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At 12:50 p.m., a flood incident occurred, leaving an elderly tourist stranded in the water. Firefighters swiftly arrived to save the 81-year-old man.

Live updates: Flooding incidents reported

Habeck is traveling in the flood area together with Bavaria's Minister President Söder and Interior...
Habeck is traveling in the flood area together with Bavaria's Minister President Söder and Interior Minister Herrmann.

At 12:50 p.m., a flood incident occurred, leaving an elderly tourist stranded in the water. Firefighters swiftly arrived to save the 81-year-old man.

A 81-year-old man was rescued by the fire department from a flooded area in Upper Palatinate. The man had decided to drive to the market of Hahnbach near Nuremberg just to witness the Vils flood. Unfortunately, his car got stuck in the water, and the water level continued to rise. The old fellow then climbed up onto his car through the sliding door and called for help. A concerned bystander notified the police. The fire department showed up with a specialized vehicle to save both the vehicle and the driver from the water.

As for another development, a Donau cruise ship got stranded due to the flood in Deggendorf. There were approximately 150 passengers, one-half of which were Americans and the other half were English tourists. This ship's journey had to come to a halt as the river couldn't be navigated. To evacuate the passengers, a work boat arrived at the harbor that could accommodate around 25 to 30 people at once. Thomas Kindel, head of the disaster control at Deggendorf district office, shared this information with Bavarian Radio.

Additionally, the Donau flood is expected to be similar to the intensity of the 2002 flood according to the Bavarian Flood Information Service. The service's spokesperson made these remarks while highlighting the Isar river's current situation in Deggendorf. The Donau river is the second longest in Europe, with a length of 2,850 kilometers. In Passau, in 2002, the water level at the Ilzstadt measuring point clocked in at 10.80 meters, but on Monday, the water level was less, around 7.77 meters with rising tendencies. ntv's weather expert, Paul Heger, offered insights on the critical flood situation and possible future dangers.

The body of a 43-year-old missing woman was found in the flooded basement of a house in Schrobenhausen. This discovery comes after the woman's absence was reported since Sunday, as confirmed by the police representatives.

Rising water levels are a matter of concern at the Ludwigsburg district. Despite the decreasing rain, there's still an impending danger, according to Dietmar Allgaier, the district administrator. He noted that despite there being no heavy rainstorm happening, the water levels of Rems and Murr will likely continue to increase. In Remseck, they've not yet hit the peak of Rems. A screening center has been established for monitoring and coordinating the emergency services. Approximately 250 firefighters and women are involved in the operations. On Monday morning, a nursing home in Steinheim an der Murr was evacuated, with its residents and residents being taken to other safe locations.

Due to torrential rainfall, the Rhine river had been closed for inland shipping. "Shipping has been banned on the Upper Rhine," said a representative of the Waterways and Shipping Authority (WSA). "Critical benchmarks have been exceeded at the water levels." The closed areas include Maxau near Karlsruhe, Mannheim, and Worms. On the Middle Rhine, closures are expected to occur on Tuesday or Wednesday. These closures aren't expected to last long, though, assures the representative. This measure is part of attempts to protect the banks from potential damage. The ships can cause waves that eventually lead to overflowing banks and flooded cellars.

In a helpful gesture, North Rhine-Westphalia is sending aid to the flood-stricken area in Landau an der Isar. The provided aid includes five water rescue units with 48 personnel, ten vehicles, eight trailers, and six boats. These units were dispatched after the Bavarian administration accepted the assistance from North Rhine-Westphalia on Sunday evening.

Residents in Ebersbach an der Fils are being evacuated from several streets. The city spokesperson couldn't give a specific breakdown of the number of people involved in this operation. Residents had already been instructed to prepare their documents and essentials by the city. As a result of high water levels, the entire city's schools and kindergartens will remain closed today.

09:41 Rescuers Keep Looking for a Woman in Schrobenhausen

A 43-year-old woman is still missing in Schrobenhausen, despite the initial report of her death being corrected. The police in the area are using a helicopter and divers to search for her, who was last seen in the basement of her house. A spokesman says that they've started using pumps to drain the cellar after divers weren't able to reach her on Sunday.

09:12 Söder Predicts Floods Will Ongoing for Days

Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder anticipates the floods will continue to occupy the disaster control authorities in Bavaria for a few more days. Even though it's not raining anymore, the water levels of the larger rivers are expected to rise due to incoming waters. "The situation is improving a bit, but we can't give a total all-clear yet," he said on Monday morning on Deutschlandfunk.

08:41 Third Dam Break in Pfaffenhofen District

The dam of the river Paar in the Upper Bavarian district of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm has now broken at three points. The district administration's spokeswoman urges residents of Baar-Ebenhausen and Manching on the ground floor of their homes to move to higher floors, as up to 800 people have been evacuated in Baar-Ebenhausen. The Panar is a tributary of the Danube, and the district is being watchful in Vohburg. The A9 motorway is still shut down between Ingolstadt and Langenbruck.

08:21 Manching's Dam Also Breaks

In Manching-Pichl in the Pfaffenhofen district, another dam has broken, according to multiple reports from the district administration. Residents are urged to leave the ground floor of their homes and find shelter on higher floors, and to pay attention to instructions from the fire department. Affected areas include Benediktstraße, Martinstraße, and Peterstraße.

08:01 Firefighters Trapped by Water in Rudersberg

Firefighters in Rudersberg, Baden-Württemberg were caught by surprise by the rising water, as reported by an ntv reporter on the scene. They had to abandon their rescue attempt when trying to save residents. Firefighters stayed safe by retreating to the upper floors of the houses and spent hours there. The fire department building was also reportedly flooded, and two vehicles could not be moved to safety.

