their help on Sunday night.

Ebersbach an der Fils evacuation underway

In the heavily flooded community of Ebersbach an der Fils, south of Stuttgart, residents of several streets are being transported to safety. The police could not initially determine the number of affected individuals. The residents were earlier notified and requested to pack their essential documents. All schools and municipal kindergartens in the city have been closed, as the city announced on its Facebook page.

Rescuers in Schrobenhausen continue to search for missing 43-year-old woman

The 43-year-old woman, who has been missing since Sunday, was found dead in the flooded basement of a house in Schrobenhausen, Bavaria. Her body was located by rescue forces. Police investigators are currently at the scene to gather more details.

Nursing home evacuation in Steinheim an der Murr

A nursing home was evacuated in Steinheim an der Murr as a precautionary measure due to the increasing flood threat. Authorities in the Ludwigsburg district expect the situation to worsen, with more affected areas and residents requiring relocation to safe areas.

The police in Schrobenhausen are still searching for a missing 43-year-old woman with the help of a helicopter and divers. Some false information circulated overnight claimed that she had been found dead, but this was later corrected by the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation. The search for the woman continues, as divers were unable to enter the flooded cellar of her house the previous day. Pumps have been brought in to help drain the cellar. The woman was last seen in her basement. Meanwhile, Bavaria's Minister President Markus Söder expects the floods to continue to dominate the disaster control authorities' efforts for several more days, as water levels in larger rivers will continue to rise even if the rain stops. He estimates that it may last until Wednesday or Thursday.

In the Upper Bavarian Pfaffenhofen district, three points of the Paar river dam have now broken, according to the district administration. Residents in Baar-Ebenhausen and Manching are being asked to leave the ground floor of their homes and seek refuge in higher floors. As many as 800 people were evacuated in Baar-Ebenhausen, with some being accommodated in the Grund- and Mittelschule Reichertshofen. The Paar is a tributary that flows into the Danube. In Vohburg, the Danube is being closely monitored, and safety measures are being put in place. The A9 motorway remains closed in both directions between Ingolstadt and Langenbruck.

In Manching-Pichl, another dam has been reported to have broken by several media, citing the district administration. Residents are asked to evacuate the ground floor of their homes and apartments and seek shelter on higher floors. Affected streets are said to be Benediktstraße, Martinstraße, and Peterstraße.

In the Rems-Murr district of Baden-Württemberg, firefighters in Rudersberg were caught off guard by the rapidly rising water. The firefighters had to postpone their rescue attempts after they attempted to help residents, as they were unable to reach people on the ground floor. To save themselves, firefighters took refuge on the upper floors of the houses and had to stay there for hours. The fire station was also flooded, and two vehicles were lost.

The Bavarian flood warning service reports that the water level at the Eiserne Brücke measuring point in Regensburg has reached 5.90 meters, surpassing the average value of around 2.70 meters and approaching the 6.82 meters measured during the 2013 major flood. The city of Regensburg has now declared a disaster situation.

In Günzburg, water rescue specialists from the Wasserwacht used a police helicopter to rescue twelve people standing on balconies and roofs. This included a family with three children, one of whom was just a week old. Due to the water masses, a rescue by boat was not possible.

The Integrated Control Center Ingolstadt is warning of a possible dam break in Manching, urging people to stay on the upper floors of their homes and avoid cellars and underground garages. A dam broke in Baar-Ebenhausen on Sunday.

In Uhingen, south of Stuttgart, evacuations have taken place due to flooding in the Filstal. The police say that people have been evacuated from some houses, and no injuries have been reported. Uhingen is east of Ebersbach on the Fils, where an extraordinary emergency situation has been declared. The flooding in the town is affecting a residential area.

5:33 Ostalbkreis communities evacuated due to impending floods

The flood situation remains tense in the Ostalbkreis region of Baden-Württemberg, prompting evacuations in the communities of Leinzell, Heuchlingen, and Göggingen during the night on Sunday. The entire town of Täferrot is set to be evacuated as well, and by early morning, the first floods had reached the town. Around 250 to 300 people were taken to safe locations.

5:13 Baden-Württemberg sends rescue teams to help in neighboring Bavaria

In response to the ongoing flood situation, Baden-Württemberg is sending rescue teams to the neighboring Günzburg district in Bavaria. Three "Sanitation and Care" units have been sent to support the care and supply of people who had to leave their homes and apartments due to the floods. A water rescue vehicle from Ulm will also be deployed to facilitate evacuations.

4:30 Esslingen builds provisional dam to prevent flooding of the city center

The city of Esslingen am Neckar is constructing a temporary dam to prevent the possible flooding of parts of the city center, with the peak of the flood expected early Monday morning. The construction, consisting of approximately 1,500 tons of stone and sand, is taking place near the Water House on a canal. This could result in traffic disruptions around the site. The city has also warned against entering basements and underground garages.

3:26 Preparations for evacuations underway in Ebersbach an der Fils

The municipality of Ebersbach an der Fils has been setting up evacuations for certain streets in the town, which has been severely affected by flooding. Residents are advised to pack essential documents and personal items in preparation for spending the night away from home. The fire department in Ebersbach is assisting with these preparations.

