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Assignment for payment card is delayed

The refugee payment card is intended to relieve communities and prevent money from flowing to middlemen. 14 federal states want to introduce a uniform system. However, there are issues.

14 federal states are involved in the planned refugee payment card, only Bavaria and...
14 federal states are involved in the planned refugee payment card, only Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are going their own ways.

Migration - Assignment for payment card is delayed

At the nationwide introduction of a payment card for refugees, there are delays. The reason are objections from companies in the bidding process, as Dataport spokeswoman Karen Hoffmann told the German Press Agency.

"The award ceremony was planned for yesterday, but it cannot take place now because we still have a few review procedures before the Vergabekammer Baden-Württemberg", Hoffmann told the German Press Agency. Therefore, the procurement process for the service provider of the payment card is still running. Previously, the "Bild" newspaper had reported on this.

Regarding the background, the cost, and the possible duration of these review procedures and how they could delay the introduction of the payment card, Hoffmann could not say anything. The Vergabekammer Baden-Württemberg also declined to comment on ongoing proceedings.

The local Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann hopes that the card will still be introduced before the elections in three eastern German federal states in September coming. "The delay has nothing to do with the political debate", said the Green politician. It's just about technical objections.

Dataport was commissioned with the bidding process for the planned nationwide contactless payment system for refugees. 14 out of 16 federal states had agreed to this at the end of January. Bayern and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are going their own ways. The card is intended to prevent cash payments to smugglers or families in the home countries, relieve municipalities in administration, and reduce the incentive for irregular migration.

  1. Despite the delays in the nationwide introduction of the payment card for refugees in Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg's Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann remains hopeful for a pre-election rollout in three eastern German federal states.
  2. The objections from some companies during the bidding process for the refugee payment card contract award in Hamburg have resulted in delays, according to Dataport spokeswoman Karen Hoffmann.
  3. The Federal states, excluding Bayern and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, have agreed to commission Dataport with the bidding process for the national contactless payment system for refugees, aimed at reducing incentives for irregular migration.
  4. The German Press Agency reported on the delays in the card's introduction, as Hoffmann mentioned that the award ceremony had originally been scheduled for yesterday but was postponed due to pending review procedures.
  5. The possible duration and costs of these review procedures, which could potentially impact the finances and timeline for the implementation of the refugee payment card, remain unspecified by both Dataport and the Vergabekammer Baden-Württemberg.

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