07:39 Disaster Situation Declared in Regensburg

The Danube had already burst its banks on Sunday.

The water level of the Danube is rising again, prompting Regensburg to declare a disaster situation. The water level at the Eiserne Brücke measuring point reached 5.90 meters, according to the Bavarian flood warning service. This is much higher than the average value of 2.70 meters on Tuesday of last week. The water level reached 6.82 meters during the major flood on June 4, 2013.

07:20 Police Helicopter Rescues Family in Gunzburg

Water rescue specialists from the Water Police saved twelve people from balconies and roofs in Gunzburg using a police helicopter, including a family with three children. The rescue was necessary because of the water masses, which made rescue by boat impossible.

06:50 Possible Dam Break in Manching

The Integrated Control Centre Ingolstadt warns of a potential dam break in Manching, Pfaffenhofen district, advising people to stay in upper floors and refrain from basements and underground garages. A dam had already broken in the neighboring Baar-Ebenhausen on Sunday.

06:16 Evacuations in Communities South of Stuttgart Due to Floods

Evacuations have taken place in Uhingen, south of Stuttgart, due to the threat of floods. The police reported early in the morning that some houses have been emptied. So far, no one has been harmed. The Göppingen district administration thinks many people are in danger in Ebersbach an der Fils, where an extraordinary operation has been ordered. The flooding has affected a residential area.

Flood situation in Baden-Württemberg: Evacuatee in Ostalbkreis and Aid from Baden-Württemberg to Bavaria.

The flood emergency is also intensifying in the Baden-Württemberg district of Ostalbkreis. A spokeswoman for the crisis staff reported in the early morning that people had been evacuated from parts of the communities of Leinzell, Heuchlingen, and Göggingen from their homes overnight. The entire community of Täferrot is set to be evacuated. The first floods had already reached Täferrot by morning, it was said. Around 250 to 300 people have been taken to safe places.

In light of the ongoing flood situation, Baden-Württemberg is sending rescue teams to the neighboring Bavarian district of Günzburg. At the request of the Free State of Bavaria, three rescue teams "Sanitation and Care" have been sent to the district, announced the Baden-Württemberg Interior Ministry. These teams will provide care and supply to those who had to leave their homes and houses due to the flood. In addition, a water rescue unit from Ulm will be deployed in the district of Günzburg to support the evacuation of people.

Esslingen builds a provisional dam to prevent flooding.

The city of Esslingen am Neckar is constructing a makeshift dam to ward off flooding in parts of its inner city areas. The city anticipates a peak in the morning, which could lead to flooding of canals in these areas. Overnight, approximately 1500 tons of stone and sand were placed near a canal by the waterworks, says the city, who also warns of traffic disruptions in the vicinity of the building site. Esslingen had already warned its citizens against visiting the basements and underground garages in the inner city and in Oberesslingen amid tense flooding.

Ebersbach an der Fils prepares some residents for evacuation.

The city of Ebersbach an der Fils, located south of Stuttgart, has readied some residents for possible evacuations. Residents of specific streets were asked to pack their vital documents and necessities for spending the night away from their homes, the city announced in a morning Facebook post. It's crucial to remain in upper floors of their buildings.

Weather warnings lifted but heavy rain possible.

The German Weather Service (DWD) has retracted all severe thunderstorm warnings for Germany, featuring heavy rain. However, pockets of really heavy rain may appear throughout the day, informed the DWD. Areas under the Danube and around the Bavarian Forest are expected to face these conditions. There's also the possibility of thunderstorms.

Acute issues with flood tourists in Augsburg district.

Flood tourists are causing difficulties for aid teams in the Augsburg district. The emergency services are increasingly having to deal with the rescue of individuals who, as per warnings, went to dikes, underpasses, and into or into bodies of water. This is draining the rescue teams' resources. To ease up on the rescue teams, people must avoid these areas. "Flood waves can catch you off guard and break the banks," cautions the authorities. Drivers and pedestrians should shun flooded roads as well as flooded underpasses. Manhole covers could potentially be lifted by the sewer pressure, posing a threat to passers-by.

According to the district office in Pfaffenhofen, some kindergartens will also remain closed on Monday and Tuesday.

Winfried Kretschmann and Thomas Strobl visit flood sites in Baden-Württemberg.

Baden-Württemberg's Minister President, Winfried Kretschmann, and Interior Minister Thomas Strobl will go to two flood zones within the state on Monday. In the morning, they're scheduled for Meckenbeuren in the Bodenseekreis, followed by a visit to Erbach in the Alb-Donau-Kreis, according to the state government spokesperson. Kretschmann chose not to visit the flood areas on Sunday, as he stated, "I myself have decided not to go to the site in the acute situation, where every hand is needed and every sandbag could make a difference, but to stay updated and informed closely." The emergency services are stretched to the brink, he indicated on Sunday afternoon.

Ebersbach an der Fils stresses need for evacuation.

Ebersbach an der Fils, a town near Stuttgart, has resorted to a full alarm due to the flood in the evening, alerting all its firefighters. Water masses have broken through a noise barrier at federal highway 10 and flooded the road, showing in a video posted on the city's Facebook page. The city authorities issued a stern plea, "Please stay at home (!) and do not visit the emergency sites. There's a risk to your life, as you can see from the video. Please don't rush into the water; everywhere there could be inaccessible manhole covers." Residents have been advised to avoid their basements and remain on the upper floors.

One victim in the cellar.

As reported by Bayerischer Rundfunk, the flood in southern Germany has led to another casualty. A missing 43-year-old was discovered dead in a cellar.