3:11 Severe weather warnings lifted, but heavy rain still expected in the south

The German Weather Service (DWD) has lifted all severe weather warnings for heavy storms with heavy rain, but localized rain squalls are still possible in southern Germany, including areas south of the Danube and the Bavarian Forest. Flooding and possibly thunderstorms may occur in these areas.

2:04 District of Augsburg urges caution for flood tourists

Flood tourists in the district of Augsburg are causing issues for rescue teams. Helpers are being occupied by rescuing people who disregarded warnings and visited dikes, underpasses, and bodies of water. The authorities advise avoiding these areas to relieve the rescue teams. Additionally, flood waves can potentially surprise people and cause banks to collapse, and flooded streets, underpasses, and manhole covers should also be avoided.

1:14 Baden-Württemberg's Minister President and Interior Minister to visit flood areas

Baden-Württemberg's Minister President, Winfried Kretschmann, and Interior Minister, Thomas Strobl, plan to visit two flood areas in the state on Monday. They will first visit Meckenbeuren in the Bodenseekreis in the morning, followed by a visit to the city of Erbach in the Alb-Donau-Kreis. Kretschmann had decided not to visit the flood sites in the acute situation to avoid detracting from rescue efforts but is now gathering information on the situation.

23:50 Ebersbach an der Fils sounding full alarm, noise barrier breached

A full alarm has been declared in the city of Ebersbach an der Fils near Stuttgart due to the flood, meaning all firefighters are in action. Floodwater on the federal highway 10 has breached a noise barrier and flooded the road, as shown in a video published by the city on their Facebook page. Residents have been warned to stay at home, not visit the emergency sites, and stay on the upper floors as their safety could be at risk.

23:16 43-year-old missing person discovered dead in a cellar

A 43-year-old missing person has been found dead in a cellar, according to Bayerischer Rundfunk. The storm in South Germany has resulted in another fatality.

22:16: Lightning shocked a signal box - train traffic south of Dresden disrupted for a while

There was a minor disruption in train traffic around Dresden due to a signal box malfunction following a lightning strike. It mainly impacted the regional line running between Dresden, Bautzen, and Görlitz, according to a rail company spokesperson. The lightning struck the signal box located in Radeberg, east of the city, at 5:10 pm. The signal box was then repaired in the evening, and train traffic returned to normal around 7:00 pm.

22:00: Nursing home in Lauingen evacuated

A nursing home near the Danube River in Lauingen, Bavaria, had to be evacuated due to the flood. The town authority announced this on their website, assuring that all residents would be provided with care in an educational facility.

21:30: Damage: Villages between the Danube and Schmutter must be evacuated

Numerous communities between the Danube and Schmutter rivers in the Swabian district of Donau-Ries have been ordered to evacuate because of significant damage to a dam. Affected villages include Auchsesheim, Heißesheim, Nordheim, Mertingen, Asbach-Bäumenheim, and Urfahrhof. The local authorities ask people to stay calm, take necessary items, and follow the instructions of emergency services. Evacuation centers will be set up.

21:03: Faeser also visiting the Bavarian flood area on Monday

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser plan to visit the Bavarian flood-stricken area on Monday with Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder and State Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. The meeting will take place in Reichertshofen in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Upper Bavaria. The president of the Technical Relief Service, Sabine Lackner, is also expected to attend.

20:30: Many schools in Bavaria to remain closed on Monday due to the flood situation

A minimum of 40 schools in eight Bavarian districts will not have classes on Monday due to the flood situation. This includes the districts of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Aichach-Friedberg, Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, Freising, Fürstenfeldbruck, Dachau, Dillingen, and Augsburg. In some districts, such as Aichach-Friedberg, no classes will be held at Grund-, Mittel-, and Realschulen, or the city's gymnasiums, vocational and professional high schools, or special education centers. In Wertingen, all schools will be closed. In Pfaffenhofen, some kindergartens will also be shut down on Monday. For Schrobenhausen, in-person classes at Grund-, Mittel-, and Realschulen, as well as the vocational school, special education center, and gymnasium, will be canceled on Monday and Tuesday.

19:49: Blackout affects about 30 towns in Swabia

Approximately 30 towns in Swabia have been partially affected by power outages, reports the power company LEW. Apart from local grid outages (low voltage) in individual streets and homes, there are also blackouts affecting about 30 towns. The most affected regions are Günzburg, Augsburg, and Dillingen. LEW's emergency crews are working to restore power by connecting to other lines, depending on the situation. The duration of the power outages varies.

19:11: Over 1,000 people from Günzburg moved to safety

In Günzburg, Bavaria, more than 1,000 people were transported to safety, reports the Günzburg district administrator Hans Reichart. At the time of the report, they were being housed in sports halls and, in part, at Legoland. The situation required additional evacuations as the Günz River had risen considerably over the past few hours.

18:19:45 Meteorologists issue warnings for heavy rainfall in southern Germany

The German Meteorological Service (DWD) has issued a warning for heavy rainfall, particularly in the south of Germany. On Sunday evening, there is a high risk of extreme rainfall in the Stuttgart area, according to meteorologists from Offenbach. Furthermore, there may be heavy rain in the Alps, from Saxony to southern Brandenburg and Berlin. In the southern foothills of the Alps, there could be powerful thunderstorms with heavy rain, as well as in the Bavarian Forest. Showery conditions are predicted for Monday morning in the Alpine foothills south of the Danube, while from Monday afternoon onwards, there may be thunderstorms, even in the Bavarian Forest. Heavy rain, locally up to 40 liters per square meter per hour, is possible.

