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Assault on Trump: What we know, what we don't know

The attack on Ex-President Trump shockes the USA. The events are turning around. What exactly happened? And what will be the consequences for the campaign?

Trump will continue his campaign after the attack.
Trump will continue his campaign after the attack.

In the US election campaign - Assault on Trump: What we know, what we don't know

A protector shot ex-President Donald Trump at a campaign event in the state of Pennsylvania. The 78-year-old was injured during the incident on a Saturday (local time). Here's an overview of what we know and the aspects that are currently unclear:

How severe is Trump's injury?

Trump wrote on his self-founded platform Truth Social that a bullet hit him in the upper part of his right ear. He left the stage, supported by Secret Service security forces, with a bleeding ear. He raised his fist in the air. Trump was medically examined. A few hours later, his campaign team released a video showing him descending the stairs of the aircraft in the state of New Jersey.

Was Trump lucky in the accident?

It's too early to say for sure. But his statements initially suggested that he was only lightly wounded by a bullet in the ear. A bullet that was a few centimeters further to the side could have hit him directly in the head - in the worst-case scenario.

Who fired the shots at Trump?

The FBI identified the suspected shooter as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old man from the vicinity of Pittsburgh in the state of Pennsylvania. His residence in Bethel Park is about 75 kilometers south of the attack site in Butler. He was killed by security forces. Media reports suggested that he was quickly shot by sharpshooters. The Secret Service initially did not provide details about the shooting of the shooter.

What was the motive of the shooter?

There were initially no confirmed findings. US media reported that the shooter was registered as a Republican in the voter registry, but he had also donated to a democratic group at least once. Investigators could examine among other things the psychological condition of the man, his finances, and his online activities.

How did the shooter manage to shoot at Trump?

The suspected shooter opened fire from an "elevated position" outside the event location. Videos suggested that he shot from a nearby roof. Investigators reportedly found a semi-automatic rifle of the AR-15 type at the crime scene. Whether the suspected shooter had legally purchased the weapon and how much ammunition he carried, remained unclear at first. It was also not known how proficient he was in handling the weapon.

Were the security measures sufficient?

Ex-President Trump is protected by the Secret Service - the security measures are not as extensive as for a sitting president. It is expected that there will be a detailed debriefing of the incident in Butler in the coming weeks and months. A central question could be whether the security personnel should have had better control of the "elevated position" with a direct line of sight to Trump on the podium, although it was outside the event grounds.

Who else was harmed in the attack?

One spectator was killed, two others were injured and were initially in critical condition. According to the police, the victims were adult men. Panic broke out in the audience after the incident. The event site was evacuated.

Does Trump continue his campaign?

Trump will win the Presidency election in early November - in less than four months - and secure another term by defeating Democratic incumbent Joe Biden. The Republican Party convention begins in Milwaukee on this Monday, where Trump is set to be officially nominated as his party's candidate for the election. The convention is expected to go ahead as planned. Both the party and Trump's campaign team confirmed this in a joint statement. This suggests that Trump will continue his campaign.

Will Trump use the attack for his campaign?

Trump has always portrayed himself as a martyr and someone whom his political opponents try to remove by any means. He successfully used the four legal proceedings against him to mobilize his supporters and raise funds. He might therefore try to exploit the attack systematically for his purposes. A few hours after the shooting in Butler, his team sent out the first campaign text message with the words: "I will never give up" - and a direct link to the donation website.

Is a Trump victory now more likely?

We don't know. Immediately after the incident, there were no new polls that allowed an assessment of the impact of the attack on voters. Among Republicans, who generally support Trump, he could find even more approval in the future. Whether undecided voters - or even some Democrats - will be won over by him, however, remains open.

How does Biden react?

The US President condemned the attack on Trump sharply. "I'm glad to hear that he's safe and doing well," he stated immediately after the incident. He prayed for him and Trump's family, as well as for all those who had attended the rally. Such violence has no place in America. Later, he appeared before the cameras and said, "This is sick, this is sick." According to the White House, Biden and Trump spoke to each other personally.

Could the attack lead to further violence?

We don't know. However, the upcoming political reactions could also play a role: Will politicians try to use the violent act to incite their supporters? US Vice President Kamala Harris warned against this after the attack. "We all need to condemn this heinous act and contribute to ensuring it does not lead to further violence," the Democrat urged.

  1. Despite the incident, former President Trump's campaign team confirmed that they will continue their preparations for the US Election 2024 in Milwaukee.
  2. The Federal Police identified the alleged shooter as a 20-year-old named Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel, a town in Pennsylvania.
  3. The US-Media reported that Crooks was registered as a Republican but had also donated to a Democratic group, adding an intriguing layer to the investigation.
  4. The shooting took place during an election campaign event in Pennsylvania, a state that has been a battleground in previous US Elections.
  5. As Trump's campaign team geared up for the Republican Party convention, questions arose about the security measures at election campaign events following the incident.
  6. Luck seemed to have played a role in the incident as a bullet struck Trump in the upper part of his right ear, rather than directly hitting his head.
  7. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) started an investigation into the motive behind the shooting, looking into Crooks' psychological condition, finances, and online activities.
  8. In the aftermath of the attack, Joe Biden, the incumbent US President, condemned the act and expressed his well-wishes for Trump's speedy recovery.
  9. The attack stirred concerns about potential political conflicts and further violence leading up to the US Election 2024, with US Vice President Kamala Harris urging for peace.
  10. The Federal Police searched for evidence in the area where the shooting took place and investigated how Crooks obtained the weapon used in the incident, which was a semi-automatic rifle of the AR-15 type.
  11. The tragic incident brought the focus back onto the role of security at political events, particularly those involving high-profile figures like former President Trump, amid growing concerns about Criminality and threats of Assassination.

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