Around 9:05 PM: Railway service disrupted due to lightning strike on signal box in Dresden area

In Dresden's vicinity, a signal box got affected by a lightning strike, causing regional train traffic to suffer interruptions. This signal box was located in Radeberg, east of the capital city. According to a railway spokesperson, the 43-year-old woman in charge of the box was initially reported as dead, but this was incorrect. Bayerischer Rundfunk now reports that she is still being searched for. The lights went out after the strike, making repairs necessary in the evening. Around two hours later, trains were running consistently again, the spokesperson notes. It was mainly the Dresden-Bautzen-Görlitz regional line that was disrupted.

9:00 PM: Lauingen nursing home evacuated due to flooding

A nursing home near the Danube in Lauingen has been evacuated due to rising water levels. The city's official website confirms that the move is intended to ensure the well-being of the residents. They are being accommodated and cared for in an educational center.

8:30 PM: Massive floods trigger evacuations between Danube and Schmutter

Several communities in the Swabian district of Donau-Ries must be evacuated due to heavy flooding. Residents in Auchsesheim and Heißesheim, as well as parts of Northheim, Mertingen, Asbach-Bäumenheim, and Urfahrhof, will leave their homes, the Donauwörth district office informs. There's a dam break to blame for the flooding. The district urges people to remain calm, gather necessary items, and follow the instructions of the emergency services. They are also establishing emergency shelters.

8:03 PM: Federal Minister Faeser to visit Bavarian flooding sites with Scholz and Söder

With further flooding in Germany's south, German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser have decided to visit the Bavarian flood-affected region on Monday. They'll be meeting with Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and State Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann in Reichertshofen, a town in the district of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, alongside the president of the Technical Relief Service, Sabine Lackner.

7:30 PM: More than 40 schools close down in eight districts

The flood situation has led to the closure of over 40 schools in eight Bavarian districts. The districts of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Aichach-Friedberg, Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, Freising, Fürstenfeldbruck, Dachau, Dillingen, and Augsburg are all affected. In Aichach-Friedberg, for example, all primary, middle, and high schools, as well as local grammar, vocational, and special schools, will have no classes on Monday. In Wertingen, ALL schools are shut. Some kindergartens in Pfaffenhofen will also be closed on Monday and Tuesday.

7:02 PM: Power outages in about 30 Swabian towns

Nearly 30 towns in Swabia suffer from power outages. The network operator LEW, however, anticipates that more power will be provided to these towns by switching to other lines as much as possible. The number of people affected by these outages includes individuals and entire neighborhoods from the regions of Günzburg, Augsburg, and Dillingen. The outages may last varying amounts of time based on the specific situations.

This is what Meckenbeuren currently looks like from above.

The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued warnings for more heavy rainfall, particularly in the southern regions of Germany. Meteorologists in Offenbach predict extreme rainfall, especially near Stuttgart, in the late afternoon. Simultaneously, thunderstorms with heavy rain are anticipated in the Alps and from Saxony to southern Brandenburg and Berlin. Overnight, the Black Forest, the Swabian Alb, the Alpine Foothills, and the Bavarian Forest may experience strong thunderstorms with localized rainfall of up to 40 liters per square meter per hour. Moreover, showers, stronger thunderstorms, and more heavy rainfall are forecasted for Monday morning in the Alpine Foothills south of the Danube. Five to forty liters per square meter per hour of rain is possible during this time.

Due to the escalating flood situation along the Danube, Straubing's mayor, Markus Pannermayr, has declared a disaster alert. This is necessary, the spokesperson added, due to the scope and complexity of the demands and the associated manpower requirements. The Danube level in Straubing is over six meters high. The city expects the level 4 warning, which involves significant flooding, to be exceeded shortly.

The municipality of Meckenbeuren, partially flooded in the Bodenseekreis, has cautioned against flood tourism. Onlookers would hinder emergency services and endanger themselves and others, the police remarked. On Saturday evening, the Schussen river overflowed onto the banks, flooding streets and houses in the districts of Kehlen and Brochenzell.

The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued an official warning for severe thunderstorms in the Brandenburg Oder-Spree district until Sunday afternoon. Lightning strikes, uprooted trees, wind gusts, or falling objects pose dangers, and potential damage to houses as well as landslides and hail is possible.

Due to the flooding, the districts of Dachau and Kelheim have likewise declared a disaster area. Kelheim's district administrator Martin Neumeyer stated that they wanted to ensure efficient coordination and provision of emergency assistance. Dachau's district administrator, Stefan Löwl, echoed this sentiment, noting that local forces could no longer handle the numerous emergency sites in the coming hours.

Deutsche Bahn is extending its leniency policy for train travel to Monday due to ongoing weather conditions in southern Germany. Ticket holders who purchased tickets for travel between Sunday and this Monday and want to reschedule their journeys due to weather-related disruptions may do so, with their ticket binding lifted. The extent of traffic disruptions is unknown, according to a spokesperson. Several long-distance routes in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are affected. Canceled trains include those on the lines Munich-Nuremberg-Berlin, Stuttgart-Mannheim-Frankfurt, and Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Crailsheim-Nuremberg and Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Ulm-Augsburg-Munich.

Around 3000 people in Bavaria have been affected by evacuations due to flooded areas, per a Bavarian Interior Ministry spokesperson in Munich. Additionally, 40,000 deployment forces have been involved in the flood response since the start of the situation, with approximately 20,000 personnel currently active.

"The flood situation in the south is not likely to subside anytime soon," stated weather expert Bernd Fuchs. "Every drop counts." He did not rule out a link to the climate crisis, noting, "This is a clear indication of the direction we're headed."

In Bavaria, more than 3000 people have had to leave their homes due to flooded areas. The Bavarian Interior Ministry in Munich announced this. There are currently over 20,000 people involved in providing assistance across Germany, while over 40,000 were previously engaged in the flood response.