18:05:32 Disaster declared in Straubing due to rising Danube levels

Straubing's mayor, Markus Pannermayr, has declared a disaster due to the increasingly challenging flood situation along the Danube. A spokesperson noted that the severity of the demands and the associated manpower requirements were the reasons behind the decision. In Straubing, the Danube's water level has risen over six meters. The disaster level is expected to be exceeded in the coming hours. The flood warning service has four levels of warning. At level 1, small overflows are expected, while at level 4, built-up areas could be flooded extensively. Safety measures are underway and will continue, they said. Some roads have already been closed due to the flood.

17:32:24 Bodenseekreis urges against flood tourism

The partially flooded Bodenseekreis community of Meckenbeuren warns against flood tourism. Gawkers would hinder emergency services and endanger themselves and others, officials in Friedrichshafen said. "Even if it doesn't rain much or at all on Sunday, Sunday walkers are asked to avoid the flood area, respect road closures, and bridges," a spokeswoman added. Time and again, police and firefighters had to remind adults and children of the dangerous current. The Schwassen overflowed and flooded streets and houses in the Kehlen and Brochenzell districts on Saturday evening.

17:09:25 Severe thunderstorms loom in Brandenburg's Oder-Spree district

The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued an official warning for severe thunderstorms in Brandenburg's Oder-Spree district. Until Sunday afternoon, there is a threat of lightning strikes, uprooted trees, strong winds, and falling objects at the second highest warning level. Damage to houses is also possible, as well as landslides and hail.

16:57:53 More districts declare a state of disaster

Due to the floods, Dachau and Kelheim have declared a state of disaster. "The current situation, in combination with the forecasts about water levels, remains volatile," stated Kelheim's district administrator, Martin Neumeyer. Dachau's district administrator, Stefan Löwl, echoed similar sentiments, saying the decision was necessary as the local forces could no longer manage the numerous deployment sites in the coming hours. With this measure, resources will be provided for relief efforts from outside the district.

16:37:55 German Railways prepares for potential disruptions on Monday

Passengers should expect train service disruptions on Monday due to the harsh weather conditions in southern Germany. German Railways has extended its leniency policy to Monday, allowing ticket holders for Sunday through Monday to postpone their journeys without fees. The train connection for these tickets has been canceled, according to the company. It is yet to be determined how severely traffic will be impacted, but several long-distance routes in the south are already experiencing cancellations. Munich-Nuremberg-Berlin, Stuttgart-Mannheim-Frankfurt, and Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Crailsheim-Nuremberg and Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Ulm-Augsburg-Munich routes have been affected. The railway advises against traveling in flooded areas in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.

16:13:11 Over 3,000 people in Bavaria evacuated due to floods

In Bavaria, over 3,000 people have been affected by evacuations due to the flooding. This was announced by a spokeswoman from the Bavarian Interior Ministry in Munich. There are currently around 20,000 forces active for the numerous operations due to the flood, according to the spokeswoman. Since the beginning of the situation, 40,000 forces have been involved.

15:55:04 Meteorologist: "I cannot fathom the extent of the damage"

According to meteorologist Bernd Fuchs, the flood situation in the south is unlikely to improve significantly. "Every drop counts," he said on ntv. When asked about a connection to the climate crisis, Fuchs saw in the current situation a "clear sign" of the path we're on.

15:29:01 Man suffers serious electric shock during flood relief efforts

A man received a serious electric shock while working in the flood-affected areas in Germany.

A gentleman underwent a severe electrical shock while completing his work amidst the flooding in the area of Freising, Upper Bavaria. An official spokesperson from the Upper Bavaria North Police confirmed the unfortunate incident involving a 27-year-old worker employed at an energy company. The victim was retrieved from a waterlogged area near the monumental hall in Allershausen and was airlifted to a healthcare facility using a rescue helicopter. It is presumed that his job duties were somehow connected to the flood.

Amid significant rainfall across South Germany, shipping along the Upper Rhine has been fractionally suspended. The High Water Forecasting Center Rhineland-Palatinate declared that no vessels can sail on the Upper Rhine's segment near Karlsruhe since Saturday. The water level reached the critical shipping high water mark II of 7.50 meters on Saturday night. On Sunday afternoon, the level was at 8.20 meters and was projected to lessen at night; however, increasing water levels are anticipated in the following days further downstream: in Mannheim, Worms, and Mainz. The significant water levels on the Middle and Lower Rhine also pose a potential hazard to navigation on a vital waterway. When the Koblenz gauge attains a value of around 6.10 meters on Tuesday, ships cannot travel. On Wednesday, the metropolises of Cologne and Dusseldorf are expected to witness the highest levels.

Portion of the Autobahn A9 is closed on about 50 kilometers of the Pfaffenhofen area due to a dam breach. A representative for the Upper Bavaria North Police Department reported that parts of the road are flooded and describes this scenario as unprecedented in their region. There are also instances of power outages. Numerous people are impacted, and efforts are underway to solve the problem. The district administration advised residents of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching to relocate from the ground floor of their homes and apartments to higher floors.

The Danube had already burst its banks on Sunday.

