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Assange's Relentless Struggle for Personal Liberty Unfolds

Address U.S. Judicial System Matters - Assange's Relentless Struggle for Personal Liberty Unfolds

In a bold move, Julian Assange stepped forward to reveal hidden truths and stir up the mighty, be they nations, politicians, corporations, or wealthy elites. On his platform, Wikileaks, the hacker and activist started publishing concealed documents of various kinds, which were supplied to him by so-called whistleblowers back in 2007. The year 2010 marked a significant triumph for Wikileaks: They publicly shared over 470,000 secret US documents, including classified diplomatic activities and military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Later, an additional 250,000 documents were added. These documents contained stunning revelations about US activities in these countries, such as civilian casualties and prisoner mistreatment. The most iconic document is a video taken from a US military helicopter, showcasing American soldiers firing upon civilians and journalists in Bagdad.

Yet, there were also controversial releases. In the heated year of the 2016 US election, Wikileaks published thousands of emails from the Democratic Party. These releases severely damaged Hillary Clinton's campaign and backed Donald Trump. It is widely assumed that the Russian intelligence service had provided the emails to Wikileaks.

Beginning in 2012, Assange eluded arrest in the UK by seeking shelter in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, living in confinement until 2019. Following Ecuador's denial of further residency, Assange was captured by British police and transferred to a London prison. Since then, Assange and his supporters have been battling against extradition to the USA, where he faced the possibility of a life sentence. Recently, the Australian reached an agreement with the US Department of Justice, according to which he'll partially acknowledge wrongdoing and, in return, avoid further imprisonment in the United States.

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In the realms of international politics, Julian Assange's actions with Wikileaks led to the publication of sensitive documents from Afghanistan and Iraq, revealing instances of civilian casualties and prisoner mistreatment by the US. Despite seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London to avoid arrest, Assange was eventually extradited from the UK to face potential charges in the United States related to the release of leaked documents from Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the 2016 US election.