Weather experts from the German Weather Service (DWD) predict that the flood situation in the south won't stabilize anytime soon. As various locations are flooded, local communities fear a high number of evacuations. Bernd Fuchs, a ntv weather expert, believes that more unexpected events will take place, possibly leading to more serious consequences. "Every drop counts," he reiterated. The climate crisis is also considered a potential contributing factor, but its direct impact on the situation remains undetermined.

In the flooded region of Upper Bavaria, a man received a serious electric shock during electrical work. The spokesperson of the Upper Bavaria North Police Department mentioned that a 27-year-old employee of an energy company suffered an electric shock during his work. He was rescued from a flood-stricken area near the town hall in Allershausen by a rescue helicopter and was airlifted to a hospital. The incident is believed to be work-related, given the ongoing flood situation.

As a result of heavy rainfall in South Germany, the water levels on the Upper Rhine have increased, causing a halt in shipping in certain sections. The Rhine High Water Forecasting Center in Rhineland-Palatinate announced that a part of the Upper Rhine near Karlsruhe has been closed for shipping since Saturday. The water level in Maximiliansau achieved the critical shipping level II of 7.50 meters on Saturday night. On Sunday afternoon, the level rose to 8.20 meters, which is expected to drop again during the night. Nevertheless, rising water levels are predicted in the downstream regions: Mannheim, Worms, and Mainz. Furthermore, very high water levels are expected on the Middle and Lower Rhine in the following days, which stand a chance of endangering shipping on the critical waterway. At the Koblenz gauge, a level of about 6.10 meters is expected on Tuesday, which means no ships can operate there. On Wednesday, highest levels are expected in Cologne and Düsseldorf.

In Pfaffenhofen's district of Ilm, Autobahn A9 has been closed for roughly 50 kilometers due to a dam break. The police department authorities from Upper Bavaria North reported a flooded portion of the highway between Allershausen and Ingolstadt. The area is witnessing power outages, with a significant number of people impacted. Residents from the regions of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching were asked to move to higher floors in their homes or apartments.

After experiencing a dam break in the Pfaffenhofen district, the Autobahn A9 was also closed between Ingolstadt-Süd and Langenbruck, affecting both directions. Furthermore, the stretch of A8 towards Munich in Sulzemoos suffers from multiple flooding hindrances. It is suggested to avoid the entire region by taking a detour.

Economy Minister Robert Habeck urges more efforts for climate change mitigation as the flood disaster winds down in southern Germany. Habeck expressed during a visit to the flooded town of Reichertshofen, Bavaria, that "containment of CO2 emissions, to allow time for adaptation, should not be trivialized but prioritized." Habeck claimed that this is a "clear indication that nature and the climate are changing." Century floods, according to him, are now occurring "every few years."

Chancellor Olaf Scholz plans to visit the flood-stricken areas on Monday to gauge the situation personally. This was confirmed by government quarters.

A 22-year-old firefighter is missing after an evacuation operation in Offingen, within the district of Günzburg, at about 2:50 a.m. A spokesman for the police headquarters of Swabia South reported that he was with a colleague from the voluntary fire brigade and three assistants on their way to conduct an evacuation, but their boat capsized. Four helpers were rescued from the water, and the 22-year-old went missing. Since the morning, an extensive search has been carried out for him, with two helicopters now involved. A 42-year-old firefighter has already perished due to the flood.

Meteorologist Björn Alexander from ntv discoveries that the large and widespread heavy rain has cleared up. However, local thunderstorm centers have emerged.

Habeck is traveling in the flood area together with Bavaria's Minister President Söder and Interior Minister Herrmann.

Threats of dam break loom at the Paar. This affects the communities of Rottmannshart, Westenhausen, Lindach, Ernsgaden, Irsching and Knodorf in the Pfaffenhofen district. The authorities request that residents immediately move to higher floors to escape the potential flooding. The basement and cellar areas must be avoided, as per their advice. In case of an emergency, the fire brigade should be notified through the emergency number 112.

Storms have released heavy rain in the flood-hit areas of southern Germany, offering no reprieve.

Bavarian Premier Markus Söder stated that approximately 40,000 emergency personnel are on their way to manage the flood situation across Bavaria. Söder addressed the public during a visit to Upper Bavaria's Reichertshofen, emphasizing the importance of organizing relief operations efficiently over the following hours. He added that those who've been working for extended periods need to be replaced to prevent errors and exhaustion, increasing risks to individuals' safety.

12:29: Straubing sets up dam guards

The Donaupegel in Straubing is predicted to surpass the highest alert level four as per the Bavarian Flood Information Service (HND). In response, dam guards will be established from 3 pm. Fire department members will be present at the site to monitor both peg levels and any damage to the dam. Furthermore, sandbags are being filled.

12:03: Dam break reported in Baar-Ebenhausen

A dam has burst in Baar-Ebenhausen, affecting the municipalities of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching. Residents are requested to leave the ground floor of their homes instantly.

11:37: Chancellor Scholz extends gratitude to rescue personnel in flood-hit regions

Social Democrat (SPD) Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed his appreciation to the rescue teams and volunteers in the flooded areas. He acknowledged the tragic death of a firefighter in Pfaffenhofen during a rescue operation at night, adding, "My thoughts are with his kin and peers." A firefighter from Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm district perished during a rescue effort amid floods.

11:25: Flood situation discussed at Catholic Day in Erfurt

Georg Bätzing, the German Bishops' Conference president, delivered a heartfelt message to those struggling with the aftermath of recent storms, especially in the country's southern regions. Bätzing, while concluding the Catholic Day in Erfurt in front of the Erfurt Cathedral, expressed hope for the protection and care of those affected.