[@15:23 p.m. Update]: According to Autobahn GmbH, the section between Ingolstadt-South and Langenbruck remains shut in both directions. Moreover, the segment between Pfaffenhofen and the Autobahn exchange Neufahrn is drastically restricted. It is suggested to detour the entire region extensively.

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck desires greater dedication to climate protection following the completion of the flood disaster in South Germany. "The restriction of CO2 emissions to provide us with sufficient time to adapt should not be dismissed or minimized, but is the utmost priority. The frequency of natural catastrophes is a clear sign that nature and climate are changing," Habeck stated during his visit to the flood-impacted Reichertshofen in Bavaria. Disasters of this magnitude presently take place "every couple of years."

Chancellor Olaf Scholz will inspect the flood-hit area personally on Monday. [This information was received from government sources.]

A 22-year-old firefighter vanished after an evacuation procedure in Offingen, Günzburg's district. This was confirmed by a representative of the Schwaben Süd-West police headquarters. The young man allegedly accompanied a colleague from the volunteer fire station and three DLRG personnel in a boat for an evacuation around 2:50 am. Unfortunately, the boat capsized, and the four assisters were brought to safety from the water while the 22-year-old failed to materialize. Search efforts have commenced since the early morning hours. Two helicopters have joined in the search. A 42-year-old firefighter had already lost his life in the flood ordeal.

11:56 Uninterrupted rain continues to threaten

The latest week introduces no alleviation in the southern German flood areas. Per meteorologist Björn Alexander from NTV, "the widespread unremitting rain does indeed exist, but local thunderstorm systems are emerging."

11:37 Additional Peril: Paar Dam Endangers Several Municipalities

The breakage of the Paar Dam presents further jeopardy. At stake are the areas of Rottmannshart, Westenhausen, Lindach, Ernsgaden, Irsching, and Knodorf in the Pfaffenhofen district. Authorities urge people to promptly vacate their homes' ground floor and basement levels, and in case of emergency, the fire department should be notified by dialing the emergency number 112.

11:19 Söder: Over 40,000 emergency personnel deployed for the floods in Bavaria

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder stated that a staff of over 40,000 emergency personnel are on duty to manage the flood situation.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder mentioned that approximately 40,000 emergency staff are on duty managing the floods across the entire state of Bavaria. Söder highlighted the importance of efficiently organizing relief efforts during his visit to Upper Bavarian Reichertshofen, stating that those who have worked in the field for a prolonged time need to be relieved. He warned that prolonged periods without relief could increase the risk of errors and fatigue, thus hastening the potential danger to life and limb.

At 12:29 p.m., Straubing initiated the establishment of dam guards as the Donaupegel was projected to reach its highest alert level four later in the day. Firefighters would monitor the dam, recording water levels and documenting any damages. They would also be filling sandbags.

A dam in the Pfaffenhofen district's Baar-Ebenhausen region had collapsed. The municipalities of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching would likely be impacted. Residents were urged to promptly leave the ground floor of their residences.

Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, expressed his admiration and respect to the rescuers in the flood-stricken regions. Scholz was deeply saddened by the death of a firefighter in Pfaffenhofen during a rescue operation.

11:37 a.m. marked the end of the Catholic Day in Erfurt where the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Georg Bätzing, extended his sympathies to those affected by the floods. Bätzing emphasized the importance of saving and protecting human lives.

10:59 a.m. saw parts of Meckenbeuren's Kehlen and Brochenzell districts in the Bodenseekreis submerged under water due to the Schussen's overflowing banks. A municipal spokesperson indicated that around 1300 individuals had voluntarily evacuated on Saturday, while some residents remained in their homes, seeking refuge on upper floors. The Schussen's water levels peaked at more than 4.86 meters on Saturday evening, significantly higher than the normal depth of 45 centimeters.

Söder, the Minister President of Bavaria, paid tribute to the deceased firefighter who lost his life during a rescue operation in the Bavarian floods. Following news reports of the 42-year-old volunteer fire department member's death upon the capsizing of a rescue boat, Söder penned his condolences.

This is what Meckenbeuren currently looks like from above.

Ukraine's national football team experienced a change of location for its final training session before the EM test match against Germany. Severe rainfall compelled the team to train in Erlangen rather than the previously scheduled Max-Morlock-Stadion in Nuremberg. They wished to preserve the lawn at the stadium, confirmed a Ukrainian team spokesperson. The match would occur on Monday at 8:45 p.m. on ARD.

The Munich region faced floods for hours on end. Between Saturday 6:00 a.m. and 10:09 a.m., more than 290 rescue operations were conducted by the fire department. The fire department personnel spent most of their time pumping water out of full basements and underground garages. Several toppled trees and closed roads resulted from the excessively wet soil. The flood warning level 2 of the Isar had surpassed normal limits.

By 9:24 a.m., the flood situation in Anhausen was beginning to subside slightly following a dam breach five kilometers away. The local residents could gradually return to their homes. However, water levels remained critical in other regions.

09:08 a.m. marked THW (Technischer Hilfsdienst or Technical Assistance) dispatching reinforcements to southern Germany's flooded regions.

The Technical Assistance Organization (TSK) is deploying more staff to the flooded regions in southern Germany. There are currently over 1,800 individuals assisting, reports a spokesperson. The aid workers are securing dams, filling sandbags, and aiding the evacuation of residents from areas hit by flooding. Concurrently, the fire department and other emergency services are also at work.