10:59: Meckenbeuren, Bodenseekreis, experiences flooding

The districts of Kehlen and Brochenzell in Meckenbeuren, Bodenseekreis, are submerged, according to the municipality's spokeswoman. The Schussen has exceeded its normal depth, flooding the streets. Almost 1,300 people had already voluntarily evacuated their homes on Saturday, taking refuge in safer locations. Some residents remained in their homes, deciding to stay on the upper floors.

10:34: Fallen firefighter memorialized by Bavarian Prime Minister Söder

Söder, on X, recognized the fallen firefighter in Pfaffenhofen's rescue efforts during the floods. The 42-year-old volunteer firefighter perished when a rescue boat turned over due to heavy rains. Söder expressed sorrow over the tragic incident, conveying his deepest condolences to his fellow firefighters.

10:09: Ukraine reschedules training session due to heavy rainfall before facing Germany

With heavy rainfall anticipated, the Ukrainian national football team has postponed its final training session planned at 6:00 pm on Sunday at the Max-Morlock-Stadion in Nuremberg. Instead, they will train in Erlangen, considering the need to protect the stadium's lawn ahead of their European Championship match against Germany on Monday at 8:45 pm (ARD).

09:52: Munich registers more than 290 firefighter interventions due to flooding

Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.

Munich too grapples with ongoing rainfall. Since 6:00 am on Saturday, the Munich fire department attended over 290 interventions. They focused on pumping water from flooded basements and cellars and dealt with several uprooted trees. A flood warning level 2 of the Isar was exceeded on Saturday evening.

09:24: Anhausen experiences gradual improvement after dam break

As several districts are still under flood risks, Anhausen, where a dam broke five kilometers away, slowly recuperates. "Those evacuated are returning at a slow pace," ntv reporter Niklas Diemer shared. However, other areas remain perilous due to critical water levels.

The Technical Emergency Relief Organization (THW) is sending additional resources to the flooded regions of southern Germany. As per a spokesperson, more than 1800 individuals have been dispatched, aiding in the stabilization of dams, packaging sandbags, and facilitating the displacement of residents from flood-impacted regions. Concurrently, firefighters and other emergency services are actively participating in the rescue operations.

08:15 Dangerous landslide in Baden-Württemberg impacts train and car

The ongoing flood situation in certain parts of Germany remains an area of concern, particularly in the south. The water masses are inflicting damage, and in the eastern part of Baden-Württemberg, a hundred-year flood is in the offing. Resources are stretched as rescuers wrestle with the challenges.

08:05 Rescue operations underway for train caught in landslide at Schwäbisch Gmünd

Schwäbisch Gmünd in Baden-Württemberg is facing a train rescue operation post a landslide. The ICE train that was impacted by the landslide is expected to be freed during the morning hours. The regional train service is unable to traverse the region, and a rescue locomotive has been deployed to aid the process, though the timeline for the disruption to be resolved is uncertain. The ICE train experienced a derailment on Saturday with 185 passengers on board as a result of the landslide.

07:50 Person feared missing in Schrobenhausen

A person is reported as possibly missing in Schrobenhausen, with the individual suspected to have been inside the basement of a house when the floods hit. Teams are unable to reach the structure to execute a rescue at this time, as per the Neuburg-Schrobenhausen district authorities.

07:25 Firefighter perishes in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm floodwaters

A firefighter died in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Upper Bavaria, amidst the floodwaters. Four firefighters gasped for air when their rescue boat capsized and the unfortunate firefighter perished, confirmed the district office authorities.

07:09 Water levels at level 4 in Bavaria - further areas at imminent risk

Bavaria is registering a level 4 water level at multiple locations, with attention focused on the southern tributaries of Günz, Mindel, Zusam, Schmutter, Paar, Abens, Ilm, and Amper, as well as the upper Donau. Nighttime saw the crest peak. The floodwaters are projected to move downstream, heading from Swabia towards Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate, impacting towns like Neuburg, Kelheim, and Regensburg, among others. It is predicted that areas such as Neuburg, Kelheim, Regensburg, Straubing, Mühlried in Schrobenhausen, and Manching and Geisenfeld in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm will be influenced early next week.

06:27 Weather service forecasts further storms in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg

Predictions from the German Meteorological Service (DWD) divulge that substantial thunderstorms with heavy rainfall are impending in large regions of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. This stormy spell is forecast to start by midday on Sunday and continue up until Monday evening, posing dangers such as inundated streets and basements. Lightning may also cause property harm.

04:59 Evacuation notices expanded for Augsburg's flooded areas

Distressed areas in the Bavarian district of Augsburg are witnessing expanded notices for evacuation. The district's Integrated Control Center has advised residents of Kühlenthal and Allmannshofen to evacuate their homes instantly. Buses are available as an option for people without the means to leave independently. Communities along the Schmutter river, a tributary of the Danube, were called for evacuation on Saturday night.

Aerial photos show flooded Meckenbeuren.

04:13 Wiesbaden implements measures against increasing water levels

Wiesbaden has initiated steps to counter the rising water levels on the Rhine and Main rivers. A flood barrier has been erected in Kostheim, as the fire department detailed in the early morning hours. A pump has been installed in the Rhine-side district of Schierstein. To avoid congestion near the river, the fire department requested that parking spaces be avoided in the near future. Current projections do not call for additional measures.

03:43 Suspension of long-distance train traffic between Stuttgart and Munich due to Baden-Württemberg landslide

Landslide blockages in the town of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg, have resulted in the suspension of long-distance train service between Stuttgart and Munich. A train spokesperson greatly doubted as to when the line would reopen in the early morning. The landslide has hindered the bypass between Aalen and Stuttgart, disallowing long-distance train traffic between Ulm and Augsburg due to the rampant flooding in southern Germany. Improvised train routes were enforced.