08:47 A landslide impacts transportation in Baden-Württemberg

The flood situation in certain parts of Germany continues to cause concern. Southern Germany is especially vulnerable, with the potential for a centenary flood in the east of Baden-Württemberg. The rescue services and volunteers are reaching their limits.

08:30 The recovery of the ICE from the landslide will commence in the morning

A landslide in Schwabisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg has affected the train line, preventing the regional train from passing. On the adjacent track, a rescue locomotive will be employed to assist the recovery. The duration of the closure is uncertain. In the interim, the regional train has been able to bypass the ICE. On Saturday night, part of an ICE with 185 passengers on board derailed due to a landslide.

08:16 A missing individual in Schrobenhausen

An individual is presumed missing in Schrobenhausen. The person was believed to be in the basement of a home when the flood arrived. The basement and portions of the upper floor are now submerged, confirms a district administration representative. Emergency services are currently unable to reach the house.

07:44 A firefighter dies in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm during flood operations

Following a fatal incident, a firefighter has perished in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Upper Bavaria. He lost his life while on duty with three other firefighters in a rescue boat, informs a district administration spokesperson in the morning.

07:29 Floods shift downstream - more level 4 alerts

In Bavaria, there are still several gauges measuring floods classified as the highest alert level 4. The focus continues to be on the southern Danube tributaries of Gunz, Mindel, Zusam, Schmutter, Paar, Abens, Ilm, and Amper, in addition to the upper Danube. The peak has been attained during the night. With the wave, the focus shifts downstream - from Swabia towards Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate. Possible affected areas include Neuburg, Kelheim, Regensburg, and Straubing, but the peak wave is anticipated to reach them only at the start of the week. Additionally, rising water levels are predicted on Sunday in Mühlingen in the Schrobenhausen district and in Manching and Geisenfeld in Upper Bavaria, as well as in Abensberg in the Kelheim district.

06:54 Meteorological service anticipates more severe thunderstorms accompanied by heavy rain in the south on Sunday

In numerous regions of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, according to the German Meteorological Service (DWD) forecast, there is a chance of severe thunderstorms with heavy rain on Sunday. Thunderstorms with heavy rain are predicted from noon to late Monday night. Once more, there could be flooded streets and basements. Additionally, there is a possibility of damage due to lightning strikes.

Habeck is traveling in the flood area together with Bavaria's Minister President Söder and Interior Minister Herrmann.

05:39 Augsburg District extends evacuation orders

In the flooded areas of the Bavarian district of Augsburg, authorities have expanded their evacuation instructions. Residents are urged to vacate the communities of Kühlenthal and Allmannshofen promptly, orders the Combined Control Center early in the morning. Buses are provided for those unable to depart the areas on their own. Additionally, people were directed to leave their homes and apartments in other parts of the district on Saturday night and during the night. Mostly affected are communities adjacent to the Schmutter River, a tributary of the Danube.

05:05 Wiesbaden prepares for rising water levels on the Rhine and Main

In Wiesbaden, authorities are taking steps to deal with potential rising water levels on the Rhine and Main. A flood protection wall has been built in the city district of Kostheim, reports the fire department early in the morning. Additionally, a pump has been installed in the district of Schierstein, which is Rhine-facing. Parking lots situated on the riverbanks should be avoided for the foreseeable future, cautions the fire department. As of now, it is anticipated that no further steps will be required.

04:04 Train traffic between Stuttgart and Munich suspended due to landslide

As a result of a landslide in the Baden-Württemberg town of Schwäbisch Gmünd, there is currently no long-distance train traffic between Stuttgart and Munich. A railway representative cannot yet predict when the line will reopen. The landslide has obstructed the bypass between Aalen and Stuttgart, following which the line between Ulm and Augsburg had already been closed due to the floods in southern Germany, causing long-distance trains to be rerouted.

03:13 THW in Ulm Fills 30,000 Sandbags

In the middle of the night, volunteers of the Technical Relief Organization (THW) in Ulm were busy filling sandbags to help flood-stricken areas in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. Bernd Urban, head of the THW Logistics Center, told the media that they were producing 30,000 sandbags to be distributed throughout the night. The organization currently fills 400 sandbags per hour. The sandbags are in demand from various deployment areas in the southwest and neighboring regions. The continuous rain in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria has led to higher water levels at multiple locations.

02:25 Red Cross Deploys Water Rescuers to Günzburg

The Bavarian Red Cross is rushing water rescue teams from Unterfranken to the aid efforts in Swabia. These teams, trained for flood rescue operations, are expected to be deployed in the severely affected district of Günzburg. Several areas in the region have reached flood levels of over 100 years, which means a flood that occurs or exceeds the statistical average of once every 100 years.

01:27 Train Derailment in Schwäbisch Gmünd

An ICE train with 185 passengers on board had two wagons derail in the Baden-Württemberg town of Schwäbisch Gmünd due to a landslide. The passengers remained uninjured and were being evacuated from the train. According to a railway spokesperson, the first two wagons came off the tracks at around 11:20 p.m., but did not overturn. The landslide was 30 meters wide. The train passengers will likely stay at a nearby preschool before being taken to Plüderhausen by bus.

00:59 Car Stuck in Landslide in Schwäbisch Gmünd

In Schwäbisch Gmünd, a car was caught in a landslide. The driver walked away unscathed, according to initial police reports in the evening. The landslide occurred where the main road and the railway intersected. Schwäbisch Gmünd is around 50 kilometers east of Stuttgart. Heavy rain has been falling in various parts of Baden-Württemberg since Friday.

00:14 Neu-Ulm Avoids 100-Year Flood Peak

The city of Neu-Ulm overcame the peak of the flood wave on the Danube and Iller, according to an assessment by the city administration. Although the water levels were high, the feared 100-year flood did not occur. "The extent of the damage is still unknown until the situation stabilizes again," said Mayor Katrin Albsteiger. Two streets, the Donau promenades, and the cycle paths along the Danube and Iller will be closed for now.

23:44 Munich: Danger at the Isar River Bank

Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.

The Munich Fire Department is warning of potential danger along the Isar River bank due to rising waters. Additionally, they have closed two pedestrian paths along the Isar. The river has already reached level 2, which means flooding on non-paved areas or traffic delays due to high water levels on the roads.

23:23 Evacuations Planned in Upper Bavaria

Rescue teams and firefighters are making preparations to evacuate 670 people in Schrobenhausen, Upper Bavaria. Heavy equipment like bulldozers and boats are being used in Muhlried district and alongside the Weilach River. The district administration has established a crisis hotline for emergencies. The district has declared a state of disaster due to the dangerous situation in the southern section of Upper Bavaria, according to District Administrator Peter von der Grün.

23:03 Multiple Fire Department Operations in Eastern Thuringia

The ongoing heavy rain and thunderstorms in Eastern Thuringia have triggered countless fire brigade operations. The Gera control center reports that Ronneburg in the Greiz district is being particularly affected. Local streets, fields, and cellars are flooded. The Gera district also reports a small stream that has overflowed.

  • Danger at the Isar River Bank in Munich
  • Evacuations of 670 people in Schrobenhausen, Upper Bavaria
  • Sandbags filled by THW in Ulm to help flood-threatened areas
  • Red Cross sends water rescue teams to Günzburg
  • Train derailment in Schwäbisch Gmünd
  • Landslide in Schwäbisch Gmünd traps a car
  • City of Neu-Ulm avoids 100-year flood peak
  • Multiple fire brigade operations in Eastern Thuringia due to heavy rainfall

10:45 Persistent Rain in South Germany Slows Down, but New Shower Reported

At the flooded or threatened areas in southern Germany, the German Weather Service (DWD) reports slight improvement in the rain. A DWD meteorologist says the continuous rain will lessen tonight. "There won't be the heavy rainfall we had last night," he comments. However, showers and thunderstorms from the north are coming, which could potentially increase local flooding on Sunday afternoon. These storms could be heavy and may last hours. "If they hit the already saturated ground, there would be flooding again," says the meteorologist. The areas likely to experience these showers and storms are the Swabian Alb, areas to the north, and the regions around Augsburg, Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Regensburg.

10:25 Disaster Situation in Freising

Freising district declares a disaster situation due to overflowing rivers and streams. The municipality authority fears a large-scale flooding in Hohenkammer, along with all areas along the Amper. The residents are advised to take precautions early for the upcoming extreme situation. They are also asked to empty their basements. Ten Bavarian districts have now declared a disaster situation.

19:50 Dillingen District Faces Disaster Situation

Due to the consistent rain, Dillingen district in Bavaria now also declares a disaster situation. The Zusam, a tributary that flows into the Danube, is in a worse condition according to the authority. The local crisis team is requesting assistance from the Bundeswehr. Experts predict a 100-year flood on the small river, which could affect the nearby towns of Buttenwiesen and Wertingen. The district administration is currently working to drain water from the swollen Danube into the Riedstrom, a former natural floodplain of the river. The district administration requests local farmers to keep their livestock in safe stables.

19:09 Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen in Disaster Situation

Due to the increasing water levels in the Danube and its tributaries, the Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen declares the eighth municipality in Bavaria a disaster situation. The Water Management Office Ingolstadt anticipates a level IV flood at Pegel Neuburg for the night. The situation with the Paar, a Danube tributary, and the Weilach, which streams into the Paar, is more severe. In the Mühldorf district of Schrobenhausen, the Weilach has already overflowed its banks and flooded a residential area. Emergency services are preparing to evacuate residents from this area, as reported by Landrat Peter von der Grün. The situation is alarming, especially in the southern part of the district. Von der Grün emphasized that protecting roads, bridges, and paths is a top priority. "Only then can the fire department continue to be deployed for rescue operations."

19:34 Red Cross Rescues People via Helicopter

The Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) has airlifted two people to safety using a helicopter in Babenhausen. These people were in a life-threatening situation because their house was about to collapse due to the large water masses. Other people were led to safety using inflatable boats. The rescuers saved over 100 people, including many children.

19:07 Evacuation in Several Locations Near Augsburg

Aerial photos show flooded Meckenbeuren.

A spokeswoman for the Augsburg district administration states that water rescuers had to free people trapped in cars, as they couldn't open the doors due to the water masses. The situation could turn life-threatening with the rising water levels in the cars. In several municipalities of the Landkreis Augsburg, people are asked to leave their homes due to the impending flood. The worst is expected in the northern part of the district in the evenings, reports the Augsburg district administration. The regions of Batzenhofen, Gablingen, Langweid, Eisenbrechtshofen, Biberbach, Allmannshofen, and the entire municipality of Nordendorf are impacted. The Swabian government has set up a temporary shelter at the Augsburg fairgrounds.