At night, THW forces in Ulm fill sandbags for flooded and potentially flooded places in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. 30,000 sandbags are planned to be delivered that night, said Bernd Urban, head of the THW logistics center. They can now fill 400 sandbags per hour. Sandbags are requested from different areas in the southwest as well as from neighboring regions of the federal state. Incessant rain has caused excessive water levels at several spots in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

02:25: Red Cross sends water rescuers to Gunzburg

The Bavarian Red Cross is sending water rescuers from Unterfranken to help in the mission in Swabia. The water rescue unit is predicted to be deployed in the particularly affected district of Gunzburg, as the Red Cross reported last night. The water rescue teams from the entire Unterfranken region have received special training for flood rescue operations, including two boat and diving teams. In the Swabian district of Gunzburg, several waterways have reached the levels of a hundred-year flood. This means a flood that occurs or surpasses the statistical average once in 100 years.

01:27: Schwaebisch Gmuend: Two ICE wagons of an ICE train derail due to landslide

Two wagons of an ICE train carrying 185 passengers derailed in the Baden-Württemberg town of Schwaebisch Gmuend due to a landslide. The passengers were unhurt and are currently being evacuated from the train. According to a railway spokesman, the first two wagons left the tracks around 23:20, but did not capsize. The landslide had a width of about 30 meters. The train passengers are expected to stay in a nearby kindergarten and then be taken to Plüderhausen by bus.

00:59: A landslide clears off a car in Schwäbisch Gmünd

A car has fallen victim to a landslide in the town of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg. As per initial police reports, the driver of the car remains unscathed. The landslide happened near a road and a railway track. Schwäbisch Gmünd is roughly 50 kilometers east of Stuttgart. Since Friday, heavy rains have been falling in the region, as in many parts of Baden-Württemberg.

00:14: Neu-Ulm surpasses high water mark - damage unclear

The city of Neu-Ulm is reported to have exceeded the peak of the flood wave on the Danube and Iller rivers, according to the city administration's estimation. Despite high water levels, the feared 100-year flood has not taken place. "We'll only find out how much damage there is once the situation has stabilized," said Mayor Katrin Albsteiger in the evening. Two streets, the Donauufer paths, and the cycle paths along the Danube and Iller are presently closed.

23:44: Danger at the Isar River bank in Munich

The Munich Fire Department has issued a warning about the danger at the Isar River bank due to high water levels. Additionally, the city administration has closed two popular walking paths along the river. The river has reached level 2, as per the Fire Department's report on the platform X. Level 2 means flooding on non-constructed areas or traffic disruptions due to high water on the roads.

23:23: Upper Bavaria: 670 individuals to be evacuated

The fire department and rescue services are preparing to evacuate 670 people in the Upper Bavarian town of Schrobenhausen. In the district of Mühlried and a street along the Weilach River, excavators and boats are being used, as the district administration of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen reports. The authority has also set up a hotline for emergencies. The town had earlier declared a disaster situation. According to District Administrator Peter von der Grün, the situation is particularly concerning in the southern part of the Upper Bavarian district.

23:03: Endless fire department interventions in eastern Thuringia

The helpers manage 400 bags per hour.

Heavy rain and thunderstorms have caused numerous fire department interventions in eastern Thüringen. The control center in Gera announces. The area around Ronneburg in the Greiz district is mainly affected. There are flooded streets, fields, and flooded cellars. In Gera's Liebschwitz district, a small stream has overflowed.

22:45: Prolonged rain is predicted to subside in the south - no relief

According to the German Meteorological Service (DWD), the heavy rainfall in the areas that have been affected or threatened by flooding in southern Germany has slightly decreased. A DWD meteorologist commented, "Tonight we won't see the intense rainfall that was observed yesterday." However, new showers and thunderstorms are anticipated to move in from the north, which could pose a risk of local flooding once more, especially in the afternoon on Sunday. These showers could be quite intimidating and last a long time. "If they hit the already waterlogged ground, then more flooding will occur there," the meteorologist added. The areas most susceptible to the showers and thunderstorms on Sunday are the Swabian Alb, as well as regions north of it and the area surrounding Augsburg, Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Regensburg.

The Freising district has joined the ranks of the 10 affected Bavarian districts, facing a disaster due to overflowing rivers and creeks. The district office issued a statement late in the evening, warning that record-breaking water levels are approaching the Amper and Glonn rivers. The ho-hum town of Hohenkammer is especially vulnerable, along with other Amper-side settlements. Basement emptying is highly recommended for locals to prepare for imminent destruction.

As of 21:50, Dillingen district now adds to the grief of southern Bavaria by declaring a disaster. The officials shared that overwhelming rainfall continues to worsen conditions on the Zusam, a small river branch of the mighty Danube. The Bundeswehr has been invited to aid the crisis team in dealing with a 100-year flood on this diminutive river. The nearby Buttenwiesen and Wertingen towns may also be hit, while a consciousness-raising plan has been initiated concerning livestock. River Danube upstream efforts involve water exodus from its swollen torso into the Riedstrom, an old floodland.

The 8th Bavarian district to give in to the mighty Danube rising is Neuburg-Schrobenhausen. There being a record-breaking question mark about the Neuburg gauge for the impending night, a daunting level 4 is almost certain. As if that weren't enough, the situation is quite hectic on the Paar and Weilach, a tributary and river that disrupt the Danube's equilibrium. In Mühlried of Schrobenhausen, the Weilach has forsaken its limits and now soaks a residential area, leading to evacuation calls from Landrat Peter von der Grün. The gravity of the situation is felt most acutely in the area's south, where he also re-emphasized that infrastructure protection is critical. "Only then can the fire department continue its noble deeds."

The Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) took unprecedented measures with a helicopter to rescue two lives hanging on a house overlooking Babenhausen's overflowing waters. These individuals were teetering on the edge of death, as per an official BRK representative. Thirty or so souls were pulled to safety by other methods, one of which involved corps d'état-mandated crafts.

By 20:34, a declaration of disaster was upon the bodies of Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen citizens due to the Danube's undesirable ambitions. Public offices in Upper Bavaria are on notice with expectations of level 4's significance at the Neuburg gauge. The Weilach in Schrobenhausen District's Mühlried breached its bonds and submerged a housing zone. A consideration to move area dwellers was announced by Landrat Peter von der Grün. This is especially alarming in the southern district, where the theft of roads, bridges, and pathways is a top concern. "Only then can the fire service continue its upstanding duties."

Marooned by relentless flowing waters, people have been stubbornly held captive in their vehicles by their doors. The pretence of security has become, they're drowning slowly in their cars! The rescue official added a fast-moving water menace to a rising water emergency, which could be highly detrimental to those unfortunate enough to find themselves immobile.

In several places near Augsburg, residents have been instructed to evacuate their homes and apartments due to sudden flooding. The Augsburg district spokeswoman warns of impending doom in a town far to the north of the district during the evening hours. Communities such as Batzenhofen, Gablingen, Langweid, Eisenbrechtshofen, Biberbach, Allmannshofen, and the entire municipality of Nordendorf. The Swabia government has opened a makeshift shelter at the Augsburg State Fairgrounds.

Accompanied by a calculated order under the direction of the Bavarian Army Command, Bundeswehr soldiers have become guardian angels in the flood-affected zones of Bavaria. "The Bundeswehr is aiding the two districts of Günzburg and Aichach-Friedberg, who both requested assistance," said the barracks' spokeswoman on Antenne Bayern radio. "In the Günzburg surrounds, they're distributing blankets and field beds. A humongous battalion of 50 Bundeswehr soldiers is en route to Aichach-Friedberg in the next few hours in order to assist as 'helping hands.' In addition, two trucks from the Bundeswehr are actively participating."

The German Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser, has boosted support for the regions in Southern Germany that have been hit by floods. Expressing concern over continuous rain and potential flooding, Faeser emphasized that The Technical Relief Organization (THW) is prepared to deploy more forces. She affirmed their commitment to helping the affected federal states with all available resources. At present, there are 520 male and female THW operatives active in the region. They're rescuing people, reinforcing dikes, and removing water. Faeser appreciated the efforts of all volunteers and civil servants. She urged people in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg to heed instructions and warnings from authorities. "Take these warnings seriously!"

18:58: Restoration of 29 mountain climbers at Zugspitze

In a timely rescue mission, 29 mountain climbers stranded at Zugspitze have been aided by the mountain rescue service. The mountain climbers sent distress calls, resulting in their rescue to the Gletscherrestaurant Sonnalpin at Zugspitzplatt. Bad weather and fresh snow at around 2500 meters above sea level hampered their progress. The mountain rescue service intervened. Zugspitzbahn staff were also en route by snowplows to assist in the search.

18:42: Dangerous storm warning in Brandenburg

The German Weather Service (DWD) sounds an alarm over the potential risks of severe thunderstorms for parts of Brandenburg. For the districts of Dahme-Spreewald, Märkisch-Oderland, and Oder-Spree, the second-highest warning level applies until the evening. Dangers include lightning, falling trees, power lines, rapid flooding of roads, landslides, and hail.

18:11: The A3 closed due to flooding in Southern Germany

The A3 motorway in Bavaria near Regensburg is shut for around 10 km between the exits Parsberg and Beratzhausen in both directions. High water is obstructing the motorway. "The water is coming from the fields onto the motorway," a police spokesman said. Authorities are on the scene, and traffic will be diverted.

17:51: Memmingen Prison evacuated

With flood danger looming over a specific prison in Memmingen, Bavaria, the inmates are being evacuated. As many as 150 detainees will be temporarily relocated to Landsberg, Kempten, and Augsburg. The river Memminger Ach, flowing beside the prison, is threatening to overflow. Some parts of the courtyard are already under water, potentially causing power disruptions. Consequently, the prison staff chose to evacuate the premises. The police and fire department were part of the operation, using pumps to clear water from the prison complexity. The evacuation had to be carried out through flooded streets, as the access route was already flooded.

17:35: Swelling rivers due to severe rain: Levels reaching dangerous levels

The heavy downpour is pushing water levels at several gauges in Swabia to levels 4. In Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate, many rivers are swelling. According to the HND flood warning service, gauges like Neu-Ulm Bad Held (Danube), Hasberg (Mindel), Fleinhausen (Zusam), Fischach (Schmutter), and other locations have surpassed the warning level. In Dasing (Paar), the water levels are anticipated to reach 4, and the same is predicted for the Regen River in Cham, Upper Palatinate. Centennial floods have reportedly occurred in Nattenhausen (Günz) and Dasing (Paar). The Pegel Wiblingen (Iller) will peak on Saturday-Sunday at Meldestufe 3, with declining water levels in the lower Iller. Meanwhile, in northern Donau tributaries like Wörnitz, Sulzach, Altmuhl, Schwarze Laber, and Naab, some stations have crossed Meldestufe 1 and 2, with an increasing trend. Between Neu-Ulm and Kelheim, water levels are to climb to level 3 imminently, with Pegel Kelheim expected to reach this level at night. In the Downstream Donau segment leading to Passau, increments to Meldestufen 1 and 2 are impending.