18:48 Bundeswehr Assisting with Flood Relief

Bundeswehr soldiers are assisting with flood relief in Bavaria. "The Bundeswehr is supporting the two districts of Günzburg and Aichach-Friedberg following their requests," says a spokeswoman for the Bavarian Bundeswehr command. "Soldiers are distributing blankets and beds around Günzburg. In the Aichach-Friedberg district, around 50 Bundeswehr soldiers are expected to arrive as 'helping hands' in the coming hours. Additionally, two Bundeswehr trucks are in operation there."

18:20 Faeser Promises Extra Support

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser pledges more support for the flood-affected areas in Bavaria. Discussing the situation with the Bavarian prime minister, Faeser emphasizes the importance of responding quickly and adequately to the challenges, such as evacuations and helping people in affected areas. "The Federal Government stands ready to assist on all fronts," she says. The two leaders agree that it's crucial to maintain close communication between the federal and state authorities during such a crisis.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser guarantees ongoing assistance for the areas affected by the floods in southern Germany. As a result of the relentless rain and imminent inundations, the THW is all set to dispatch additional personnel. "We'll keep supporting the affected federal states with all available resources," Faeser, an SPD member, remarks in Berlin. Over the weekend, 520 THW workers have been deployed. They've saved people, reinforced dikes, and extracted water. Faeser also acknowledges the efforts of everyone fighting against the water masses: "I'm grateful to all the first responders who are working ceaselessly to save lives." Notably, she urges people living in deluged regions in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg to abide by the alerts and instructions given by the officials. "Take these warnings very seriously!"

18:58 29 Climbers Rescued after Snowstorm at Zugspitze

Climbers who encountered difficulty at Zugspitze are now safe. 29 individuals were escorted by the rescue team to the Gletscherrestaurant Sonnalpin on Zugspitzplatt. Multiple rescue calls were sent, and helpers were unable to proceed due to weather conditions and new snow at about 2,500 meters above sea level, approximately 900 meters before the Sonnalpin. The mountain rescue service stepped in, and Zugspitzbahn employees were en route in snow groomers to locate the climbers, a Zugspitzbahn spokeswoman discloses.

18:42 Storm Warning for Parts of Brandenburg

The German Weather Service (DWD) sounds the alarm in Brandenburg for the potential perils of severe thunderstorms. Aggravated circumstances have been declared for Dahme-Spreewald, Märkisch-Oderland, and Oder-Spree regions. This might lead to lightning strikes, falling trees or power lines, falling objects, quick flooding of roads, earthslides, or hail.

18:11 Water on A3 Forces Closure

In Bavaria near Regensburg, the A3 motorway has been shut down for approximately ten kilometers between exits Parsberg and Beratzhausen. This is because the road is flooded, as reported by the Upper Palatinate police headquarters. "Water is filling up from the fields onto the highway," a police spokesperson remarks. Regensburg's traffic police confirm that the highway manager, fire department, and police are present. Traffic will be diverted, the spokesperson asserts.

17:51 Memmingen Prison Evacuated Due to Rising Dangers

The prison in Memmingen, Bavaria has been evacuated due to flooding concerns. According to a report by Nonstopnews, the approximately 150 prisoners housed there will be temporarily relocated to Landsberg, Kempten, and Augsburg. The river Memminger Ach, which flows right in front of the prison, has become a raging torrent, threatening to infiltrate the facility. Parts of the courtyard are already submerged. This might result in a power outage, so the prison management concluded on the evacuation. Police arrived with numerous emergency vehicles to facilitate the evacuation. The evacuation later had to be done through flooded streets, as the access road was already flooded. The fire department was also on hand with pumps to suck out water from the prison.

17:35 Rain Causes Level 4 Inundation

Persistent rain is causing a plethora of gauges in Swabia to yield level 4, indicating a flood. Rivers are growing in Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate. The gauges in Neu-Ulm Bad Held (Danube), Hasberg (Mindel), Fleinhausen (Zusam), Fischach (Schmutter), identified by the flood alert service (HND), have already reached level 4. The same is expected in Dasing (Paar). The Regen in Cham, Upper Palatinate, has also attained level 4. One-hundred-year floods are indicated in Nattenhausen (Günz) and Dasing (Paar).

The Pegel Wiblingen (Iller) is projected to reach its climax on Saturday to Sunday in Meldestufe 3, while the water levels in the lower Iller sections are already subsiding. In the north of Danube tributaries Wörnitz, Sulzach, Altmühl, Schwarze Laber, and Naab, certain gauges display Meldestufen 1 and 2 overflow with an escalating trend. From Neu-Ulm to Kelheim, water levels are expected to escalate to Meldestufe 3 throughout the day, for instance, in Günzburg, Donauwörth, and Neuburg. The Pegel Kelheim is predicted to follow. In the further Danube section up to Passau, eddies to Meldestufen 1 and 2 are projected.

The helpers manage 400 bags per hour.

17:23 Uninterrupted Operations at Munich Airport

Despite the conflicting weather, Mohrenstraße 20 from the THW advises the operations at Munich Airport continue uninterrupted.

In the midst of the intense rainfall across Bavaria, operations at Munich Airport are running smoothly with no cancellations reported thus far. The key factors allowing for this are the water standing outside the runways, the airport's higher elevation, the sunken runways that allow water to drain, and the runways' "grooved" surfaces, which promote faster water drainage. Aquaplaning is not a concern, according to Robert Wilhelm, the airport's spokesman. The airport anticipates no significant complications for the remainder of the weekend.

At 17:07, Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder visited Diedorf, a town severely affected by the storm in the Augsburg district. Söder expressed gratitude towards the helpers and authorities for their efforts, acknowledging that the situation is an "extreme burden" for the citizens. He emphasized that this is not over yet, as the focus of the storm currently lies in Swabia, and resources, such as sandbags, are being accumulated there. Addressing the rescue services like fire department, Red Cross, police, and Technical Relief Organization, Söder praised their commendable work and urged the citizens to adhere to the rules - obeying evacuation orders, refraining from returning to cellars or attempting to drive vehicles from garages.

By 16:35, rail transport in South Germany has been disrupted, with cancellations and delays following the storm and flooding. ICE lines connecting Munich with Bregenz and Zurich and the line between Ulm and Augsburg have suffered the most. Detailed information on track closures, cancellations, and delays can be found on the Bahn website.

In Unterallgäu, Bavaria, disaster status has been declared, with residents in need advised to hang out a white sheet or flag outside their windows as a signal for help, as the mobile network has failed in certain areas. The district administration urges rapid evacuation from Babenhausen, and rescues are taking place with inflatable boats.

Approximately 400 relief workers from the Technical Relief Organization (THW) are currently in action across South Germany, and they are immersed in various operations such as pumping water, reinforcing dikes, and performing precautionary evacuations. The THW is preparing for additional forces to be deployed based on weather forecasts and potential floods in the coming hours.

This map maintains an update of all current flood alerts.

A 26-member mountain climbing group has apparently become stranded several hundred meters below the summit of the Zugspitze, with heavy snowfall accumulating and visibility only reaching about 100 meters. Rescue teams are currently searching for the climbers in the heavy snow and blizzard, as reported by the BR, relaying information from the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Mountain Rescue Service. The climbers may be exhausted and under-equipped, and it is unclear why they decided to attempt the climb in these extreme weather conditions.

The Donau-Ries District in Bavaria also declared a disaster to mobilize resources and enhance readiness for the anticipated water levels. District Administrator Stefan Roßle encourages maintaining calm and avoiding low-lying areas.

In simpler terms, with rainfall causing havoc across Bavaria, Munich Airport continues under normal operations while a mountain climbing group finds itself in distress. Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder acknowledges the ongoing crisis while urging citizens to stay safe. Disaster declarations are in effect in Unterallgäu and the Donau-Ries District as rescue operations continue. Meanwhile, train cancellations and delays hit rail transport in South Germany. The Technical Relief Organization (THW) is working tirelessly to tackle the situation, and residents are advised to remain vigilant.

A dam collapse and a dike failure have taken place within the Swabian region of Augsburg. The district's administration has made this known to the public. Residents in specific streets of the town of Diedorf are being prompted to vacate. Evacuation plans are being developed for the Anhausen district in Diedorf, as per the Augsburg District Administration's report. "Going to higher floors is no longer a viable option," they stated. A dam collapse occurred in Burgwalden, and the dike at Anhauser Weiher has surrendered. All inhabitants of the impacted regions are instructed to leave their homes in the next hour, heading to the Diedorf Schmuttertalhalle. The officials urge people to avoid railway underpasses too, as floods may flow there, posing a threat to lives.

Soeder and Herrmann visit the flooded site

Bavaria's Minister President Markus Soeder and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann pay a visit to the inundated region in the Swabian town of Augsburg on Saturday. The duo of CSU politicians intend to assess the flood situation at Diedorf in person, as the Interior Ministry relayed. District Administrator Martin Sailer also joins the visit. The location for the visit was altered at the last minute because of the circumstances. The CSU leaders had initially planned to visit the nearby Fischach. In Diedorf, evacuations of locals are ongoing. This flood disaster in Swabia is especially critical, with water levels rapidly rising. Beyond Augsburg, the districts of Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg have now proclaimed a disaster as well.

The situation in Meckenbeuren stays volatile

The Schussen river's flood in Meckenbeuren within Bodenseekreis is still worsening. In the afternoon, municipal officials revealed the river had reached 4.72 meters. It is expected that the pinnacle will be attained shortly. Throughout the last flood in 2021, the river had climbed to 4.50 meters. Under typical circumstances, it doesn't exceed 45 cm. Approximately 1300 people were advised, on Friday evening, to relocate from their homes out of precaution. The majority of these citizens have made their way to friends or kin. Few used a temporary shelter. To preempt potential flooding-caused damage, schools, kindergartens, and party halls were cleared prior. The area with 14,000 citizens had certain bridges sealed off.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

Read also:

The International Red Cross has set up a live ticker to provide real-time updates on the flood situation in the pipe village, which has been significantly affected by the heavy rains. Despite the''all clear'' issued by the weather service in Baden-Württemberg, the flood situation in the pipe village continues to worsen, resulting in several homes being submerged.