17:23: Amidst relentless rain, flights at Munich Airport proceed uninterrupted

In spite of heavy rainfall affecting various parts of Bavaria, operations at Munich Airport are progressing as normal. So far, no flights have been canceled. There are multiple reasons for this successful continuity in flight schedules. As airport spokesperson Robert Wilhelm explains to BR, extensive standing water is visible alongside the runways. Furthermore, the airport is built slightly elevated, and the runways are sloped towards the sides, effectively ensuring efficient drainage. In addition, the runways are grooved, hence facilitating faster water runoff. Therefore, no threatening instance of aquaplaning has occurred. The airport anticipates facing no notable complications over the rest of the weekend.

At 17:07, Minister President Markus Soder evaluates the current state of affairs, particularly in the severely stricken Swabia region. He expresses gratitude to the rescuers and authorities during his visit to Diedorf, which is part of the Augsburg district. Bavaria demonstrates adaptability, says Soder, accompanied by Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. Soder remarks on the overwhelming strain faced by the citizens, emphasizing that "this is not over yet" since the point of focus for the storm still lies within Swabia. To resourcefully cope, helpers are converging in Swabia, distributing crucial materials such as sandbags. During this ordeal, Soder gives due recognition to the committed rescue services, including fire department, Red Cross, police, and Technical Relief Organization. To the general public, he urges adherence to the safety protocols. The order of evacuation is paramount, rather than risking descending into cellars or attempting vehicle retrieval from garages.

At 16:35, rail transportation suffers disruptions due to the storms and flooding in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. Deutsche Bahn reports disruptions and train cancellations across South Germany. Two key ICE lines suffer disproportionately. In one case, travelers must endure a halt in service all day Saturday between Munich, Bregenz, and Zurich. Another line endures interruption between Ulm and Augsburg. Intricate details of track suspensions, cancelations, and delays can be accessed on the Bahn website.

At 16:12, the disaster situation extends to the Bavarian district of Unterallgäu. The city of Babenhausen experiences partial network failure in its mobile network. Although emergency calls cannot be made via phone, those in need are advised to hang a white sheet or cloth out of their window to signal their requirement for assistance. In Babenhausen, rescue teams utilize inflatable boats to extract residents trapped in their dwellings.

At 15:57, about 400 forces of the Technical Relief Organization (THW) engage in mitigative efforts throughout South Germany. The THW in Bonn reports this, relaying that these personnel undertake efforts like pumping water, reinforcing dams, and initiating proactive evacuations. A heightened THW readiness is imminent as long as rainfall persists. Mobile flood gauges will soon be installed and monitored, with preparations for additional THW forces in case of escalating flooding.

A staggering 15:37, a single map compiles all flood warnings. The map is consistently updated.

Around 15:15, a mountain climbing group of 26 participants is stranded several hundred meters below the summit of the Zugspitze. According to BR, massive snowfall totalling 60 centimeters accumulated in the past hours, and rainfall fell in the valley. Frigid temperatures and limited visibility, roughly 100 meters, present the perfect blend of adverse conditions. Rescue teams, including the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Mountain Rescue Service, have been dispatched for the search in the blizzard. The exhausted group of climbers may not be adequately equipped for the fierce weather, and circumstances remain opaque regarding why they chose to venture up the Zugspitze during such precarious circumstances.

At 14:52, the Donau-Ries District in Bavaria has sanctioned a disaster declaration. District Administrator Stefan Roßle elaborates that this step is taken to "bring all forces together speedily and efficiently to prepare for the anticipated water levels." He urges citizens to remain composed and avoid venturing into areas located at low elevations during this period.

2:20 PM: Dam Bursts in Augsburg's Swabian Region - Evacuation Underway

A dam break has occurred in Augsburg's Swabian region, prompts forced relocation for some residents. The district authority warns that those living in particular parts of Diedorf must vacate their houses immediately. The Anhausen district of Diedorf is getting ready for an evacuation process. Per the Augsburg Landratsamt, residents in these areas ought to leave their homes within the subsequent hour and relocate to the Diedorf Schmuttertalhalle. Officials also urge individuals to steer clear of railway underpasses to avoid potential danger. A dam in Burgwalden has fractured, while a dike at the Anhauser Weiher has caved in. Authorsies are urging the people inhabiting these areas to evacuate their homes independently.

Söder and Herrmann Head to Flood-Stricken Augsburg

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann are en route to Augsburg's Swabian district on Saturday. Their visit aims to gain a first-hand experience of the intense flooding impacting Diedorf, as announced by the Interior Ministry. District Administrator Martin Sailer is to join them. The location for their visit was altered at short notice to address the rapidly escalating flood situation in Diedorf. Earlier, plans included a visit to Fischach, another heavily afflicted locality. In Diedorf, evacuations are currently being arranged. The flood scenario is highly critical in Swabia, as water levels in the region are increasing at an alarming rate. The districts of Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg, after Günzburg, have officially declared disasters.

Worsening Situation in Meckenbeuren

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

The flood problem in Meckenbeuren, located in the Bodenseekreis, is deteriorating. According to a municipal representative, the Schussen river level has climbed to 4.72 meters in the afternoon. There's optimism that the peak will be reached soon. During the last flood in 2021, the river reached a height of 4.50 meters. Typically, it carries only 45 centimeters of water. Around 1300 residents have been asked to leave their homes as a safety measure. The majority of them opted to stay with friends or relatives. Just a handful opted for the emergency shelter. To prevent damage from floodwater, schools, nurseries, and halls were emptied out in advance. In the town of 14,000 inhabitants, bridges were also blocked as a preventive measure.

Read also:

The Donau cruise ship, with a majority of American and English tourists aboard, was stranded due to the flood in Deggendorf.

Despite the heavy rain ceasing, international disaster tourists continue to flock to the flood-stricken areas in Upper Palatinate, hoping to witness the Vils flood.



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